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PIA plane 'held back' by Malaysian authorities over UK court case

pajeets and patwari join forces now we need a parsee in the mix too, mebbe a diesel chor as-well

this plane was leased from vietnam in 2015 when crooked patwaris and pandits ruled Pakistan. PIA was unable to pay for it due to khaqan abbassi sabotaging it to make his own business a success. op is behaving as if PM Khan disabled PIA from paying its dues. it was the haramkhors of PMLN (pandit modi league [n])


"A spokesperson for PIA has revealed that the non-payment case against the national carrier was filed by Perigreen in the UK about six months ago.

However, the Malaysian court issued an ex-parte decision that caused inconvenience to the passengers, the spokesperson added."
Malaysia who is a great buddy of Pakistan apprehended a Pakistani plane.
No one ever claimed that India had anything to do with that.
It is just that Malaysian stance regarding Kashmir has changed after Mahathir was shown the door and change of the Government in that country. India definitely had a role in that by using Palm Oil stick.
India doesn’t have any explaining to do here. It is Pakistan’s turn. How come a great buddy of theirs has taken this action.
This is just to bring out the realities of international diplomacy. Nations talk sometimes to gain some points with domestic audience or some other motives. When time comes to do the talk they run away as in this case.
Malaysia who is a great buddy of Pakistan apprehended a Pakistani plane.
No one ever claimed that India had anything to do with that.
It is just that Malaysian stance regarding Kashmir has changed after Mahathir was shown the door and change of the Government in that country. India definitely had a role in that by using Palm Oil stick.
India doesn’t have any explaining to do here. It is Pakistan’s turn. How come a great buddy of theirs has taken this action.
This is just to bring out the realities of international diplomacy. Nations talk sometimes to gain some points with domestic audience or some other motives. When time comes to do the talk they run away as in this case.
Likewise Nepal once was considered like an Indian State but now they openly show Modi the middle finger, as for the plane, it wasn't exactly apprehended by Malaysian authorities rather the Malaysian court adhering to some International laws and rules.
A Pakistan International Airlines plane has been held back by Malaysian authorities over a British court case, the airline said on Friday, adding that it would pursue the matter through diplomatic channels.

The Boeing 777 aircraft was seized after a court order, an airline spokesman said, and alternative arrangements were being made for passengers due to fly back to Pakistan.

“A PIA aircraft has been held back by a local court in Malaysia taking a one-sided decision pertaining to a legal dispute between PIA and another party pending in a UK court,” a PIA spokesman said in a statement.

The national carrier in a statement described the situation as “unacceptable” and said it had asked for support from Pakistan’s government to raise the matter diplomatically.

The company did not say where the plane was being held. The spokesman told Reuters that the matter related to an arbitration case over payments being heard in a UK court. Further details of the case were not immediately available.

Malaysian authorities did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

With more than $4 billion in accumulated losses, PIA was already struggling financially when flights were grounded last year due to the pandemic.

As it resumed operations in May, a domestic PIA flight crash in Karachi killed 97 of 99 people on board.

Pakistan’s aviation industry was then hit by a scandal in which pilots were found to hold “dubious” licences – prompting a number of countries to ban PIA from operating flights in their jurisdictions.

The airline was banned from flying to the European Union for six months over safety compliance concerns under a ban still in place.

Commenting on the legal dispute, PIA spokesperson Abdullah Hafeez Khan told Dawn.com that it was a "payment dispute between us and the party Perigreen" that had been filed in the UK courts about six months ago.

The spokesperson refused to give further details on the dispute, adding that the Malaysian court took an "ex-parte decision causing inconvenience to the passengers who had already boarded the plane".

In response to a question about the issue, Foreign Office spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri said the Pakistani high commission in Malaysia was in close contact with the relevant Malaysian authorities and PIA "to address the issue at the earliest".

"Meanwhile, the passengers are being properly looked after and alternate arrangements for their travel to Pakistan have also been finalised," he said, adding that they will be departing Kuala Lumpur by Emirates flight EK-343 later tonight.

If incompetency had a face it would be Imran Khan. He and his team has ruined everything.

