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PLA Tibetan garrison's smart clean energy movable container baracks sitting on the very edge of Chinese Indian borders


Nov 4, 2011
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PLA Tibetan garrison's smart clean energy movable container baracks sitting on the very edge of Chinese Indian borders, providing 25℃ indoor temperature all year round.

PLA Tibetan garrison smart container barracks, fully operational on solar energy, fully air-conditioned, able to work normally even below 30 degrees celsius, indoor temperature can be adjusted between 16-30 degrees celsius.

Highly digital and with good ventilation, can have up to 6 soliders live in each one, highly movable with the movement of the troops.

The barracks' design and material make them sturdy, moisture-proof and cold-resistant, even keep the room temperature at 25 degrees Celsius even in the worst of snow storms

Equipped with cutting-edge camouflage nets, the barracks are difficult to detect and suitable for field operations.

The new facilities provide strong logistical support and ensured the troops' combat capability.

New barracks and other improvements can let troops have enough rest and guarantee their quality of life so that they can work together with better morale.

According to the official People's Liberation Army (PLA) website 81.cn, all frontline training troops and border outposts barracks have been equipped with oxygen generators and oxygen cylinders.






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Indian soldier in Kashmir complains of deplorable food, frequent hunger
Dawn.com 09 Jan 2017

The man, identifying himself as a soldier of the Border Security Force, says his battalion does not have access to nutritious food.

The man, identifying himself as a soldier of the Border Security Force, says his battalion does not have access to nutritious food.

The man in the video introduces himself as Tej Bahadur Yadav, a soldier serving in the 29th Battalion of the Border Security Force (BSF). He is standing with a snow-covered mountain in the backdrop.

"We don't want to blame the government because it does send us the food. However, it is all sold off in the markets before it gets to us," Yadav claims in the video.

"A lot of times we go to sleep hungry," the soldier adds, saying their breakfast consists of a "burnt paratha" with tea, and tasteless lentils for lunch and dinner.

"How are we expected to perform a 10-hour-long duty with this nutrition," Yadav says, adding the situation has been persisting for over 10 days and counting.

"I want to reiterate the Indian government does send us food but we don't know where it goes," the BSF soldier said, adding he fears for his life for raising the issue.

"Spread this message and make sure it reaches the concerned authorities as I do not know what will become of me after this video is posted," Yadav says.

Later, Indian Home Minister Raj Nath directed the ministry of foreign affairs to submit a report on BSF, DawnNews reported.

@proudindian20 @SuperStar20

We China can sell u a container for usd5 mil each. :enjoy:

You indians want to play long stand off? Go ahead. :lol:
India already begged Chinese companies to sell them winter gear to keep their soldiers supplied for the coming months ... this was discovered and the shipments never made it through. Looks like nothing is going to stop the Indians from being turned into popsicles.
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India already begged Chinese companies to sell them winter gear to keep their soldiers supplied for the coming months ... this was discovered and the shipments never made it through. Looks like nothing is going to stop the Indians from being turned into popsicles.
China makes and provides everything to this world, during the coronavirus breakout all so called developed countries begged China for PPE and ventilators, their people's lives depend on how quick and how many China can provide.
India basically couldn't produce anything, they have to come to China for winter supplies if they don't want to see their soliders freeze to death in the Himalayas this coming winter.

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