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Peace with Pakistan was also a victim of Mumbai massacres - UAE Daily Editorial

Wrong, the parts of Kashmir under Pakistani occupation are disputed, India has an instrument of accession, does Pakistan?

Indian whining notwithstanding, they are considered a part of Pakistan for all practical purposes by everyone else.

When a third country, cough China cough, issues separate visas to Pakistanis of Gilgit origin, then India can claim it disputed.

Debunk what the author says, can you. I would like to know what you can come up against "unsubstantiated official crap".

There is nothing to debunk. It is all unsubstantiated blather by anonymous 'officials' making 'off the record' remarks. Might as well post something by Bharat Verma. Or a Bollywood script.
Are you mental?
Gilgit part of P-0-K aka AK? Are you kidding me? If that was the case what was Pakistani Election commission doing conducting elections in G-B areas allowing mainstream Pakistani political parties to participate in those elections? And we all thought P-0-K had its own assembly and administration!

Do you even know the history about kashmir or why Pakistan considers it disputed?

And yes, I was showing off my copy-paste abilities! You see I am a newbie, learning copy-paste everyday. Pity it didn't help you understand facts. Anyhow, we now know your level of understanding about this matter. I rest my case. Thanks.

I guess "MENTAL" goes best with you. I think you "overread" this

I said Gilgit is a part of Azad Kashmir (Independent Kashmir).

This can simply means that yes Gilgit is a part of Kashmir but for God sakes try to understand things before you post. What I am saying is that which I already said

Gilgit is not a part of Disputed Kashmir. The disputed Kashmir is the area where India has occupied.

This as usual I am sure you overread.

You did worst. Brought whle the heck of Indian machinary in Occupied Kashmir. Made it your State?

Gilgit has not representation in AJK assembly. And in a region being organized by Pakistan, P.E.C. will do the work and Pakistan's parties will participate, obviously. You angry tht BJP not being invited?


KIT Over
Gilgit-Baltistan is a part of Jammu and Kashmir and this ain't something i am saying, govt of Pakistan also accepts this fact.

So there is no harm if G-B is a part of JK, the only thing which matters is , is that G-B and AJK are free and J-K-L will be liberated soon, INSHA ALLAH.
yeh yeh yeh... for 62 years and 4 wars ...the same is happening... in the last two decisive defeats ...yet same chanting ...another height of optimism....
howevere if my house would have caught fire then iwould try to fight with the fire of my house rather than thibkibg abou my neighbour's balcony or, garden. (hope you understand what i mean...)...
brickbaks expected............
Indian whining notwithstanding, they are considered a part of Pakistan for all practical purposes by everyone else.

When a third country, cough China cough, issues separate visas to Pakistanis of Gilgit origin, then India can claim it disputed.

Who's everyone? and why would you expect China to remain neutral on the issue?

Well none of this matters anyways, I am not in favor of changing the status quo, the borders will never change, its time we move on and focus on more pressing issues.
yeh yeh yeh... for 62 years and 4 wars ...the same is happening... in the last two decisive defeats ...yet same chanting ...another height of optimism....
howevere if my house would have caught fire then iwould try to fight with the fire of my house rather than thibkibg abou my neighbour's balcony or, garden. (hope you understand what i mean...)...
brickbaks expected............

Absolutely true. I agree and if you have a little look on Pakistan's present situation, you can judge that we are doing the same thing. Let it play like you said. Dramatic expressions.

We are trying to overcome the fire in the house, you know we are successfull. Now once we have taken care of that fire we will certainly go for the very reason, which produced that fire. The neigbhbour who threw a petrol bomb in our house.

You know, let me tell you straight-forwardedly, that whatever you do, you will not be able to rule Kashmir, peacefully. And when you talk of permenance of LoC as a border, Pakistan later, Kashmiris themselves would not allow that. What do you think they will agree to do this, so that the option of independance gets vanished forever? Never. Think again. Your politicians I suppose drink much and the wrath of not being good at night they show to Pakistan. Never mind, old habbits follow till grave rather ashes.

