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Pakistan's Missile Technology

Webmaster wrote today that Pakistan is on number 3 in missile technology after testing CM Babur. Can anyone tell me how, when still it has no air to air missile , no long range SAM missile (15-30km) and no ABM & no RADAR technology developments and there are no news if any R & D going on to develop these. So how come it came on number 3.
Is there any one to reply and clear the doubts

no no so what ? don't probe deep, accept for the sake of it.
Webmaster wrote today that Pakistan is on number 3 in missile technology after testing CM Babur. Can anyone tell me how, when still it has no air to air missile , no long range SAM missile (15-30km) and no ABM & no RADAR technology developments and there are no news if any R & D going on to develop these. So how come it came on number 3.
Is there any one to reply and clear the doubts

Dude, i didn't write any of that.

Pakistan has made certain advancement in the technology of Babur cruise missile which makes it third in the world. Something to do with accuracy, guidance of the missile.

There are always secretive projects going on in the defense industry, and no ones "chacha" know about it.
Again do some research Goodperson.

All the capable countries have secretive projects going on including China, United States, Russians, and Pakistan.
Again do some research Goodperson.

All the capable countries have secretive projects going on including China, United States, Russians, and Pakistan.

Ah, what about us poor ol Indians, wait why bother.lol
ISLAMABAD, March 24 (KUNA) -- Pakistan is the third country of the world that has acquired the latest missile technology, said a scientist here Saturday.

National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) Chairman and renowned scientist Dr Samar Mobarakmand talking to a local news channel, Geo, said that Pakistan has become the third country of the world to prepare the latest missile technology after Thursdays successful test of Babar Cruise Missile.

He said Pakistan will conduct more missile tests in the future, adding that five years ago Islamabad has only six nuclear scientists but now their number has crossed 10,000.

"Pakistan is not at par with USA; however, it is far ahead of its neighbor, as we possess far superior technology across Asia," he said.

Pakistan Thursday successfully test fired radar avoiding cruise missile with 700 Kms of range.

"The test is part of Pakistans ongoing efforts at consolidating its strategic capability and strengthening national security," said the military statement. (end) amn.

Kuwait News.

I cant believe the source entirely. However, I do believe pakistan has grown since its 1990 but underestimating your ennemy is "stupid" India is country that is very large compared to Pakistan it also has a very large army and defence budget, it is compared among the top 5 poweres in the world this should be noted.

Pakistan however is very hard working country and over the years it has proven its capability to posses the means to protect its land. And I believe the source you showed was trying to explain the commitment of the working class who is producing for its country valuable sceintist that will help the country produce indigenous technology.
i doubt we are number 3

usa, russia, china, france, germany, italy, england, japan, south korea and israel all have very advanced missile system.

maybe, we have developed to produce them where as many european countries buy their weaponry from USA but I really dont know
Though the Shaheen tech is an achievement I have to agree it is very advance for a asian country to have.
It sounds like a local optimization technique, Pakistan needs to calm down.

technically,there's no defence system providing 100% security. In every test fire Pakistan launches a strategic rivalry to balance out India. but a "third in world" might still be far from the regional balance.
Unfortunately there is no real government in Pakistan at the momment and therefore the millitary Dictatorship is inflenced in backing its millitary capability.
hehe ,pakistane's missle technoledge is advanced is true ,but is third in the

world maybe not actally true .
I think shaheen system ranks well above maybe he is trying to justify the Shaheen.
I think he is reffering to the guidance and range of the system. Including all successful tests compare to Agni series.
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