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Pakistan's lame, apathetic foreign service

Farah Sohail

Mar 2, 2012
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Pakistan's lame, apathetic foreign service

“The arrow shot by the archer may or may not kill a single person. But stratagems devised by a wise man can kill even babies in the womb.” ― Chanakya Kautilya

24/8/2016 - Islamabad


Long before Narendra Modi took over, India chalked out a comprehensive plan to marginalize and defame Pakistan globally. Islamabad’s incompetent political leaders, rash generals and lousy bureaucrats unknowingly contributed their fair share. Yes, it sounds disturbing and even melodramatic. But it’s very true. After the India military took one month to mobilize along Pakistani border following the Parliament attack, the Vajpayee-led government sought a standardized plan against Pakistan. The doctrine that resulted is called the Cold Start. Besides, various localized thrust of military hardware aimed at inflicting damage to the adversary and eventually disabling the use of nuclear option, it assigned equal significance to the government diplomatic arm – the external affairs ministry – to portray Pakistan as ‘epic center of terrorism’. The India media, which rarely challenges the South Block, built the narrative which the Indian diplomats efficiently propagated through official and unofficial channels. Meanwhile, Islamabad basked in the narcissism of General Pervez Musharraf with the political opposition treating its wounds in Jeddah and London.

So now, India has taken off its gloves and mask, both. The war drums are beating with chorus of Hindutva militia at full pitch. War as “continuation of politics by other means,” said Carl Von Clausewitz, the legendary military theorist. The previous Indian policy will be forwarded by war or war mongering. The Pakistan military might be ready and armed-to-teeth but there is on huge gap in its defenses: the lousy foreign ministry and its venal diplomats.

After over two-dozen background interviews, this correspondent has been able to synthesize some of the core flaws confronting efficiency of Pakistan’s foreign ministry.

Being the second largest Muslim country and sixth most populous nation, Pakistan has significant diplomatic footprint in the world. The number of embassy has growing and so has the staff deputed there. Over the past three decades, however, the country’s civil services have steadily declined in terms of quality of manpower, training and motivation, which may have a lot to do with politicization of bureaucracy as well as military’s soaring interference. Currently, the ambassadors appointed can divided in three categories; career diplomats, retired military officers ranging from colonels to generals and political appointees including mid-level bankers such as in Qatar to top-notch journalists like Dr Maleeha Lodhi. The mix baggage brings out mixed results. Not all career diplomats know what they are supposed while not every political appointee or ex-military man is there to enjoy the perks.

There is little or no communication between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions of national security and internal security of Pakistan. One example is that of Pakistan’s policy on drone strikes. While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs printed reams of paper on Pakistanis anger and protests on drone strikes, the United States CIA and the Pakistan’s military were both cooperating on drone strikes and targeting of alleged militants.

Brainstorming at any level is non-existent in the ministry of foreign affairs. The additional secretaries’ meeting is the only forum in the ministry where some sort of minimal discussion or say brainstorming takes place. However, this is only at the highest level and does not take engage even director or director general level officers. From the additional secretary level to the assistant director, 99 per cent of the effort consists of writing inane and clichéd talking points and worthless noting on irrelevant files. They are precisely glorified clerks or baboos, mostly playing the role of a postman. The result is that foreign policy is made mostly on whim and dictation from either the General Headquarters or the prime minister’s office, hence the U-turns, and last-minute firefighting. A case in point can be the Torkham border-crossing row with Afghanistan; when the foreign office did not know anything regarding the discussions between the army and the Afghan ambassador.

Despite major back-to-back challenges such as Indian nuclear tests in 1998, followed by September 11 attacks, the Pakistani foreign ministry could not establish a round-the-clock crisis center. The embassies in Mexico or Argentina have to comply with Islamabad’s office timing in case a diplomat bothers to reach out to headquarter on some important matter. How many countries in similar situation can rely on 9am to 3pm standard office routine?

With career planning virtually non-existent, there is no co-relation between language training and foreign posting. In many cases, officers are never sent to the country whose language they have learnt, thus they lose the ability to either speak or write in it.

While there is no foreign policy evolution process at work, there is no regional, bilateral or multi-lateral specialization. An officer serving in New Delhi might be posted to Pretoria in South Africa, eventually most Pakistani diplomats remaining amateurs with very basic skill of knowing know how to wear a tie and a suit, and locking themselves up in embassies or consulates.