You talk of two decesive victories and forget about two decesive defeats of yours. Don't say now that '48 and '65 were ain't failures.

KIT Over:pakistan:
Absolutely true. I agree and if you have a little look on Pakistan's present situation, you can judge that we are doing the same thing. Let it play like you said. Dramatic expressions.

We are trying to overcome the fire in the house, you know we are successfull. Now once we have taken care of that fire we will certainly go for the very reason, which produced that fire. The neigbhbour who threw a petrol bomb in our house.

And there's your problem, you guys haven't even been able to acknowledge the problem yet, let alone find a solution to it. Unless ordinary Pakistanis like yourself take on the mullahs and their ideology, Pakistan will simply move from crisis to crisis.

All that is happening in Pakistan is YOUR fault, the citizens, who allowed leaders like Zia to spread islamist ideology throughout the length and breadth of you country.

Pakistan allowed a dangerous and vociferous minority to gain such power that never mind your politicians, even your army can't challenge the mullahs for fear of ripping the social fabric of the country apart. There could be plenty of reasons as to how or why all this happened, but IMO, its mostly because of Pakistan's inherent identity crisis and paranoia viz via India.

You know, let me tell you straight-forwardedly, that whatever you do, you will not be able to rule Kashmir, peacefully. And when you talk of permenance of LoC as a border, Pakistan later, Kashmiris themselves would not allow that. What do you think they will agree to do this, so that the option of independance gets vanished forever? Never. Think again. Your politicians I suppose drink much and the wrath of not being good at night they show to Pakistan. Never mind, old habbits follow till grave rather ashes.

Kashmir is a part of India, we have been 'ruling' Kashmir peacefully for quite some time now. Keep the militants on your side in check and things will eventually pipe down on our side.

I am not in favor of a 'soft border'. Its high time both countries sign a peace treaty and stop the fighting, the borders are here to stay.

You talk of two decesive victories and forget about two decesive defeats of yours. Don't say now that '48 and '65 were ain't failures.

KIT Over:pakistan:

Pakistani tribals invaded Kashmir, the IA pushed them out, took control of the major population centers and the maharaja acceded to India. Pakistan OTOH managed to get only a slither of the population, and controls mostly the mountainous, uninhabited part of Kashmir. I think '48 worked out in our favor.

In '65, Pakistan crossed the LoC with the aim of annexing Kashmir, India attacked Lahore in response and the PA withdrew from Kashmir. Pakistan did however manage to defend Lahore, but given how India wasn't prepared for such an attack and that Pakistan ended up defending Lahore instead of capturing Kashmir, I think '65 worked out in our favor too.

Fearing a war on two fronts, India successfully intervened in East Pakistan and helped create Bangladesh. In retrospect, it was a prudent decision given how Pakistan has acquired nuclear weapons today and India's limited capabilities w.r.t China. Strategically speaking, I believe India is in much better position today than it would otherwise have been in if Pakistan was left intact.

Lastly, here's a little eye opener for you,

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Pakistani tribals invaded Kashmir, the IA pushed them out, took control of the major population centers and the maharaja acceded to India. Pakistan OTOH managed to get only a slither of the population, and controls mostly the mountainous, uninhabited part of Kashmir. I think '48 worked out in our favor.

Well, India claims that "Whole" of the Kashmir. And Pakistan punched it by almost reaching to Srinagar Airport. The backbone of the Indian reinforcements. India took this matter to UN not Pakistan. If their had been an open battle than we might have the whole-claimed Kashmir. Its a failure for India that they were unable to get a part of Kashmir which had been claimed by them.

View this picture and think that your claimed state has been divided into two major parts. This picture might help you remember something.


