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Pakistan's Submarine deal with China is terrible

These overseas Pakistanis live in a world created by Western who still belittle anything that is not western. Same as their concept. The West has nothing but contempt for Asia. Even the Filipino who used to hate China saw thru the tricks and arrogant view by the west. They have a 180 degrees change in attitude and saw what China can offer which the west never promised.

Pakistanis who still think West has a more important r/s wth them are delusion. Who killed more muslim? Who destroyed the middle east and corrupt the arabs especially the Saudi Seikhs? If any Pakistanis still think West is more valuable and better. They are just kidding themselves. The West are master in creating perception and marketing themselves. They control the media and poison the world with their values and malicious lies.

OP is a very good example of the product of the west.

I think you my young friend are delusional.
Jinnah went to the west and learnt his art to employ on the imperalist and created pakistan.
Many a modern pakistani scientists and engineers learnt their arts in the west to help our nation only to be betrayed by the so called desi's. Dr Qadir is a prime example. The destruction of jinnah property and I could go on and on.
The west killed Muslims because our forefathers were lazy and asleep and even today prevent girls from education. We are even today living several centuries behind the west.
What you need to understand about expats is, they live work and are educated in the west. They have to fight mentally and physically for their position in society. They have to be better than the locals just to compete. So when they see lazy inept leaders in the Islamic Republic of pakistan who do nothing but rob and pillage the nation they get upset and frustrated.
Instead of blaming my dear friend, up your game. Be better than the west and don't blame the world that they did this and did that. Find your destiny no matter what the world throws at you
........I was born here......
Sad to see this Chinese member personal attacks when he has nothing left to argue. He is doing this just because his hate towards west is extreme . Hope, next time he talk on merit instead of ranting & bringing out hate against west. He never accepted some western components have superior quality. :undecided::undecided:
Yes, you read the title right. The Submarine deal Pakistan cracked with China a few years back was terrible. Now firstly I will admit.....we don't really know what type of submarines we are buying. If 6 of the subs end up being some of the most advanced AIP subs that are better then their european counterparts, and the other 2 are nuclear powered and capable with VLS for SLBM's - Then I'll be like...
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BUT if the submarine deal turns out to be us just getting 8 S-20 export conventional SSK's that aren't China's best subs - Then the deal is terrible as a matter of fact....shit.

A lot of people on this forum will say "conventional attack submarines that can launch the babur SLCM is great for our sea based detterent and we are all set"
I see this comment ALOT and every time my reaction is...
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Bruh - We need Submarines with VLS that can fire SLBM's. SLCM's won't do jack.
Anyway's Ill get back to that topic another day.

Back to the Submarine deal - In retrospect 8 S-20 submarines doesn't seem like a bad defence deal, but it kind of is.

8 Chinese submarines - 5 Billion dollars - 12 years
Too long and costly

Pakistan should have:
1. Produced its own submarines with Chinese and Turkish assistance
2. Buy 4 from China and 4 from Germany, Spain or Sweden - Then we would get 8 at the same time

All I can say is - I hope our Admirals know what they're doing.
Why has Pakistan not produced more Agosta 90Bs? Or F22Ps? And you think it will build SSBNs anytime soon?
Why has Pakistan not produced more Agosta 90Bs? Or F22Ps? And you think it will build SSBNs anytime soon?
Well they probably should, every nuclear armed state has those as a sea based deterrent - even North Korea. SSBN's have been around for a while.
Well they probably should, every nuclear armed state has those as a sea based deterrent - even North Korea. SSBN's have been around for a while.
@Penguin has asked you a specific question. Instead of waffling and "maybe they should" do a little leg work and find out the reasons. You may yet learn a few things.
@Penguin has asked you a specific question. Instead of waffling and "maybe they should" do a little leg work and find out the reasons. You may yet learn a few things.
Its quite simple at this point because now its a matter of national security and to ensure the balance of power in the region - when it comes to that I don't really need you and some penguin throwing me technical crap.

If we have to get practical, this is essentially 1950's technology. They probably most definitely should build an SSBN.

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