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Pakistan's role remarkable in reducing violence: Indian Kashmir CM

From where are you copy pasting? Cann't you also copy the source. Without them they are just somebodies dreams.

"Since January 1990, rape by Indian occupation forces has become more frequent. Rape most often occurs during crackdowns, cordon and search operations during which men are held for identification in parks or schoolyards while security forces search their homes. In raping them, the security forces are attempting to punish and humiliate the entire community."
('Pain in Kashmir: A Crime of War' issued jointly by Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, May 09, 1993)

"By beginning TV cameras and prohibiting the presence in Kashmir of the International Red Cross and of human rights organization, the Indian authorities have tried to keep Kashmir out of the news."
(`Kashmiri crisis at the flash point', The Washington Times, by columnist Cord Meyer, April 23, 1993)

"(On February 23, 1991), at least 23 women were reportedly raped in their homes at gunpoint (at Kunan Poshpora in Kashmir). Some are said to have been gang-raped, others to have been raped in front of their children ... The youngest victim was a girl of 13 named Misra, the oldest victim, name Jana, was aged 80".
(Amnesty International, March 1992)

"The most common torture methods are severe beatings, sometimes while the victim is hung upside down, and electric shocks. People have also been crushed with heavy rollers, burned, stabbed with sharp instruments, and had objects such as chilies or thick sticks forced into their rectums. Sexual mutilation has been reported".
(Amnesty International, March 1992)

"The worst outrages by the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) have been frequent gang rapes of all women in Muslim villages, followed by the execution of the men".
(Eric Margolis, The Ottawa Citizen, December 8, 1991)

"While army troops dragged men from their homes for questioning in the border town of Kunan Pushpura, scores of women say they were raped by soldiers....a pregnant Kashmiri woman, who was raped and kicked, gave birth to a son with a broken arm."
(Melinda Liuin, Newsweek, June 24, 1991)
[Anthony Wood and Ron MaCullagh of the Sundav Observer (June 02, 1992) estimated that over 500 Indian army men were involved in this orgy of rape and plunder in Kunan Pushpura.]

"The security forces have entered hospitals, beaten patients, hit doctors, entered operating theaters, smashed instruments. Ambulances have been attacked, curfew passes are confiscated."
(Asia Watch, May 1991)

"Subjugated, humiliated, tortured and killed by the 650,000-strong Indian army, the people of Kashmir have been living through sheer hell for more than a year, the result of an increasingly brutal campaign of state repression. India hides behind its carefully-crafted image of "non-violence" and presents itself in international forums as a model of democracy and Pluralism. Yet, it is unable to stand up the scrutiny of even its admirers. All journalists, especially television crews, were expelled from the Valley. With no intrusive cameras to record the brutalities of the Indian forces, the world has been kept largely in the dark." (The Toronto Star, January 25, 1991)

"Young girls were now being raped systematically by entire (Indian) army units rather than by a single soldier as before. Girls are taken to soldier's camps and held naked in their tents for days on end. Many never return home....Women are strung up naked from trees and their breast lacerated with knives, as the (Indian) soldiers tell them that their breast will never give milk again to a newborn militant. Women are raped in front of their husbands and children, or paraded naked through villages and beaten on the breasts."
(The Independent, September 18, 1990)

All the above must be dreaming also...
Dabong.. can you please give the links above.. because you are drawing parallels between this uneducated brainwashed terrorists and the disciplined and educated Indian army personnel..!! So it would be nice to get to know your source..!!!! Because as far as i read the above.. it seems the handy work of terrorists.. to cast bad name on the Army..!!!

"Whether or not one agrees with President Clinton's policy in Kosovo, we went there to stop the `ethnic cleansing' of the Kosovars by the Serbian government. Yet we have averted our glance from a similar campaign throughout India , a situation the Indian Supreme Court described as `worse than a genocide.' This ethnic cleansing has taken the lives of over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, over 200,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, over 60,000 Muslims in Kashmir since 1988, and thousands upon thousands of Dalits, Assamese, Manipuris, Tamils, and other minority peoples."

Hon. Edolphus Towns in the US House of Representatives,
Wed., May 19, 1999, Congressional Record Page E1031

Indian army rape teen
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan condemns alleged rape in Kashmir
Ayesha Kagal

On the 10th and 11th August 1990, the army soldiers, rank and file hovering around Pazi Pora, Bali Pora, Konun and others seemed to have been overtaken by vengeance, greed, lust and revenge. They would shoot anyone:- a passer by; a farmer; a teenage boy; an aged man; an old woman or a outh busy with his vocation. The jawans (Indian soldiers) were seen carrying bottles of liquor in their pockets and guns in their hands. More than a company descended on Pazi Pora and isolated forcily women folk from children and men, against the protests and weeping and wailing. Most of the cowmen had run for safety to the forest, but still 20 to 30 women were lodged in a spacious house. The army jawans got a scent of their presence, and pounced on them like vultures. All of them were brought out from their hiding place and 10-15 robust, attractive and healthy women were isolated between the age of seven years and fifty years. One group of lusty soldiers tore their clothes to shreds and rendered them nude. A bonfire was made of thier dresses and other garments at the edge of a field of rice. Committee members found the remnants of burnt clothes even after a week. Another group gulping liquor from bottles jumped over them and took them back to the same hiding place from where they were forced out, there they were raped. A seven-year old girl who was raped was still bleeding five days after the horrific ordeal. The group took their turns raping while crying slogans of "jai hind" and so on!
Rapes and sodomy are very common. Soldiers rape young girls and young boys in the presence of family members. Leeches are often placed on genitals. Family members are woefully forced to rape other members of the family. To humiliate and disintegrate the person, soldiers will squeeze the breasts and genitals, insert metal rods and live cigarettes inside the vagina and rectum. Detainees are forced to perform oral sex on soldiers and to swallow the ejaculate.

