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Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappr

LMAO so this JayATL bashes China when he finds Chinese who are... uh... "traitors"

And he also bashes Chinese when they try to integrate. LMAO what kind of inferiority complex is this?
And why is he so "outraged" when he is not even Canadian himself. :what:

The citizenship oath in Canada does not require loyalty to the Canadian government, only a respect for diversity and democracy. He did nothing illegal.

The guy was born in Canada so no citizenship oath is needed.

Nothing wrong with being proud of your national heritage. We have Irish Canadians having their parades every year. Dutch Canadians doing their celebration drapped in flags of Holland. Indians and Philippinos also celebrate their own holidays.

Damn straight. You start to see a lot of people supporting their former homeland whenever World Cup is on TV.
Sanjay is outraged when overseas Chinese like China, and Sanjay is delighted when overseas Chinese hate China. What kind of inferiority complex is this? Does he get laughed at for his hindi accent too much?

"Oh Jay? You mean Sanjay Kumar Ramadachan. Namaste, Abu."
What a shame but hardly surprising from my prespective. Canadian born Chinese world figure skating champ- insults his own country and wants to disown it because his feelings got hurt because of attention he wanted. The man is born in Canada and openly says he would like to represent china too in competitions? for greed there is no loyalty amongst them. sad sad sad... :tdown: how seditious!

Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappreciated

Canadian figure skating star Patrick Chan says he feels unappreciated in his home country and is becoming increasingly drawn to his Chinese heritage.

In an phone interview with Reuters prior to the Grand Prix Final in Quebec City, the world champion said the Chinese government is proud of its figure skaters, while the sport is overshadowed by hockey's popularity in Canada.

"Sometimes I feel we are not appreciated for how much work we put in," Chan said. "If my parents hadn't emigrated from China and say I had skated for China, things would have been very different. My parents wouldn't have had to make as much sacrifices as they have and there would be a lot more respect for what we do as figure skaters."

Chan said he has started to feel more Chinese because of the support he gets from the Chinese community in Canada. He said he would have liked to represent both China and Canada in competition."That would be the ideal situation ... in a perfect world," he said.

Skate Canada did not immediately respond to an email from The Canadian Press seeking comment

Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappreciated
A very famous Asian leader once said to Deng Xiaoping and quite shut the man up about the subject, as highlighted below...

China wanted Southeast Asian countries to unite with it to isolate the "Russian bear"; the fact was that our neighbors wanted us to unite and isolate the "Chinese dragon." There were no "overseas Russians" in Southeast Asia leading communist insurgencies supported by the Soviet Union, as there were 'overseas Chinese" encouraged and supported by the Chinese Communist Party and government, posing threats to Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and, to a lesser extent, Indonesia. Also, China was openly asserting a special relationship with the overseas Chinese because of blood ties, and was making direct appeals to their patriotism over the heads of the governments of these countries of which they were citizens.
Wonder who was that...
British Eton schoolboy Alex Hua Tian rides for China in 2008 Beijing Olympic.


A very famous Asian leader once said to Deng Xiaoping and quite shut the man up about the subject, as highlighted below...
Wonder who was that...

Sounds like a interesting book, but 700 pages of Kissinger sounds like hard work.

Next time if you're going to regurgitate quotes out of context, maybe Gordon Chang is a better source.

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was there not an article here some months ago about an indian getting chinese citizenship? now he and his future kids need to get on forums and bad mouth china covertly... I'm sure china would not mind :P and its people would be indifferent here ...
For Chinese people, no matter where they go or have been, rich or poor, they are always Chinese. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

No matter which nationality he/she is with, I believe there is always at least part of his/her heart is towards China.

Chinese people do not disappear into other culture but become distinguished through generations.

As long as Patrick Chan does not do anything criminal against Canada, with which he has his current nationality, there is nothing wrong with him.

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------

Gordon Chang is just axx-licking west puppy. He is purely an idiot. Why was/is he invited to those news channels/talk shows to speak anything about China? His predictions about China failed times and times again.

Bad-mouth against China gives retards like him a living in the west.

Sounds like a interesting book, but 700 pages of Kissinger sounds like hard work.

Next time if you're going to regurgitate quotes out of context, maybe Gordon Chang is a better source.

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For Chinese people, no matter where they go or have been, rich or poor, they are always Chinese. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Being Chinese means what? culturally or what we see here , brazen seditious attitudes? if latter- then why take the pledge of allegiance or seek citizenship?

If you remain culturally attached to your country , that is fine and is welcomed in fact in the US, as a part of its diversity( quite opposite from china where you want to ethnically cleanse the " Han" into everyone)

but if you root for china over the US economically, militarily, socially--- then you are seditious and need not seek citizenship while biting the hand that feeds you.
For Chinese people, no matter where they go or have been, rich or poor, they are always Chinese. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
Soooo...Since Lee Kuan Yew pointed out to Deng Xiaoping that China blatantly exploits race to advance Chinese interests, and at the expense of us 'inferior' Asians if necessary, assuming you live in the US and may have US citizenship, if China call would you answer and do whatever China asks, at the expense of the US, if possible?
What a shame but hardly surprising from my prespective. Canadian born Chinese world figure skating champ- insults his own country and wants to disown it because his feelings got hurt because of attention he wanted. The man is born in Canada and openly says he would like to represent china too in competitions? for greed there is no loyalty amongst them. sad sad sad... :tdown: how seditious!

Patrick Chan Feels More Chinese, Canadian Figure Skating Champ Feels Unappreciated

Canadian figure skating star Patrick Chan says he feels unappreciated in his home country and is becoming increasingly drawn to his Chinese heritage.

In an phone interview with Reuters prior to the Grand Prix Final in Quebec City, the world champion said the Chinese government is proud of its figure skaters, while the sport is overshadowed by hockey's popularity in Canada.

"Sometimes I feel we are not appreciated for how much work we put in," Chan said. "If my parents hadn't emigrated from China and say I had skated for China, things would have been very different. My parents wouldn't have had to make as much sacrifices as they have and there would be a lot more respect for what we do as figure skaters."

Chan said he has started to feel more Chinese because of the support he gets from the Chinese community in Canada. He said he would have liked to represent both China and Canada in competition."That would be the ideal situation ... in a perfect world," he said.

Skate Canada did not immediately respond to an email from The Canadian Press seeking comment

That's pretty much a normal reaction towards every culture. I would feel the same. He is loyal to Canada but Canada did not support his loyalty. This again become a racial issues. When will people learn to put away the differences and work together as one.
That's pretty much a normal reaction towards every culture. I would feel the same. He is loyal to Canada but Canada did not support his loyalty. This again become a racial issues. When will people learn to put away the differences and work together as one.

how did canadians deserve this again? they did not support how? by giving him a country, lifestyle, freedom, fame, sponsorship, training, education, money and fame... ;)
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