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Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappr

Soooo...Since Lee Kuan Yew pointed out to Deng Xiaoping that China blatantly exploits race to advance Chinese interests, and at the expense of us 'inferior' Asians if necessary, assuming you live in the US and may have US citizenship, if China call would you answer and do whatever China asks, at the expense of the US, if possible?

I have a simpler way to ask him the question-why beat around the bush?

if China says spy on US would you ephone?

If US and China go to war and china says kill americans would you ephone?
how did canadians deserve this again? they did not support how? by giving him a country, lifestyle, freedom, fame, sponsorship, training, education, money and fame... ;)

That's a given, what's not given is the support from the majority Canadian citizen to this hard working man. Other than that, it's discrimination. Do you play sport?
I like to see the verbal tap-dancing. You do not like entertainment?

I have a more blunt way of asking :lol: I'm curious to see if he replies directly to the question asked. these questions should be a part of our immigration interview with a freaking lie detector attached to people. Then we would have " ghost towns" in china town USA :P
I have a more blunt way of asking :lol: I'm curious to see if he replies directly to the question asked. these questions should be a part of our immigration interview with a freaking lie detector attached to people. Then we would have " ghost towns" in china town USA :P
I guess the fleeing of the discussion is entertaining enough in its own way.
That's a given, what's not given is the support from the majority Canadian citizen to this hard working man. Other than that, it's discrimination. Do you play sport?
This bit from the news article is interesting...

Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappreciated
...the world champion said the Chinese government is proud of its figure skaters, while the sport is overshadowed by hockey's popularity in Canada.
Assume that even not verbatim, his intention was clear, that he was ticked off that one form of skating -- ice hockey -- is more appreciated by Canadians instead of his beloved ice dancing on skates. How should this make anyone mad is beyond me. If anything, the fact that Chan was allowed to represent Canada should be enough of a prestige that he should appreciate honor. Today's Canada is NOTHING like the US back in 1968 where Tommie Smith and John Carlos grew up in more blatant racism and discrimination that they raised their fists at the Olympics.
was there not an article here some months ago about an indian getting chinese citizenship? now he and his future kids need to get on forums and bad mouth china covertly... I'm sure china would not mind :P and its people would be indifferent here ...

go ahead, i do not mind if any Chinese citizen badmouths China, because that's a citizen's right to criticize what's wrong with their country.

even though you live in the US, you've still not absorbed the essence of democracy. Some people are unteachable.
go ahead, i do not mind if any Chinese citizen badmouths China, because that's a citizen's right to criticize what's wrong with their country.

even though you live in the US, you've still not absorbed the essence of democracy. Some people are unteachable.

would that be the democracy that throws dissenters in jail, kidnaps them or kills them?
go ahead, i do not mind if any Chinese citizen badmouths China, because that's a citizen's right to criticize what's wrong with their country.

even though you live in the US, you've still not absorbed the essence of democracy. Some people are unteachable.
There is a great difference in constructive criticisms and insults, aka 'bad mouthing'. Constructive criticisms are about pointing out flaws and errors with the honorable intention of improving the situation. To 'bad mouth' someone is to simply slander with the intention of inciting anger and hate. We have seen the Chinese government does not like criticism.
There is a great difference in constructive criticisms and insults, aka 'bad mouthing'. Constructive criticisms are about pointing out flaws and errors with the honorable intention of improving the situation. To 'bad mouth' someone is to simply slander with the intention of inciting anger and hate. We have seen the Chinese government does not like criticism.

there's criticism of the government every day. what the government does not tolerate is treason.
China is the only country I've know to claim its people have high Iq's but it's own govt treats them like they have the lowest, fragile IQ's and needs to be shielded from " news that might make them go crazy"
You mean an interpretation of 'treason'. Do I need to name those 'traitors' China imprisoned?

Go ahead. Also be sure to see if they take money from the NED, Heritage Foundation or any other US government sponsored organization.
Go ahead. Also be sure to see if they take money from the NED, Heritage Foundation or any other US government sponsored organization.
Good...Then we can say that all these Chinese organizations in the US are in the pay of the CCP.
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