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Pew poll finds Romney edges ahead of Obama after debate


Feb 22, 2012
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's strong performance in last week's debate helped him pull ahead of President Barack Obama, a Pew Research Center poll showed on Monday.

Likely voters favored Romney in the presidential race by 49 percent to Obama's 45 percent, while Romney came up even at 46 percent with Obama among registered voters, Pew said. Romney had trailed Obama by nine points among likely voters in September.

Other polls found that Romney got a bump from last week's debate, the first of three presidential debates, but most showed Obama retaining the lead.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll on Sunday, for example, found 47 percent of likely voters saying they would vote for Obama and 45 percent for Romney if the November 6 election were held now.

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey of 1,511 adults, including 1,201 registered voters, conducted October 4-7 found that voters by almost three to one said Romney did a better job than Obama in the October 3 debate.

"Romney is seen as the candidate who has new ideas and is viewed as better able than Obama to improve the jobs situation and reduce the budget deficit," said Pew in a statement.

Romney's favorable rating rose five percentage points in September to hit 50 percent among registered voters for the first time in Pew Research Center surveys, it said.

Romney also achieved gains over the past month among women, white non-Hispanics and those younger than 50, said Pew. It noted that likely women voters are now evenly divided at 47 percent each for Obama and Romney, when last month, Obama led Romney by 18 points among women likely to vote.

This week, the focus of the campaign shifts to the debate on Thursday between Vice President Joe Biden and the Republican nominee to replace him, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan.

Pew poll finds Romney edges ahead of Obama after debate - The China Post

It ain't over until the fat lady sings and anything can happens with one month to go....may the best man wins.
Romney Erases Obama’s Convention Bounce in Forecast

Following another day of strong polling on Tuesday, Mitt Romney advanced into the best position in the FiveThirtyEight forecast since the party conventions. His chances of winning the Electoral College are now 28.8 percent in the forecast, his highest since Aug. 29. For the first time since Aug. 28, President Obama is projected to win fewer than 300 electoral votes. And Mr. Obama’s projected margin of victory in the national popular vote — 2.0 percentage points — represents the closest the race has been since June 27.

The forecast model is not quite ready to jump on board with the notion that the race has become a literal toss-up; Mr. Romney will need to maintain his bounce for a few more days, or extend it into high-quality polls of swing states, before we can be surer about that.

But we are ready to conclude that one night in Denver undid most of the advantage Mr. Obama had appeared to gain in September.


full story> Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com
Dude - this is not that easy. People get emotional after a debate and things change temporarily. If Obama sucks a** in the second one like he did in the first one, he looses credibility and THEN the polls will represent somewhat of an accurate scenario. Right now, its just emotional excitement
Tied Obama-Romney race raises stakes for key debate

WILLIAMSBURG, Virginia: Mitt Romney's late charge has wiped out President Barack Obama's polling lead and left the White House rivals in the tightest of races, raising the stakes of their second debate on Tuesday.

The Republican presidential challenger has built momentum since winning the pair's first showdown and Obama's electoral firewall -- his grip on a series of key swing states -- appears to have been weakened if not yet breached.

Both the Democrat and the Republican were locked away on Monday in intense preparation for their clash at Hofstra University, New York, with Obama needing a comeback punch after a listless showing in their debut encounter.

New polls show Obama and Romney mostly matched within the margin-of-error, ahead of the November 6 election, with the Republican profiting from a dominant performance two weeks ago and foreign policy mis-steps by his opponent.

Obama's team insists it still has multiple routes toward the magic number of 270 votes needed to win the White House in the state-by-state system known as the Electoral College.

But the momentum remains with Romney's team and another Republican debate victory -- or a strong Obama comeback -- would further shift the underlying dynamics of the race.

Obama's team insists it still has multiple routes toward the magic number of 270 votes needed to win the White House in the state-by-state system known as the Electoral College.

But the momentum remains with Romney's team and another Republican debate victory -- or a strong Obama comeback -- would further shift the underlying dynamics of the race.

In polls of the national popular vote, the race was also effectively tied but Obama's approval rating as measured by Gallup was at 48 percent, below the 50 percent level normally seen as a prerequisite for re-election.

Putting aside swing states, in this case defined as races running within a 5.0 percentage spread in a polling average conducted by the RealClearPolitics website, Obama seems guaranteed 201 electoral votes and Romney 191.

Add states leaning towards the president, such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Obama's count rises to 237 electoral votes.

So, a combination of several of the remaining states, for instance Iowa, Ohio and Wisconsin get the president over the line.

Obama could also get it done by winning both Florida and Virginia, or could package New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Iowa with Colorado and Nevada to get back to the White House.

Still, if the election was Monday, and the poll averages reflect reality, Obama would still win with 294 electoral votes.

full story> Tied Obama-Romney race raises stakes for key debate - Channel NewsAsia
Poll: Romney widens lead over Obama in swing states due to surge in women support

US Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney leads President Barack Obama by four percentage points among likely voters in top swing states, thanks to a surge in support by women voters, finds a latest poll on Tuesday.

As the two candidates heading into the second debate Tuesday night in New York, the USA Today/Gallup Poll shows that Romney is leading Obama 50 percent to 46 percent in 12 crucial swing states, as Obama's previous lead among women voters has sharply declined to a virtual tie of 49 percent to 48 percent.