Pakistan, a country that is involved in major legal disputes, has the weakest international law expertise in international law. Two or three officers in ramshackle officers are a sick pretention of international law capacity in the ministry, thus leading to outsourcing the case for Pakistan defense to legal fraternity in the private sector. Obviously, there have been no lessons learnt from downing of Pakistan Navy spy plane by India or failure to win litigation on water conflict. There are bound to be more legal issues ahead with India being admitted to larger number of critical multilateral for and Afghanistan toeing its lines.

The Indian embassies on the contrary maintain better quality of service with particular emphasis on public policy and community engagement or service. The media narrative, which already is damaging to Pakistan, is further supplemented by the Indian journalist working in foreign countries, such as the Gulf region and North America. While the state largely controls the media in the GCC region, the English language newspapers are flooded with Pakistan-damaging headlines while nothing critical can be published against ruler of another friendly country, Egypt’s Sisi regime. There is a total inability of writing anything beyond ill-composed letters to the editor. Op-ed articles by Pakistani diplomats are un-imaginable. The media monitoring at the embassy-level is negligible as most diplomats take the press coverage as fait accompli.

While one of the primary tasks of embassies is consular service, there is absolutely no training of Foreign Service officers in such matters. In fact the quintessential training of a Pakistani diplomat is antithetical to compassion, kindness and empathy needed for the consular work. Such traits are never sought after in an officer when posting to consular missions catering to large Pakistan expatriates. There are able exceptions of some extremely capable consular officers, but very rare!

Though they join the service after passing Central Superior Services’ examination, 60 to 70 per cent of Pakistani diplomats cannot speak simple English while addressing audiences in universities and think tanks. Blame the quota system if you will or the foreign ministry itself, which lacks anything but discipline and focus. Even in cases where they do speak, the diplomats are totally bereft of intellectual depth or the ability to speak beyond clichéd, hackneyed briefs which are of zero interest to well informed audiences in Europe and North America.

One case in point was the total lack of response to the poisonous anti Pakistan narrative spun out of Toronto by Tariq Fateh and his gang of half a dozen followers. Their connections for funding and narrative are abundantly well known. Over the last decade, nobody amongst the Pakistani diplomats in prized stations such as Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles and Toronto invested enough effort and intellectual depth to counter on shallow and venomous narratives of Fateh’s ilk. Then, it was only the individual effort or un-official audacity of a diplomat and some expatriate Pakistanis in Canada who demolished the inaccurate. Majority of Pakistani diplomats are devoid of such caliber, motivation and absolute knowledge of history and affairs.

In the age of alternate media, tragically, Pakistani diplomats are utterly untrained in using social media for foreign policy objectives. So far, ministry of foreign affairs has not held a single workshop on use of social media whereas such trainings are held routinely in small private sector organizations. Therefore, lack of resources cannot be an excuse for lack of vision and total ignorance from advanced in communication.

The embassy websites are another fiasco. Lacking a standardized format, the information provided is rarely updated, and most insufficient to answer the basic questions. Top foreign ministry officials along with the ones posted in embassies rely on Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo for official communication. Mostly the Facebook pages and Twitter handles of ambassadors and embassies are non-existent, and those having account are not all active. WhatsApp and Viber provide the best hotlines.

The foreign ministry direly necessitates massive restructuring and reforms. The government needs to debate as whether it must take officers from the CSP pool or those who appear and pass through rigorous evaluation process specifically evolved for the country’s future diplomats. Should the diplomats be attending the courses for promotion with other bureaucrats (baboos) of grade 19 and beyond? The question of promotion criteria is equally crucial. Should not their specialization, dedication, analytical skills, foreign language proficiency to be forming the criteria, to name a few? Ominous is acute dearth of analytical skills in the diplomatic corps employed by Islamabad given fast-paced developments, realignments in the region and world as well as conflict deepening or emerging.

To a significant extent, apathy toward Foreign Service academy is to be blamed as well. From communication skills to the art of negotiation, the training leaves a lot to be desired. The stiff-necked young officers it churns out are too lightweight to keep up the traditions of Sir Zafarullah Khan, Pitras Bokhari, and Sahibzada Yaqub Khan et al. The academy should not only be the focal point not for training but also career planning, and specialized and advanced courses too.

