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Philippine Warship in Standoff With China Vessels

Currently there's some infighting going on in the Chinese government,so it eagerly tries to divert public attention away from its internal struggles,it's a perfect timing to have a local conflict and take back some islands in Spratly.the largest Philipino warship shouldnt have just stood back and run.show some spine and take the challenge,you are the largest.

why dont you show some spine and initiate a face-off with the Americans...why trouble a much smaller Filiipino navy.
why dont you show some spine and initiate a face-off with the Americans...why trouble a much smaller Filiipino navy.

does US have any claim over the Spratly?we did challenge US in Korea and Vietnam.when was the last time you chanllenged a world power?
does US have any claim over the Spratly?we did challenge US in Korea and Vietnam.when was the last time you chanllenged a world power?

Is challenging a world power a parameter for being a strong force?

Forget spratly, just ask your navy to go into the oceans and take the US navy head-on. Since you mentioned in ur earlier post that this is a perfect time for a conflict, you create your own issues and then go after the Americans.

We will see what response the Americans give you.
These fisherman are illegally poaching around Scarborough shoal and were caught with all kinds of marine livestocks afteir their boats were boarded by PN sailors, are we just suppose to let this happen and not enforce the law ...

The Chinese claim the sea and hence they are fishing on legitimate territory. The fishermen are answerable to their own government only.
does US have any claim over the Spratly?we did challenge US in Korea and Vietnam.when was the last time you chanllenged a world power?

Without Soviet backing, China didn't do nothing.
US claim for free shipping, navigation. No chinese lake.
Is challenging a world power a parameter for being a strong force?

Forget spratly, just ask your navy to go into the oceans and take the US navy head-on. Since you mentioned in ur earlier post that this is a perfect time for a conflict, you create your own issues and then go after the Americans.

We will see what response the Americans give you.

Are you kidding ? The little chinese will piss in their pants before confronting a world power. They can only threaten tiny nations. I do hope US sends a couple of destroyers in this area. It would be fun to see chinese navy soldiers run like cowards.
China Philippines
Total Population 1,330,044, 544 96,061,680
Military Manpower Available 729,323,673 46,724,739
Fit for Military Service 609,273,077 38,059,588
Active Military Personnel 2,255,000 113,000
Active Military Reserves 800,000 131,000
Total Air-Based Weapons 1,900 257
Total Land-Based Weapons 31,300 411
Total Naval Units 760 36
Towed Artillery Systems 14,000 242
Merchant Marine Strength 1,822 391
Major Ports and Terminals 8 6
Aircraft Carriers 1 0
Destroyers 21 0
Frigates 42 1
Submarines 68 0
Patrol Coastal Craft 368 24
Mine Warfare Craft 39 0
Amphibious Operations Craft 121 12
Defense Budget / Expenditure $59,000,000,000 $1,348,000,000
Foreign Reserves $1,534,000,000,000 $33,750,000,000
Square Land Area 9,596,960km 300,000 km

Source: Global Fire Power

China has 21 destroyers, the Philippines has none .China has 68 submarines, the Philippines has zero. The Philippines has a longer coastline than China but it only has 24 patrol coastal craft, China has 368.

No contest, China wins hands down! If the Philippines decides to go to war against the powerful China, the former will be collecting its disintegrated pump boats floating on the South China Sea.

Is challenging a world power a parameter for being a strong force?

Forget spratly, just ask your navy to go into the oceans and take the US navy head-on. Since you mentioned in ur earlier post that this is a perfect time for a conflict, you create your own issues and then go after the Americans.

We will see what response the Americans give you.

why?for what reason?why not ask US to do this to China instead.
why?for what reason?why not ask US to do this to China instead.

Since its you who said its a perfect time for a conflict to deviate attention from local issues.

I believe the Americans will be ready to engage you ANYTIME.
Is challenging a world power a parameter for being a strong force?

Forget spratly, just ask your navy to go into the oceans and take the US navy head-on. Since you mentioned in ur earlier post that this is a perfect time for a conflict, you create your own issues and then go after the Americans.