Nationwide, Gallup finds the candidates are locked in a dead heat. While Obama enjoys a slight lead over Romney among registered voter by 48 percent to 46 percent, Romney leads Obama among likely voters by 49 percent to 47 percent.

Women voter are crucial for a victory for Obama as he led former Republican challenger John McCain by 13 points among women voters in the 2008 presidential race.

Before the first debate held on Oct. 3, in which Obama had a passive and lackluster performance, the incumbent had enjoyed a wide lead among women voters over Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and successful businessmen who was widely regarded as out of touch with common citizens.

"In every poll, we've seen a major surge among women in favorability for Romney" since his strong performance in the first debate, Democratic pollster Celinda Lake was quoted by the USA Today as saying.

After the debate, women voters apparently changed their mind about Romney, thinking he "might understand their lives and might be able to get something done for them," Lake added.

Among likely male voters in the swing states, Romney leads Obama by 52 percent to 44 percent, the poll finds. The swing states include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Eager to contain the rapid rise in voters support for Romney less than a month before the Nov. 6 Election Day, Obama is expected to adopt a more aggressive style in the second debate to be held at the Hofstra University in New York.

The debate, the last of its kind, will be held in a town-hall format, in which both candidates will answer questions from undecided voters on their policies on domestic and international issues.

Romney widens lead over Obama in swing states due to surge in women support: poll - Globaltimes.cn
I think Obama's performance in the second debate will slow or stop Romney's momentum.

Obama was in full form and Romney stumbled a bit, especially after Obama got angry and chastised him about Libya.
Obama clearly edged Romney in today's debate. Romney won't get lucky everytime....

Romney is favorite of anti-Islam lunatics in USA..... Romney's foreign policy advisor is the man who endorses the thinking of ....yes..the one and only...Pamella Geller!!!! See Romney in this beautiful photo ..


American Muslims MUST vote to keep republikkkans out of power....

Republican party is full of tea bagers , minority haters , and loony oldddd christians....

Democratic Party is the best option for the U.S!
Obama came out fighting in round 2 and won this battle but Romney said he would label China a currency manipulator if he wins the election ;)
Looks like a bunch of people are nervous at the potential of an A$$ertive America. And yes, you people read the highlighted correctly.

Romney is not as spineless as Obama. He will put America first and if that pisses a lot of countries off, like B43, he will do it. The world want a self weakened US and Romney will not allow that to happen.

This second debate will not convince independents that either man 'won' or 'lost' but only who has the superior vision for the US. Even if by stretching metrics and definition that give the second debate to Obama, the die is set -- that Romney is not the unknown quantity or monster that the Democrats tried to make him out to be. That impression was dispelled by the clear victory by Romney in the first debate. So clear that it will make any supposedly 'victory' by Obama in this second debate -- worthless.

Sadly enough for Obama, many Americans now finally silently admit to themselves that the 2008 candidate Obama was grossly unqualified compared to the unfairly maligned Palin. And the 2012 candidate is not that much better compared to the challenger. Romney beat Obama to a pulp in the first debate, now all he has to do is draw on the 2nd and 3rd and the odds on election day will be 50/50. The 2nd debate was a draw. And please do not bring up CNN or MSNBC commentators because when liberal news people had to admit to institutional bias inside their organizations, any 'analyses' is automatically suspect.

Get nervous, people...The real 'Hope and Change' may not be the one you want. :lol:
well romney looks to be the one better for future us-india relations.....
How can Mr. Romney criticize the president for taking many days to call the tragedy in Libya an "act of terror"?

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

"I want to make sure we get that for the record because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror."

Lame...considering Obama did respond a day after that tragedy.

Apparently, Romney once claimed that he had to come over to Europe to sort some things out, and particularly "to London to sort out the Olympics" :lol:

That guy is a pretender with an over inflated ego, and a legend in his own mind.
Looks like a bunch of people are nervous at the potential of an A$$ertive America. And yes, you people read the highlighted correctly.

Romney is not as spineless as Obama. He will put America first and if that pisses a lot of countries off, like B43, he will do it. The world want a self weakened US and Romney will not allow that to happen.

This second debate will not convince independents that either man 'won' or 'lost' but only who has the superior vision for the US. Even if by stretching metrics and definition that give the second debate to Obama, the die is set -- that Romney is not the unknown quantity or monster that the Democrats tried to make him out to be. That impression was dispelled by the clear victory by Romney in the first debate. So clear that it will make any supposedly 'victory' by Obama in this second debate -- worthless.

Sadly enough for Obama, many Americans now finally silently admit to themselves that the 2008 candidate Obama was grossly unqualified compared to the unfairly maligned Palin. And the 2012 candidate is not that much better compared to the challenger. Romney beat Obama to a pulp in the first debate, now all he has to do is draw on the 2nd and 3rd and the odds on election day will be 50/50. The 2nd debate was a draw. And please do not bring up CNN or MSNBC commentators because when liberal news people had to admit to institutional bias inside their organizations, any 'analyses' is automatically suspect.

Get nervous, people...The real 'Hope and Change' may not be the one you want. :lol:

congratulations on losing trillions on foreign wars..Hope the next president doesn’t disappoint you...
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