Non-diplomatic staff is another thorn in the neck. They are no different in aspiration and selfish pursuits than the ambassador and the other diplomatic staff. Lacking proper training, devoid of local language and charmed by facilities abroad, often such clerks and secretaries act like ambassadors within community and mint money in return for their assigned jobs.

To forward Pakistan’s national interest and to counter India’s Cold Start doctrine, the foreign ministry can’t be left in the cold. If ambassador Tariq Fatemi is not abreast of the flaws and ready to reform, who else would!

Written by Naveed Ahmad, an investigative journalist. He can be tweets at @naveed360
This article was censored by Express Tribune.
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But then is same situation in every institution and no hope for miles and miles in current setup. Rather every institution is rolling downhill with passing time.
“The arrow shot by the archer may or may not kill a single person. But stratagems devised by a wise man can kill even babes in the womb.” ― Chanakya Kautilya

Long before Narendra Modi took over, India chalked out a comprehensive plan to marginalize and defame Pakistan globally. Islamabad’s incompetent political leaders, rash generals and lousy bureaucrats unknowingly contributed their fair share. Yes, it sounds disturbing and even melodramatic. But it’s very true. After the India military took one month to mobilize along Pakistani border following the Parliament attack, the Vajpayee-led government sought a standardized plan against Pakistan. The doctrine that resulted is called the Cold Start. Besides, various localized thrust of military hardware aimed at inflicting damage to the adversary and eventually disabling the use of nuclear option, it assigned equal significance to the government diplomatic arm – the external affairs ministry – to portray Pakistan as ‘epic center of terrorism’. The India media, which rarely challenges the South Block, built the narrative which the Indian diplomats efficiently propagated through official and unofficial channels. Meanwhile, Islamabad basked in the narcissism of General Pervez Musharraf with the political opposition treating its wounds in Jeddah and London.

So now, India has taken off its gloves and mask, both. The war drums are beating with chorus of Hindutva militia at full pitch. War as “continuation of politics by other means,” said Carl Von Clausewitz, the legendary military theorist. The previous Indian policy will be forwarded by war or war mongering. The Pakistan military might be ready and armed-to-teeth but there is on huge gap in its defenses: the lousy foreign ministry and its venal diplomats.

After over two-dozen background interviews, this correspondent has been able to synthesize some of the core flaws confronting efficiency of Pakistan’s foreign ministry.

Being the second largest Muslim country and sixth most populous nation, Pakistan has significant diplomatic footprint in the world. The number of embassy has growing and so has the staff deputed there. Over the past three decades, however, the country’s civil services have steadily declined in terms of quality of manpower, training and motivation, which may have a lot to do with politicization of bureaucracy as well as military’s soaring interference. Currently, the ambassadors appointed can divided in three categories; career diplomats, retired military officers ranging from colonels to generals and political appointees including mid-level bankers such as in Qatar to top-notch journalists like Dr Maleeha Lodhi. The mix baggage brings out mixed results. Not all career diplomats know what they are supposed while not every political appointee or ex-military man is there to enjoy the perks.

There is little or no communication between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions of national security and internal security of Pakistan. One example is that of Pakistan’s policy on drone strikes. While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs printed reams of paper on Pakistanis anger and protests on drone strikes, the United States CIA and the Pakistan’s military were both cooperating on drone strikes and targeting of alleged militants.

Brainstorming at any level is non-existent in the ministry of foreign affairs. The additional secretaries’ meeting is the only forum in the ministry where some sort of minimal discussion or say brainstorming takes place. However, this is only at the highest level and does not take engage even director or director general level officers. From the additional secretary level to the assistant director, 99 per cent of the effort consists of writing inane and clichéd talking points and worthless noting on irrelevant files. They are precisely glorified clerks or baboos, mostly playing the role of a postman. The result is that foreign policy is made mostly on whim and dictation from either the General Headquarters or the prime minister’s office, hence the U-turns, and last-minute firefighting. A case in point can be the Torkham border-crossing row with Afghanistan; when the foreign office did not know anything regarding the discussions between the army and the Afghan ambassador.

Despite major back-to-back challenges such as Indian nuclear tests in 1998, followed by September 11 attacks, the Pakistani foreign ministry could not establish a round-the-clock crisis center. The embassies in Mexico or Argentina have to comply with Islamabad’s office timing in case a diplomat bothers to reach out to headquarter on some important matter. How many countries in similar situation can rely on 9am to 3pm standard office routine?

