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PDF site design

the arrow mark is missing under live posts that tell you which threads you have posted in.
Webby, i can see you have got your typewriter and paint brush out again, but my dear, the forum currently resembles my old school geography text book and an English encyclopaedia. The grey is dull and some what irritating to the eyes, the sticky from normal are too blended and the page number(s) don't exactly stand out.
Webbie, After so much of pin pointing, forgot to Thank you! It looks very good now :). Good job mate!
After Upgrade i'm facing some problems. Whenever i hit "Today's Post" tab, it start loading & take forever to load & then show me a message "Internet Explorer is not responding". Can any one help me out on this.
I have a suggestion:

Bring the 'Country Watch' and 'World affairs' sections upward and 'Pakistan Affairs' section at down side.

Reason: Everyone knows it's Pakistan defence forum and affairs are mostly related to Pakistan. So the Pakistanis will not bother to scroll down to their own home country sections. They will find their own section wherever they are. But for the international members/visitors it would be more interesting to find their respective sections easily at the upper side without less scrolling the site.
Can this forum be made like facebook's timeline where.......no pages, just scroll down and like twitter, no page refreshing, where the new posts will appear automatically?
Bigger avatars please :D

Also, I find the profile pic feature pretty useless.
Where is the PDF logo on the top? That looks like the identity of the forum. The brand logo you know. So, that would be appreciated.
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