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Pew poll finds Romney edges ahead of Obama after debate

congratulations on losing trillions on foreign wars..Hope the next president doesn’t disappoint you...

I doubt if they'd want another war.

And besides, a Republican candidate winning the presidency doesn't scare anyone at all.
Looks like a bunch of people are nervous at the potential of an A$$ertive America. And yes, you people read the highlighted correctly.

Romney is not as spineless as Obama. He will put America first and if that pisses a lot of countries off, like B43, he will do it. The world want a self weakened US and Romney will not allow that to happen.

This second debate will not convince independents that either man 'won' or 'lost' but only who has the superior vision for the US. Even if by stretching metrics and definition that give the second debate to Obama, the die is set -- that Romney is not the unknown quantity or monster that the Democrats tried to make him out to be. That impression was dispelled by the clear victory by Romney in the first debate. So clear that it will make any supposedly 'victory' by Obama in this second debate -- worthless.

Sadly enough for Obama, many Americans now finally silently admit to themselves that the 2008 candidate Obama was grossly unqualified compared to the unfairly maligned Palin. And the 2012 candidate is not that much better compared to the challenger. Romney beat Obama to a pulp in the first debate, now all he has to do is draw on the 2nd and 3rd and the odds on election day will be 50/50. The 2nd debate was a draw. And please do not bring up CNN or MSNBC commentators because when liberal news people had to admit to institutional bias inside their organizations, any 'analyses' is automatically suspect.

Get nervous, people...The real 'Hope and Change' may not be the one you want. :lol:

Nobody disputes that the shine has come off the Obama image.

The question is whether Romney has convinced people that he can do better. Only time will tell (3 weeks...)
Romney or obama doesn't matter. Both are good for Indian prospects.
Nobody disputes that the shine has come off the Obama image.

The question is whether Romney has convinced people that he can do better. Only time will tell (3 weeks...)

Actually Romney has to only prove to be remotely acceptable to win, effectively just give people a chance to vote out Obama. The extraordinary part of this election campaign has been Team Obama's ability to keep it this close with the economy that they have. The natural inclination of people in such economic conditions is to blame the President regardless of his efforts & team Obama had to overcome that natural inclination and they had so far done it by painting Romney as an extremist & a crank. The first debate punched holes in that argument & regardless of the stronger showing in the second, Obama has opened up the door & let Romney in. Barring major missteps by Romney, it will be a very close election.
Actually Romney has to only prove to be remotely acceptable to win, effectively just give people a chance to vote out Obama.

That will only work with ideologs, not the middle crowd.

Changing the President is not like changing a shirt where you try things out just on the off-chance that it might be better. There is always inertia and people are reluctant to switch unless the incumbent does something really stupid or the challenger is truly a standout. Neither of those is the case here; it's a choice between two ho hum candidates, so why jump ship?

Romney has better credentials in terms of the economy but he keeps putting his foot in his mouth, especially about issues which are already weak points for Republicans. First it was the 47% remark, now it's the binders full of women gaffe. It's unfair but that's the game and he should know better.
That will only work with ideologs, not the middle crowd.

Changing the President is not like changing a shirt where you try things out just on the off-chance that it might be better. There is always inertia and people are reluctant to switch unless the incumbent does something really stupid or the challenger is truly a standout. Neither of those is the case here; it's a choice between two ho hum candidates, so why jump ship?

Romney has better credentials in terms of the economy but he keeps putting his foot in his mouth, especially about issues which are already weak points for Republicans. First it was the 47% remark, now it's the binders full of women gaffe. It's unfair but that's the game and he should know better.

Not disagreeing generally but America is more polarised than ever before. Saw a poll this morning suggesting that 90% of democrats think Obama is doing a good job while only 8% of republicans share that opinion. The floating population of independents are pretty much the only movable bloc. The economic conditions are what might decide a close election. Regardless of foot in the mouth & Romney is bad for someone so intelligent, he polls higher than Obama consistently on the economy. That might actually be more of a tipping point than the gaffes.
America is more polarised than ever before.

Bad economy tends to harden attitudes.

I don't know if American society is more polarized than before: the ideological divisions (red state/blue state) have always been there. What is lacking is a leader like Clinton or Reagan who can cross over and appeal to voters from the 'other' side. McCain was a sensible centrist but he lacked charisma and Obama blew him away with his empty speeches.
Actually Romney has to only prove to be remotely acceptable to win, effectively just give people a chance to vote out Obama. The extraordinary part of this election campaign has been Team Obama's ability to keep it this close with the economy that they have. The natural inclination of people in such economic conditions is to blame the President regardless of his efforts & team Obama had to overcome that natural inclination and they had so far done it by painting Romney as an extremist & a crank. The first debate punched holes in that argument & regardless of the stronger showing in the second, Obama has opened up the door & let Romney in. Barring major missteps by Romney, it will be a very close election.

Well, reviving an economy the size and complexity of the US is a huge task. Obama managed to cut down on the unemployment rate, and that is a huge achievement!