With career planning virtually non-existent, there is no co-relation between language training and foreign posting. In many cases, officers are never sent to the country whose language they have learnt, thus they lose the ability to either speak or write in it.

While there is no foreign policy evolution process at work, there is no regional, bilateral or multi-lateral specialization. An officer serving in New Delhi might be posted to Pretoria in South Africa, eventually most Pakistani diplomats remaining amateurs with very basic skill of knowing know how to wear a tie and a suit, and locking themselves up in embassies or consulates.

Pakistan, a country that is involved in major legal disputes, has the weakest international law expertise in international law. Two or three officers in ramshackle officers are a sick pretention of international law capacity in the ministry, thus leading to outsourcing the case for Pakistan defense to legal fraternity in the private sector. Obviously, there have been no lessons learnt from downing of Pakistan Navy spy plane by India or failure to win litigation on water conflict. There are bound to be more legal issues ahead with India being admitted to larger number of critical multilateral for and Afghanistan toeing its lines.

The Indian embassies on the contrary maintain better quality of service with particular emphasis on public policy and community engagement or service. The media narrative, which already is damaging to Pakistan, is further supplemented by the Indian journalist working in foreign countries, such as the Gulf region and North America. While the state largely controls the media in the GCC region, the English language newspapers are flooded with Pakistan-damaging headlines while nothing critical can be published against ruler of another friendly country, Egypt’s Sisi regime. There is a total inability of writing anything beyond ill-composed letters to the editor. Op-ed articles by Pakistani diplomats are un-imaginable. The media monitoring at the embassy-level is negligible as most diplomats take the press coverage as fait accompli.

While one of the primary tasks of embassies is consular service, there is absolutely no training of Foreign Service officers in such matters. In fact the quintessential training of a Pakistani diplomat is antithetical to compassion, kindness and empathy needed for the consular work. Such traits are never sought after in an officer when posting to consular missions catering to large Pakistan expatriates. There are able exceptions of some extremely capable consular officers, but very rare!

Though they join the service after passing Central Superior Services’ examination, 60 to 70 per cent of Pakistani diplomats cannot speak simple English while addressing audiences in universities and think tanks. Blame the quota system if you will or the foreign ministry itself, which lacks anything but discipline and focus. Even in cases where they do speak, the diplomats are totally bereft of intellectual depth or the ability to speak beyond clichéd, hackneyed briefs which are of zero interest to well informed audiences in Europe and North America.

One case in point was the total lack of response to the poisonous anti Pakistan narrative spun out of Toronto by Tariq Fateh and his gang of half a dozen followers. Their connections for funding and narrative are abundantly well known. Over the last decade, nobody amongst the Pakistani diplomats in prized stations such as Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles and Toronto invested enough effort and intellectual depth to counter on shallow and venomous narratives of Fateh’s ilk. Then, it was only the individual effort or un-official audacity of a diplomat and some expatriate Pakistanis in Canada who demolished the inaccurate. Majority of Pakistani diplomats are devoid of such caliber, motivation and absolute knowledge of history and affairs.

In the age of alternate media, tragically, Pakistani diplomats are utterly untrained in using social media for foreign policy objectives. So far, ministry of foreign affairs has not held a single workshop on use of social media whereas such trainings are held routinely in small private sector organizations. Therefore, lack of resources cannot be an excuse for lack of vision and total ignorance from advanced in communication.

The embassy websites are another fiasco. Lacking a standardized format, the information provided is rarely updated, and most insufficient to answer the basic questions. Top foreign ministry officials along with the ones posted in embassies rely on Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo for official communication. Mostly the Facebook pages and Twitter handles of ambassadors and embassies are non-existent, and those having account are not all active. WhatsApp and Viber provide the best hotlines.

The foreign ministry direly necessitates massive restructuring and reforms. The government needs to debate as whether it must take officers from the CSP pool or those who appear and pass through rigorous evaluation process specifically evolved for the country’s future diplomats. Should the diplomats be attending the courses for promotion with other bureaucrats (baboos) of grade 19 and beyond? The question of promotion criteria is equally crucial. Should not their specialization, dedication, analytical skills, foreign language proficiency to be forming the criteria, to name a few? Ominous is acute dearth of analytical skills in the diplomatic corps employed by Islamabad given fast-paced developments, realignments in the region and world as well as conflict deepening or emerging.