In an army firing in Sonar bazaar, two lanes away in the mohalla, a bullet ripped through the face of Mushtaq Malik, a twenty-one year old first B.com student who also attended stenography classes. His family confirmed Mushtaq's death when they identified his wristwatch, after he had been buried. [Ayesha Kagal, Sunday Review Times of Indian, New Dehlis, April 29, 1990]
Derek Brown, the Guardian, May 26th 1990

Mubina Ghani is eighteen, and her face is dark with suffering. On May 18, on the way home from her wedding to her first night in her husband's home, she was shot and then gang-raped by Indian soldiers.

In the general hospital in Anantnag, fifty kilometres from the Kashmir capital, Srinagar, Mubina is squatting on a bad in a foetid general ward. Alongside is her husband. Without protests, she hobbles to the operating theatre, where there is a measure of privacy. Her pain is beyond understanding. As she softly speaks, the horror is almost unbearable.

After the wedding, she says through an interpreter, she boarded a bus with her husband and aunt, to her new home. The aunt was a chaperone-cum-companion.

The bus, which had twenty four passengers and two crew, was stopped by a contingent of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). There was no curfew in that area, but they had carried passes, just in case. They were allowed to proceed.

Some distance further on, there was a second roadblock, this time manned by the Border Security Forces (BSF).

"We started to get down but we were given no chance to show our passes. They opened fire without warning. They fired through the windows and from machine guns underneath their vehicle. We lay down under the seats and pretended to be dead. After the shooting, they came inside and started to beat everyone," said Mubina.

One passenger was dead. Many others had bullet wounds including Mubina and her husband, Abdul-Rashid. She went on, "All those who were not seriously wounded were told to stand in a row and ordered to raise their hands. The two ladies (Mubina and her aunt) were forcibly separated and ordered into a field."

While the bus was systematically looted - the plunder included some twelve thousand rupees (about four hundred pounds) given to the newly weds - Mubina and her aunt were stripped of their jewellery. Mubina, in Anantnag hospital, points to her unadorned ears and hands in shame. Even her wedding ring is missing.

She went on, "In the field, the soldiers first took off their clothes. I do not know how many there were. We were crying bitterly. I told them that I had not yet seen my husband, but they did not listen. They took off our clothes. They bit my chest and then I was raped. Between four to six Indian soldiers raped me, I think". Mubina's aunt is between forty and fifty years old. She was around seven months pregnant. Two days after being brought to the hospital, she left and has now disappeared without trace
hmmm...wonder why there was no links ...well because this all content was copy pasted from here
http ://kashmir.wakaf.net/examples.htm

And when you try to search all this on net..it come uo with ...zilch...good try ....

Well why dont you try a bit harder.....the article gives you the names of the reporters and the date and name of the magazine-newspaper......now its either all made up and these newspapers and reporters are ISI fronts or its the truth and you can not take it and are now your clutching at straws to prove me wrong.
Dates-names-places....there all there if you can bothered to take the time and effort to phone-email-letter the publications up and get a copy......let me guess you want me to do that also.

The Washington Times
Amnesty International
The Ottawa Citizen
The Toronto Star
The Independent must all be all be wrong and you right.

And this all remind me of incidence in Kashmir where terrorist from Pakistan has killed Sikhs while impersonating as Indian security forces. Letter they got called and spilled the beans.

Any link to the story from a impartial source?
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hmmm...wonder why there was no links ...well because this all content was copy pasted from here
http ://kashmir.wakaf.net/examples.htm

And when you try to search all this on net..it come uo with ...zilch...good try ....

India and Human Rights in Kashmir - The Myth - India Together
Staged Killings Spark Kashmir Protests - washingtonpost.com
BSF men accused of gang-raping Kashmiri girl
The Hindu : National : Protest in Kashmir over alleged rape
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Jammu & Kashmir
Search | Human Rights Watch

plenty of links for you to go through .......whats your next excuse?

Have you been to kashmir....ever met any kashmiris.?

We can spend all day copying and pasting stories but it not going to change your postion or mine.We either come to a compromise or carry on the we have.http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...0-future-kashmir-7-possible-solutions-24.html
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I do not want to say this but even the army's activity is noticed by other ministries in Kashmir. Army is led by educated boys from good family and good institute like NDA and IMA. There could be a few cases where personal has gone violent on personal level but this does not question the final ideology of Indian Military. Crime like rapes, and genocide in a sensitive area will make Indian position weaker so I do not believe in such conspiracy theories.

Yes Possibility is that some elements have soft corner for Pakistan which provide shelter to those Militants and when army wipes them out it becomes genocide. But this does not happen in every case because Citizen of Kashmir are forced to shelter those cowards on a gun point.

If Army was so cruel, they would directly ask helis to bomb all the houses in a village rather doing search and destroy operations.
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