It'll undoubtedly be a very close election indeed.
Gallop Poll shows Romney leads by a wide margin as other polls show tight race

(Reuters) - The election between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney looks like it will be a knuckle-biter - unless you go by one of the United States' most respected public-opinion polls.

As most surveys show Obama and Romney locked in a virtual dead heat, Gallup finds that the Republican would win by a comfortable six percentage points if the election were held today.

Questions about the gap between Gallup's findings and those of other pollsters is the latest fuss this election season over polling methodology as partisan passions come to a boil in the heated final weeks before the November 6 presidential contest.

With a record of correctly predicting all but three of the 19 presidential races stretching back to 1936, Gallup is one of the most prestigious names in the business and its outlier status has other polling experts scratching their heads.

The contrast between Gallup and other major polls is stark.

As of Friday afternoon, Gallup's daily tracking poll of likely voters had Romney leading Obama by six percentage points, 51 percent to 45 percent.

There are many possible reasons for variations. Gallup's tracking poll relies on a seven-day rolling average, so it may still be registering a surge that Romney gained after his strong debate showing on October 3.

Several experts suggested that there may be something in the way the Gallup telephone survey is conducted that makes it more likely to translate a surge in enthusiasm for a candidate into an uptick in poll support, leading to wider swings in the final months before election day.

And there is a growing recognition in the industry that telephone-based surveys are becoming less reliable. As mobile phone use increases, a traditional home-phone survey will miss large chunks of the population, especially younger people.

But cell phones come with their own set of problems. Users often adopt an area code from another state and they may be less likely to answer calls from people they don't know.

Yet that might not explain any discrepancy in polls by Gallup, which now relies on an equal balance of home phones and mobile phones for its surveys.

No matter the method, polling firms weight the answers of those who respond to reflect the general composition of the U.S. voting population as a whole. If a pollster has trouble getting enough older Hispanic women, for example, the responses of those who do participate will be counted more than once. But weighting a sample too heavily can distort the results.

full story> As other polls show tight race, Gallup stands apart | Reuters
Obama, Romney are in dead heat in latest poll before the last debate

WASHINGTON: A new poll puts US President Barack Obama and his Republican rival, Mitt Romney dead even in their race for the White House on the eve of their final televised debate.

Sunday's survey, by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal, showed the candidate were tied among likely voters with 47 per cent each.

In the new survey, Obama, however, was leading Romney 49 percent to 44 percent among the wider pool of all registered voters.

But the poll also showed improved voter confidence in Romney.

A total 47 percent of registered voters said they were either optimistic and confident, or satisfied and hopeful, that Romney would do a good job as president. The figure marks a five-point increase since the last NBC/WSJ poll.

Obama's rating stood unchanged at 50 per cent on this question.

Romney has also narrowed a gap on the public perception of his abilities as commander-in-chief. On that issue, he now trails Obama by just three points -- 44 per cent to 41 per cent.

In the previous poll, the president had an eight-point edge on this question.

The poll, conducted on October 17-20 among 1,000 registered voters and 816 likely voters, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

In the previous national NBC/WSJ poll, conducted before the debate season began, the president held a three-point lead over his Republican challenger -- 49 per cent to 46 per cent.

Obama, Romney tied in latest poll - Channel NewsAsia
It all comes down to today's debate, it will be interesting since the topic will be foreign policy. So it would be interesting to see both candidate's response to the issues regarding the middle east.
Romney is nothing more than another incarnation of George W. Bush.

He has the same economic policies as GWB, and all his foreign policy advisors are the same neo-cons who manouvered Bush into the disastarous war in Iraq.

I fear if Romney gets elected, he will greenlight an American attack on Iran sparking a major war and plunging the entire world into an Economic Depression.

Obama has to win. Romney winning will be a disaster for the world.
New poll shows Obama-Romney race tied

WASHINGTON: Just 48 hours before Election Day, the presidential race for the White House is tied, with both President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, receiving 48-per cent support among likely votes, a new poll has found.

The latest ABC News/Washington Post survey also showed on Sunday that even independents, whose decision can push one of the candidates over the top, are now evenly divided: 46 per cent favour Obama and 46 per cent Romney.

Even the candidates' likability ratings, where the president used to lead by a wide margin, have practically evened out. Fifty-four per cent of likely voters now express a favourable opinion of Obama while 53 per cent do the same about Romney.

But the candidate, according to the poll, fare differently among various social and ethnic groups.

Obama, for example, leads among women by a margin of six per cent while Romney leads among men by seven per cent.

Whites favor Romney by a margin of 20 per cent, but Obama leads by a 59-per cent margin among non-whites.

Like in the 2008 election, young adults favour Obama by a 25-per cent margin while seniors prefer Romney by 12 per cent.

And Romney practically owns evangelical white Protestants: he leads by a 70-per cent among this group.

The survey had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

New poll shows Obama-Romney race tied - Channel NewsAsia

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