In '65, Pakistan crossed the LoC with the aim of annexing Kashmir, India attacked Lahore in response and the PA withdrew from Kashmir. Pakistan did however manage to defend Lahore, but given how India wasn't prepared for such an attack and that Pakistan ended up defending Lahore instead of capturing Kashmir, I think '65 worked out in our favor too.

PM Shastri said that he will choose the next battlefield. Its on record so resposniblity of opening a new front is on India, not on Pakistan. India without any tension on Lahore border attacked there and was repelled efectively. So the plans of having breakfast in Gymkhana was proved to be a wet dream. You lost the biggest Tank battle since WWII in Chawinda and yet claim things worked out for you.

Fearing a war on two fronts, India successfully intervened in East Pakistan and helped create Bangladesh. In retrospect, it was a prudent decision given how Pakistan has acquired nuclear weapons today and India's limited capabilities w.r.t China. Strategically speaking, I believe India is in much better position today than it would otherwise have been in if Pakistan was left intact.

Now is Bangladesh a fast friend of India? No. So your fear of war on two fronts still is there. Yes, you talk of Nuclear weapons, yours which have been claimed by your own scientists that these are much less effective than Pakistan's.

So what you believe is not true.

KIT Over n Out:pakistan:
Indian whining notwithstanding, they are considered a part of Pakistan for all practical purposes by everyone else.

Well, the same can be said about the part under Indian rule.

When a third country, cough China cough, issues separate visas to Pakistanis of Gilgit origin, then India can claim it disputed.

China is not a neutral party here. It has been gifted a part of occupied kashmir by Pakistan.
Well, India claims that "Whole" of the Kashmir. And Pakistan punched it by almost reaching to Srinagar Airport. The backbone of the Indian reinforcements. India took this matter to UN not Pakistan. If their had been an open battle than we might have the whole-claimed Kashmir. Its a failure for India that they were unable to get a part of Kashmir which had been claimed by them.

:lol:, Pakistan almost reached, but it didn't did it?

Who's to say what would've have happened if there was an 'open battle', you can keep having wet dreams about Pakistani victory, but it will only remain a dream.

Pakistan invaded Kashmir, not India. Your tribals were thrown out of Kashmir by the IA, not ours. India is very happy with the status quo, we didn't invade kargil or launch op. Grandslam. Pakistan can't live with the status quo but we can. What does that tell you? How many times has Pakistan failed to capture Kashmir? :rofl:

PM Shastri said that he will choose the next battlefield. Its on record so resposniblity of opening a new front is on India, not on Pakistan. India without any tension on Lahore border attacked there and was repelled efectively. So the plans of having breakfast in Gymkhana was proved to be a wet dream. You lost the biggest Tank battle since WWII in Chawinda and yet claim things worked out for you.

Pakistan without any 'tension' attacked Kashmir, who do you think the PA was attacking in Kashmir? martians? What Pakistan did was an open act of war, India made sure, that Pakistani dreams of capturing Kashmir remain a dream.

And what are you talking about? Go through some neutral sources for once. Did you forget about the battle of Asal Uttar?

Here you are claiming 'victory'.

Pakistan started out offensively and ended up defending itself instead, what does that tell you? :rofl::rofl:

Now is Bangladesh a fast friend of India? No. So your fear of war on two fronts still is there.

Actually, the Bangladeshi PM will be in India in a couple of days, we're expanding our relations with the Bangladeshis. We have agreements on trade, energy and maybe even a trans-bangladeshi highway. Are you serious, you think Bangladesh has the capacity to go to war with India? give us some credit man

Yes, you talk of Nuclear weapons, yours which have been claimed by your own scientists that these are much less effective than Pakistan's.

So what you believe is not true.

KIT Over n Out:pakistan:

I don't think anyone ever said that, if anything they suggested more tests. India has had nukes since 1974, when did Pakistan test its nukes? :lol:

Also, it might interest you to know that India is considered as the world's 6th nuclear power thanks to our nuclear deal.
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