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People Leaving PTI

Nawaz is as dangerous for Pakistan as he was in 1999. Nothing has changed.

A little correction he's dangerous for people like Mush not for Pakistan, dictators hide their failures behind government and when government take action against them they become dangerous and army declare martial law.
Imran Khan is dangerous for Pakistan because he is immature, PTI is based on IGI he is alone, establishment will use him as a rubber stamp, and no one in the party will listen to him, all friendly countries will review relations with Pakistan USA, China, Saudia, Turkey etc. We can't afford experiments sometime you have to choose the less bad option.
Nawaz is as dangerous for Pakistan as he was in 1999. Nothing has changed.

yes he was dangerous back then and stupid and stuck up...he is neither now just look at his political moves, all his moves are for betterment of the system and country...you just need to take off your hate glasses
He abandoned his hawkish positions and is now asking for Pak to withdraw unilaterally from Siachen, condemned extremists vocally. Even though such positions would risk his vote bank. He let his party give up Punjab's stake in the federal award. He is more liberal now.

His party has ties with JUD, his law minister in Punjab is seen frequently with folks from banned organizations. If he has learnt his lessons, why does he have such controversial people running his govt. in Punjab?

Here read this:

Dealing with the devil – The Express Tribune
yes he was dangerous back then and stupid and stuck up...he is neither now just look at his political moves, all his moves are for betterment of the system and country...you just need to take off your hate glasses


I live in Punjab and I know what he has done. His party has literally destroyed the industry here for the sake of 3rd time premiership. He has handed over our right to natural gas which is essential for our industry to Sindh and KPK. Do you know how much natural gas our industry gets in winters? Just 2 days in a week. Try running your industry with that!

Besides do I need to remind you that we have Zardari as our president just because Nawaz supported him? How is that for the 'betterment of the system and country'?
A little correction he's dangerous for people like Mush not for Pakistan, dictators hide their failures behind government and when government take action against them they become dangerous and army declare martial law.
Imran Khan is dangerous for Pakistan because he is immature, PTI is based on IGI he is alone, establishment will use him as a rubber stamp, and no one in the party will listen to him, all friendly countries will review relations with Pakistan USA, China, Saudia, Turkey etc. We can't afford experiments sometime you have to choose the less bad option.

Please hand over your magic ball to me so that I can look into my future as well!
Personally I'm no fan of Amir al-Mu'minin's but when compared to compared to Imran Khan, he makes all the sense in the world.
Politics, whether or not you like it, is a dirty game, not only in Pakistan but all over the world. Mian Sahab, in these previous 5 years have miserably failed to avail a lot of opportunities, most important of which being taking advantage of Gilani's disqualification. That's simply unforgivable in Politics.

However, Imran Khan is shooting for the stars. Mian Sahab's way out of his league, let alone Asif Sahab.
You can't afford, in politics, to be abandoned by your people left and right, and that too well-knowns. Imran, at the moment, should only focus on Mian Sahab's vote bank. As tough as it is, it's much better than going after 2 of the most devious politicians in Pakistan's history, Asif Sahab and Maulana Fazlur-Rehman. He should just focus on Mian Sahab and see how his party does in elections against an established player like Mian Sahab. And even if he succeeds, which is highly unlikely, he should first prove his voters and rest of the Pakistan how much of what he says he can deliver within the provincial autonomy.
Do you think the battle for a better Pakistan is not worth fighting for?
Then fight for Pakistan with a true fighter , Nawaz Sharif, PMLN has an experience , dedication and vision for the country . They stood against establishment since 1993 , establishment tortured them arrested them and send in exile for ten years . They have shown to the pakistan that punjab govt is running xcellenty and corruption free .Come for the change .
As the elections are near, this horse trading is going to increase in the coming days. People join and leave all the time. In Pakistan the trend is who'll offer more, we will join you. People should stop making a big deal out of it. PTI is strong and we the people can make it even stronger if we start thinking from our head and not arse.
Pakistan unfortunately is full with people who would give preference to their cast over Pakistan any day. Obama was a senator and from there he went on to become the president of the United States because people there like/wanted to see a change and does not believe in cast BS. We can see the same provided we do want to see a change otherwise we will continue to be beaten around openly in front of a bakery shop or election poll by the same people who are suppose to protect the innocent.
what Imran and his group dont understand if it wasnt for PML-N PPP would have absolute majority and they would have done everything they ever wanted, their judges and their jewry, their election commission, their govt in all 4 provinces and hence next govt and next govt....Imran should accept NS as his leader and learn something from him instead of saying whatever comes to his mind without ever giving it a second thought

PTI'ers should get an idea how wise their leader is

Do you think PPP was going to have 2/3rd majority when PML Q was there and Mushi as a president ?? obviously then mushi was going to enjoy 5 years more and MQM and rest of small parties would have joined PML Q like they did before 2008 amd again its you people who call mushi better then these dumb a$$ PPP and PML N and now you are making people afraid of zardari :coffee:

its was the seat adjustment of PPP and PML N which gave both parties 120 NA setas and 90 NA seats other wise PML Q was ready to win again you are fooling us or your self ??
and You Guys Are making people fool just Like PML N and Its Workers who Call PTI JEws party and Calls imran khan Yahoodi Agent lol and says dnt Vote PTI it will give advantage to PPP and Zardari will be president again :lol: this is the same Zardari who was Brother of Nawaz Sharif in 2011 before the PTI's Popularity :azn: and about leaving of people from PTI literally i dont know who was the vice president of PTI :lol: Its name of IMran Khan Which makes PTI not these Lali Panji Lotas who are here for same Activities which they did in their previous parties
Then fight for Pakistan with a true fighter , Nawaz Sharif, PMLN has an experience , dedication and vision for the country . They stood against establishment since 1993 , establishment tortured them arrested them and send in exile for ten years . They have shown to the pakistan that punjab govt is running xcellenty and corruption free .Come for the change .

Most of the people leaving PTI have an unjust sense of entitlement boasting about their experiences and education and so forth. Better these kind of people leave, young generation needs to be bought forward. Pakistan is a country with one of the largest ratios of young people in the world - i think 70% of the population is below 30 - and it is not justified that they are ruled by 60 years old buddhay khoosat who are intrested to fill their own pockets first.

Do u like to see youth like Ibrar-ul-haq (a 45 years old) out of pti?
Defining youth is another problem PTI hve to face, if ever PTI goes for a intra-party elections!
Well, you need experince & educated peoples to do the job for the smooth runing of a govt? U can't make a young universty gaduate to become a interior minster or minter for planing division, so basicly ur argument is wrong!
Yes PTI needs that youth of pakistan vote for them but for runing a party & a govt they need to hve experince peoples?
Do u like to see youth like Ibrar-ul-haq (a 45 years old) out of pti?
Defining youth is another problem PTI hve to face, if ever PTI goes for a intra-party elections!
Well, you need experince & educated peoples to do the job for the smooth runing of a govt? U can't make a young universty gaduate to become a interior minster or minter for planing division, so basicly ur argument is wrong!
Yes PTI needs that youth of pakistan vote for them but for runing a party & a govt they need to hve experince peoples?

Ah you have mentioned something most people never really paid attention to. Abrar ul-haq (a member of PTI) is known to be a corrupt, drinker, womanizer and etc. His so called 'donations' for the poor is only for his publicity.
abrar ul haq basically threatened to join PMLN if he wasnt given some important position so imran affered him this position
This thread is about people leaving PTI nah .!!But somehow PML N is drag into this ..Would this be fair to say Imran khan n his party is suffering from Nawaz fobia;)
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