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Palestinian girl stabs an Israeli guard


Aug 26, 2007
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I know I shouldn't, but I actually found that kind of funny.
on another thread people are crying over why an israeli car hit a stone pelting boy..I thought this issue should be brought up and discussed as well.Did that lady do a right thing?
In the video, filmed on October 25, the Palestinian, who allegedly asked to enter Israelvia the Kalandiya checkpoint for medical treatment, is seen being examined by a Border Police officer.

The officer finds a knife in her purse, and while he takes the purse aside, the woman pulls another blade from her trousers and stabs the civilian security guard standing by.

Filistinli K?z ?srail S?n?r Görevlisini B?çaklad? izle | Klavyem.Tk

Palestine Monitor - How To Create A Terrorist

brave freedom fighter.
on another thread people are crying over why an israeli car hit a stone pelting boy..I thought this issue should be brought up and discussed as well.Did that lady do the right thing?
Again, no can pass judgment since we do not have any context. For all we know, the woman could be a racist, or the man could have killed her mother. Who knows.
Originally Posted by kashith
on another thread people are crying over why an israeli car hit a stone pelting boy..I thought this issue should be brought up and discussed as well.Did that lady do a right thing?

There's your answer :

Originally Posted by Growler
brave freedom fighter.
It's simple.
If a Palestinian girl stabs an Israeli for no reason, she becomes a brave freedom fighter. If an Israeli driver hits masked people throwing stones at him in self defence, it makes him a terrorist lol. Why do we even care to argue ?
on another thread people are crying over why an israeli car hit a stone pelting boy..I thought this issue should be brought up and discussed as well.Did that lady do a right thing?

I wonder how you could comment on this topic, The video does not work
When some one like you had pre-ideas he Do not need to bother bather himself to read or see . . just Write your prior review
well i think that girl had done mistake in this part but it doesnt mean that israeli is iinnocent in this war
Problem with this sort of action is it harms those that really need medical help. The next person that wants to go to an Israeli hospital might not be allowed.
Again, no can pass judgment since we do not have any context. For all we know, the woman could be a racist, or the man could have killed her mother. Who knows.

you can give excuses all you want..i found the video on Youtube..

watch it and say doesnt that seems cold blooded to you
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@ kashith, its not like if your country gets benefit from israelis, weapons, planes, defence technology, then u must never criticize its evilness, it just a good business, morally degrading yourself by defending israel crimes, while coming and yelling, in videos like these, doesnt make a bit of sense.., palestinians are homeless, jobless, with no provisions, medicines, are occupied by israelis..

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