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Perception versus Reality (All About Imran Khan)



New Recruit

Apr 25, 2011
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It is a common perception in today’s politics that Imran Khan will change the politics in pakistan. or change the future of the Pakistan for the better.. So lets see how real is this thought or is it just like a new “roti, kapra, makaan” slogan (perception) for the innocent and believing masses of the Pakistan without any basis in the reality

So What will change?


Imran Khan number of time has said that he will have a single education system in Pakistan. Thats a very good thougth. Currently we have Matriculation, Madrassah & British O’ Level system in Pakistan. Now these three systems are quite extreme to each other. So i wander which system he will pick. I looked for the answer but i have failed to find any answer. If you have heard or read any statement by Imran Khan or PTI that with what education system they will replace the current tripartite system then i will be glad to know and will like to correct myself. For the purpose of keeping it short i m not going to other examples where he just made claims without any plan of action. So i feel he don’t have any plan it is just a perception.


Now lets talk about him as a speaker.

So what Imran Khan talked about In Quetta jalsa? He said where is the money for the Baluchistan development is going. if i will come in power, economy will boast. and above all NAWAZ SHARIF is the cause of the problem in Balochistan. Now is there anything different than what Bilawal Zardari Bhutto would have talked about, had he addressed in Quetta or Larkana? Has there anything new other than making tall claims without any plan or vision and accusing the opponents. Nawaz Sharif might be an arch enemy of him, but he and his party has zero presence in Balochistan. Why tell the Baluchs about someone they hardly know. Balochistan is full of crisis and full of potential and i have heard and believed that PTI has a very learned team. It would have been my pleasure had Imran Khan proposed some plans for the development and advancement of Balochistan, prepapred and presented by his very talented and learned team.

Lets talk about Karachi address. Karachi land of lights which has been colored with blood because of few armed parties. What he talked there. Okay let me give you a hint, he didnt talk about Karachi’s problem’s solutions. He talked about Nawaz Sharif, yup. Seriously PTI supporter, is this is the best your party leader can do?? Does he have any vision or his eyes are fixed on Nawaz Sharif only.

So i don’t see any difference in the address and speeches he does and which are done by other parties, They also have same claims and statement and accusations. Perception is it has chance, Reality is nothing has changed.

Now come to countless bold statements he have given. Starting from his pre-significance era.
Claiming that he will get MQM be declared terrorist organization by the UK authorities. What happened.? He didnt even say a word on the firing which happened on Sindh Love rally which all the people know is done by MQM. But Imran Khan put the blame on Nawaz Sharif.

In Lahore Jalsa he declared that in 6 months if all the politicans do not declare their assets he will expose. I was really very happy and looking forward to it. 6 months passed nothing happened, rather many corrupt leader joined him. I think he forgot Nawaz Sharif to be blamed for it too.

Then he gave two dharnas in Peshawar & Karachi on the Nato Drone Attacks and Supplies. Drones attacks are still going on. in last week only 3 drone attacks happened.. any statement against them or the government by Imran Khan? Nope, Nada, non. Any statement by Imran Khan against Nawaz Sharif? Many.

We can continue on this.. but you get the idea. Show me only one plan of action where he said it and delivered it.


Now come to some of the very important fact. By the way i like to talk with facts & figures and if you have facts & figures then reply else dont bother. Because these statements matter nothing as i have shown earlier.

So Imran khan got elected in 2002 from his Mianwali seat. He remained memeber of the parliament for Five year.
Many bills were passed in that era and many things happened in that era. Starting from Drone strikes. Which started in 2004. Did Imran Khan said anything against it.? i have searched the web but i didnt find any statement by Imran Khan against drone attack while he was the member of the parliament. Were drone strike okay at that time. Even if he gave any statement, he did not resigned from parliament. WHY? why now he expect opposition to resign on every issue. Why in his time of being an MNA he never resigned while multiple instances of events happend. Starting from drone strike, Lal Masjid Operation, passing of bills. passing of NRO and other bills.? Did he approve all those things.?


Now lets talk about some of his knowledge. A bit while ago when he had an interview with Saleem Safi When Saleem safi asked why he pushed old people and brough forward new people.. he said Prophet(SAW) did that. and gave the example of Hazrat Umar (RA) where he does not even know the Hazrat Umar (RA) is considered to be 40th muslim and considered as one of the earliest muslims. All muslims before the battle of Badar are considered first phase muslims. Similarly if we have to divide PTI’s struggle into two parts earlier struggle & later struggle, we can put the mark around Lahore Jalsa. and now see that none of the top manager in the PTI current top regime was part of the PTI before PTI earlier struggle.
Shah Mehmood.
Javed Hashmi
Shafqat Cheema
Abrar ul Haq
Jahangir Khan Tareen
and the list continues
all of these people who are enjoying top posts, joined the party after the Lahore jalsa. They have not been through the struggle of the PTI. I respected the PTI struggle but now they have sold theirselves and it gives me sadness to say that i feel Imran Khan lies a lot.

