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Pakistan's naval ship makes first ever call at Novorossiysk Black Sea port

here is first pic of aslat in russian port

very delighted to see this, this is the prophesy of prophet Muhammad (saws), that in the end times you will make an alliance with 'room'. 'room' at that time was 'Eastern Orthodox Christian World' with its capital in Constantinople. which after conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) by muslims, shifted to Moscow (Russia). After the collapse of Soviet Union, Russia is again returning to Christianity, not Roman Catholic Christian but Orthodox Christianity and hence 'room'. Quran also speaks positive about 'room' in Surah room.
something really hot is cooking up there……:lol:

The strange things are being cooked at the Naval dockyard, rest is just a hello/hi mission to improve cooperation and (if they are able ) to find new ingredients for the recipe.

Chinese have been with us all along this effort.And it is good to see that we are able to extend our arms towards the Russians.
BTW a nice journey for the newly built frigate.
very delighted to see this, this is the prophesy of prophet Muhammad (saws), that in the end times you will make an alliance with 'room'. 'room' at that time was 'Eastern Orthodox Christian World' with its capital in Constantinople. which after conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) by muslims, shifted to Moscow (Russia). After the collapse of Soviet Union, Russia is again returning to Christianity, not Roman Catholic Christian but Orthodox Christianity and hence 'room'. Quran also speaks positive about 'room' in Surah room.

Khuda ka khouf kro yar.
Excellent news. To some it may seem like a small gesture, but it shows that Pakistan and Russia are both working to develop a comfort level. I did not think that RD-93 was a safe bet because of it being Russian product. But its been more than six years and no complaints, despite an initial lack of trust from our side. That just shows how far forward Russians think in strategic terms.

RD-93 means Pakistan cannot arm its JF-17 Thunders with nukes.
Wonderful news , small steps lead to big ones ... time for new friends new things and new roads ahead hope the friendship between the two nations only grow more good job PN.
lol do a research man on this, and checkout this video on youtube , 'When Israel Wages Her Big Wars Will Muslims Make An Alliance With Rum? Sheikh Imran Hosein 2011' ,,

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