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Palestine - An OverView (InfoGraphics)


Apr 11, 2011
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As a Pakistani I have to make few comment from unbiased history.

---- Palestinians are the ones who rejected 1947-1948 partition
---- Not only they rejected the partition, they launched military campaign against Israel
---- In the military campaign Palestinian continued losing territory
---- While everyone knows superpower USA supported Israel
------ Few Pakistanis even acknowledge or remember the fact that
----------- Palestinians were getting money, arms and intelligence from the other superpower Communist Russia.

Thus really the whole thing became a proxy war of USA and communist Russia.

--- where Israel has been a proxy for USA
--- Palestinians have been proxies of communist Russia

--- It is not Israel's fault that Communist Russia died and thus Palestinian lost their master (while Israel's master became even more powerful).

Even now, Palestinians do not realize that they are living in the past.

-- In 1948 war against Israel, they wanted the land as it existed in 1920
-- In 1967 war against Israel, they wanted the land as it existed in 1948
-- In 1973 war against Israel, they wanted the land as it existed in 1967
-- In 2012 struggles and intifadas they want the land as it was many decades ago.

Obviously when you militarily try to snatch land from 50 times more powerful country, the result at the minimum will be a deadlock, and bad whooping in the worst case.

Thus Palestinians must throw away the idea of war or militancy against Israel. It is just $tupdity.

At this stage Palestinian should work on the land the way it exists today.

-- That means they should say that Israeli settlements can stay and Jewish people living there could become Palestinian citizens.
-- Palestinians have no claim on the land which is in Israel at this stage.
-- No need to try to make a capital in Jerusalem. Make one in the West bank.

-- Make Gaza an Independent territory a separate country.

And then move on with establishing good neighborly and peaceful relations with Israel.

What I say here is based on realistic view point and contains no malice against Palestinians.

peace to all

Happy 2013.
Palestinians should know their limitations, and move forward. They have to recognize that they cannot have the land as it existed in 1948
Palestinians should know their limitations, and move forward. They have to recognize that they cannot have the land as it existed in 1948

Fine give up india to PAkistan.
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