Comparison with others

Now last argument which i get is that he has got a track record. Definitely Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital is a big achievement. and i salute him for this great charity work. But does that one thing make him a saint? We have Al-Khidmat Foundation, Khidmat-e-Khalq foundation, Al-rashid foundation and many other organizations doing some amazing social welfare works which were even praised by UN and other european organization when the flood and other catastrophe’s hit Pakistan. We know how their political wings do when they come in power. So i will just say dont be short sighted. SKMH is an achievement but behind it was mother’s love and that surely is very very strong.

But looking at Imran Khan impartially and realistically with the facts and figures of the ground i will just say A man full of vengeance is not a man, i want to lead my country. A Man full of hate is not a man, i want to lead my country, A man full of ignorance is not a man, i want to lead my country a man full of arrogance is not a man, i want to lead my country.
By one system, he doesn't mean abolishing O'level. He means there will be no Karachi board, Lahore board. Instead, there will be one board which is a great idea
By one system, he doesn't mean abolishing O'level. He means there will be no Karachi board, Lahore board. Instead, there will be one board which is a great idea

did you change your party?.
Sorry to say but complete absurd and biased article was this. You were twisting all facts actually. First talk about Education system. Yes he is against three systems. When did he say that he will pick from these three? No, you can make it one single system where there is English syllabus, Islamic Syllabus and our Urdu syllabus. It's not that difficult if Molvies don't make a hurdle.

Before everything make it clear in your mind that he cannot expose all his manifesto before Elections. Noora League copies it straight away, now please don't ask me the examples now. There are dozens.
Come to Quetta Jalsa. Yes Nawaz is his worst enemy. If eh won't hit him in a Jalsa then where else? Secondly you don't give powerpoint presentations in a Jalsa. Never. Never. You have to talk about main things. He said he will make the highest and most advancements in Balichistan. The maximum number of development wud be there. I believe him. He can. There are resources, patriotic people, you can make it like IslamAbad.

Now his Tenure in Parliament. Until 2007 there were no drone attack, no Laal Masjid, no NRO (you intentionally tried to put every thing to hit him). Until 2007 about 85% Pakistanis were with Musharraf, so was I. Secondly he was having a single seat. He was in Opposition. Instead of Google try Youtube and you will see that famous Capital Talk clip where in 2004 he was opposing this war.

In Karachi he gave a complete talk about Police, Givernment system. I guess it was the longest plan he gave but you intentionally said that he didn't say a single word. That's why I said Biased and absurd.

Now that Shaukat Khanam Hospital thing. You forgot Namal. He has intentions to make it better than Oxford University. He did great in Cricket. This was not for a motherly love. He did great service on flood. This was not for a mother's love too.

I would love to give my country to anyone who is honest. I would love to give my country to anyone who doesn't lie. Never ever. Someone who is brave. Someone who doesn't fly to Jeddah and UAE in difficult times.
I would love to give my country to anyone who is honest. I would love to give my country to anyone who doesn't lie. Never ever. Someone who is brave. Someone who doesn't fly to Jeddah and UAE in difficult times.

IK's Honesty :

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Jalsa in Umerkot - Stealing Electricity ( bijli chor ) - YouTube

IK's Truth :

Imran Khan Lies in Press Conference --.flv - YouTube

IK's Bravery :

Nusrat and Mushtaq slaps Imran Khan on his pathetic statement to Thapar. - YouTube

Welcome to Defence.PK (PTI's Un-Official Website)
Imran khan after seeing PTI bad performance in KPK, is more rhetoric and attention seeking than real work.

Lets not even discuss Tahir ul Qadri complete rejection of this democratuc system.
A few years passed and I grew up enough to read the banners of your Welfare trust on roads. I was deeply impressed. “Khalain Shaukat Khanum k Liye”, the slogan moved me. I belong to the class of Pakistan who had scarcely ever taken interest in politics before. Then you came and mobilized us. Seeing a well-educated and reasonable person as a political leader was a breath of fresh air for us, after all the drama that we have witnessed in Pakistani Politics. Your claim that Pakistan will be transformed into a welfare state like the state of Madina, increased the respect I had for you and I started working tirelessly for PTI’s win in the 2013 elections. After seeing your stance on NATO supply and peace talks, I was even more convinced that you care about all the communities of Pakistan. The Tameer-e-school project won my heart along with many others, it was indeed the best step coming from a Pakistani Politician in a long time. You called for the long march and you had my full-support, since coming out on roads for the electoral reforms is my primal duty as a patriot. I wanted my vote to be transparent.

After all that, just one step shook my faith. Toppling the government? How would this step bring the electoral reforms? How would this one-two-day sit-in at D-Chowk educate this nation that their vote is important? Sorry, but this only gives out the impression that this leader, once thought of as different, is actually no different and just wants to attain power like all others. Imran Khan Sahab, this Nation needs you, this nation needs a leader like who can mobilize educated people , motivate them to come out on the roads, but I am afraid you will lose this inspirational impression of yours if you would not go slow in the process. Even if the government topples, and a re-election is announced, still who can guarantee that the new elections would be clean? Sir, it is time that you put your ego aside, work on KPK and make the main subject of long march to bring electoral reforms, because you have indeed succeeded in putting up a great pressure on the government. -

Abdullah Umar Khalid


See more at: A PTI supporter's letter to the Chairman: Imran Khan | ARY NEWS

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