There is sequel of failures. Journey started from selection of goons in KP and now incompetancy is prevalent in the Federal Govt. Team of Imran will not stop here. The next episode of lame excuse is 'main kahan say farashtay laoon'

It's a problem related to lease of two jets made in 2015. New management is actually renegotiating leases and they've prematurely cancelled the lease on ATRs as well. Previous managements and governments had made expensive deals and now since alot of aircraft are grounded this management has been instructed to take advantage and renegotiate cheaper terms on newer build aircraft that would be safer and cheaper to operate.

These things had been piling up for years and no one was willing to make the hard decisions. PIA employees had been given enough time to mend things and they filed cases against gov appointed CEOs as well as resisted changes by gov. Decades of Political PIA appointees and PALPA brought this on themself. It's time they stopped playing with people's lives and getting bailed out by gov handouts and our patriotism. I don't want my hard earned tax money being used for salaries of people who are unqualified. Pakistan spends a pretty large chunk of its budget on defunct institutions.

Since it's unfixable now. Solution which is being worked is restructuring, relocating PIA from KHI to ISB and trying to rebuild it from scratch.
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hey ------ why are you competing ------------------------------ to post same thing again? https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/pia-...ties-over-uk-court-case.698200/#post-12911749

or you pay vietnam their dues, problem solved. if Pakistanis were to do something as dumb as you suggest they will face more serious charges
what country you belong? and what gives you the right to make any derogatory comment on anyone?

its so easy to show you your place right now, i dont want to fall to your level and do that. its matter of seconds to do it...
@The Eagle @WebMaster @waz will you allow a derogatory comment like pajeet from this member?

retaliation will be easy but it will take both of us and this forum down...
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aircraft belong to irish company aercap not Pia its was leasing issue . pia cant pay 0.9mn$ per month for just parking them idle .
PIA leased two of b-777-200 from aerocap of ierland in 2015 .
leasing amount is 0.9mn$ per month .
leasing time is 6 years .
PIA want to reduce the leasing amount as of COVID issue or take back their jets . aercap did not agreed on both . PIA stopped paying and case is in court . today local aerocap impounded via court their jet at malaysia . nothing to jump like monkey here .
PIA send one of its own b-777 to bring passengers

earlier PIA returned its ATR-72 to south african firm before then contract finish too because of covid-19 issue and south african firm took back her planes .
Pakistan should raise this matter at the OIC.
This is not a political matter. It's corporate hand twisting no need to involve governments.
The move is bad but if PIA returns these planes I doubt they will get another operator for 15yr old jets especially since there are so many grounded jets out there. PIA should be ready to stand a tougher stance after this.
This is not a political matter. It's corporate hand twisting no need to involve governments.
The move is bad but if PIA returns these planes I doubt they will get another operator for 15yr old jets especially since there are so many grounded jets out there. PIA should be ready to stand a tougher stance after this.
This is a political matter.

The world is running on bailouts and write offs and this Indo Malayan corporate mafia is out for Pakistani comfort.
View attachment 707093

Last year I tried to see the history of various cabinet ministers (Pakistani) and found that most of them were MINISTER in PPP or PMLN or both...

Can feel 😪

This is the sad reality of Pakistani politics. PTI isin large parts very much new bottle, old wine. At least it's a start, there are some promising new faces who are doing a lot of work.
This is not a political matter. It's corporate hand twisting no need to involve governments.
The move is bad but if PIA returns these planes I doubt they will get another operator for 15yr old jets especially since there are so many grounded jets out there. PIA should be ready to stand a tougher stance after this.
OIC should be moved. It should be moved to have Mahatir removed from that extremist list.
Since it's unfixable now. Solution which is being worked is restructuring, relocating PIA from KHI to ISB and trying to rebuild it from scratch.
I thought PIA confirmed that they will stay in KHI and any relocation was fake news?
Not possible. Malaysia is a solid brother of Pakistan and would fight with India on Kashmir cause.
It is fake news to create rift between two solid brothers.
Hey not solid brother, he is ferrous brother along with China and Turkey....
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