We will see what response the Americans give you.

that's what US always does when asked for help from an ally.
Balance of forces

Four warships of the Republic of Vietnam participated in the battle: three frigates, Trần Bình Trọng (HQ-5),[1] Lý Thường Kiệt (HQ-16),[2] and Trần Khánh Dư (HQ-4), [3], and one corvette, Nhật Tảo (HQ-10).[4] In addition, a platoon of South Vietnamese naval commandos, an underwater demolition team, and a regular ARVN platoon were stationed on the islands.

The People’s Republic of China had four warships for most parts of the battle, (PLAN corvettes # 271, #274, # 389 and # 396). This force was then reinforced by two more Kronstad-Class submarine chasers (# 281 and # 282) after the end of the battle. In addition, two PLA marine battalions and an unknown number of irregular militia landed on the islands.

In comparison, the total displacements and weapons of the Republic of Vietnam’s four warships were remarkably more than those of the People’s Republic of China. There were four ships of each side engaging in the battle. The supporting and reinforcement forces of China’s PLAN did not take part in this battle for real.

In the early morning of January 19, 1974, Vietnamese troops from HQ-5 landed on Duncan Island (Quang Hòa in Vietnamese) and came under fire from Chinese troops, after HQ-5 opened fire first on the Chinese troops stationed on the island while advancing toward the shores of the island. Three Vietnamese soldiers were killed and two others were injured. Outnumbered, the Vietnamese ground forces withdrew by landing craft, but their small fleet itself did not: instead, they drew up close to the Chinese ships in a tense standoff.

At 10:24 a.m., two Vietnamese ships, HQ-16 and HQ-10 opened fire against Chinese ships. Then, HQ-4, HQ-5 did the same thing. The ensuing sea battle lasted for about 40 minutes, with numerous vessels on both sides sustaining damage. The small Chinese ships maneuvered into the blind spots of the main cannons on the larger Vietnamese warships and succeeded in damaging all four Vietnamese ships, particularly the HQ-10. The Nhật Tảo (HQ-10) could not retreat because her last working engine was disabled in the battle: the ship's crew was ordered to evacuate, but her captain, Major [navy Lt. Commander] Ngụy Văn Thà, remained under fire and went down with his ship. HQ-16, severely shot by a friendly ship, the HQ-5, was forced to retreat westwards. Meanwhile, HQ-4 and HQ-5, were forced to retreat.

The next day, Chinese jet fighters and ground-attack aircraft from Hainan bombed the three islands, and were followed up with an amphibious landing force. The South Vietnamese Marine garrison was captured, and the naval force retreated to Đà Nẵng.

While the battle was going on, the Vietnamese fleet detected two Chinese reinforcing warships rushing to the area; China later acknowledged that these were the Hainan-Class submarine chasers #281 and #282. Despite reports that at least one Vietnamese craft had been struck by a missile, China insisted that no missile-bearing ships were involved in the battle. In addition, the South Vietnamese fleet also received warnings from the United States that their naval radar had detected additional Chinese guided missile frigates and MiG jet fighters on their way from nearby Hainan. South Vietnam requested assistance from the US Seventh Fleet, but the request was rejected.

The South Vietnamese claim of her own casualties was agreed to by the Chinese. According to the claim, warship HQ-10 was sunk, HQ-16 was heavily damaged, HQ-5 and HQ-4 were both lightly damaged. Fifty-three (53) Vietnamese soldiers, including Captain Ngụy Văn Thà, of HQ-10 were killed, 16 others were injured. On January 20, 1974, the Dutch tanker, Kopionella, rescued 23 survivors of HQ-10. On January 29, 1974, Vietnamese fishermen found a group of 15 Vietnamese soldiers near Mũi Yến (Qui Nhơn), who had participated in the combat on Quang Hòa island, and escaped on lifeboats.[5]


As a result of the battle, the People’s Republic of China established control over all of the Paracel Islands, which it calls the Xisha Islands. South Vietnam protested bitterly to the United Nations, but was unable to achieve neither any action nor even public consideration: China, with veto power on the UN Security Council, blocked all efforts to bring up the matter. By January 25, the President of the Security Council, Gonzalo Facio Segreda, publicly advised South Vietnam to give up, because they simply “could not muster the votes.” (NYT, 1/26/74.)
I will pray to allah in support of my phillipino brothers...

#Chinese govt is so evil. They killed my brothers in Xinjiang and now threatening innocent people. May Allah erase China from this planet !!

keep praying and do it hard.

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