To a significant extent, apathy toward Foreign Service academy is to be blamed as well. From communication skills to the art of negotiation, the training leaves a lot to be desired. The stiff-necked young officers it churns out are too lightweight to keep up the traditions of Sir Zafarullah Khan, Pitras Bokhari, and Sahibzada Yaqub Khan et al. The academy should not only be the focal point not for training but also career planning, and specialized and advanced courses too.

Non-diplomatic staff is another thorn in the neck. They are no different in aspiration and selfish pursuits than the ambassador and the other diplomatic staff. Lacking proper training, devoid of local language and charmed by facilities abroad, often such clerks and secretaries act like ambassadors within community and mint money in return for their assigned jobs.

To forward Pakistan’s national interest and to counter India’s Cold Start doctrine, the foreign ministry can’t be left in the cold. If ambassador Tariq Fatemi is not abreast of the flaws and ready to reform, who else would!

Source: http://tribune.com.pk/story/1187650/expose-pakistans-lame-apathetic-foreign-service/

the article is not realistic. diplomats and journalists cannot counter reality.
“The arrow shot by the archer may or may not kill a single person. But stratagems devised by a wise man can kill even babes in the womb.” ― Chanakya Kautilya

Long before Narendra Modi took over, India chalked out a comprehensive plan to marginalize and defame Pakistan globally. Islamabad’s incompetent political leaders, rash generals and lousy bureaucrats unknowingly contributed their fair share. Yes, it sounds disturbing and even melodramatic. But it’s very true. After the India military took one month to mobilize along Pakistani border following the Parliament attack, the Vajpayee-led government sought a standardized plan against Pakistan. The doctrine that resulted is called the Cold Start. Besides, various localized thrust of military hardware aimed at inflicting damage to the adversary and eventually disabling the use of nuclear option, it assigned equal significance to the government diplomatic arm – the external affairs ministry – to portray Pakistan as ‘epic center of terrorism’. The India media, which rarely challenges the South Block, built the narrative which the Indian diplomats efficiently propagated through official and unofficial channels. Meanwhile, Islamabad basked in the narcissism of General Pervez Musharraf with the political opposition treating its wounds in Jeddah and London.

So now, India has taken off its gloves and mask, both. The war drums are beating with chorus of Hindutva militia at full pitch. War as “continuation of politics by other means,” said Carl Von Clausewitz, the legendary military theorist. The previous Indian policy will be forwarded by war or war mongering. The Pakistan military might be ready and armed-to-teeth but there is on huge gap in its defenses: the lousy foreign ministry and its venal diplomats.

After over two-dozen background interviews, this correspondent has been able to synthesize some of the core flaws confronting efficiency of Pakistan’s foreign ministry.

Being the second largest Muslim country and sixth most populous nation, Pakistan has significant diplomatic footprint in the world. The number of embassy has growing and so has the staff deputed there. Over the past three decades, however, the country’s civil services have steadily declined in terms of quality of manpower, training and motivation, which may have a lot to do with politicization of bureaucracy as well as military’s soaring interference. Currently, the ambassadors appointed can divided in three categories; career diplomats, retired military officers ranging from colonels to generals and political appointees including mid-level bankers such as in Qatar to top-notch journalists like Dr Maleeha Lodhi. The mix baggage brings out mixed results. Not all career diplomats know what they are supposed while not every political appointee or ex-military man is there to enjoy the perks.

There is little or no communication between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions of national security and internal security of Pakistan. One example is that of Pakistan’s policy on drone strikes. While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs printed reams of paper on Pakistanis anger and protests on drone strikes, the United States CIA and the Pakistan’s military were both cooperating on drone strikes and targeting of alleged militants.

Brainstorming at any level is non-existent in the ministry of foreign affairs. The additional secretaries’ meeting is the only forum in the ministry where some sort of minimal discussion or say brainstorming takes place. However, this is only at the highest level and does not take engage even director or director general level officers. From the additional secretary level to the assistant director, 99 per cent of the effort consists of writing inane and clichéd talking points and worthless noting on irrelevant files. They are precisely glorified clerks or baboos, mostly playing the role of a postman. The result is that foreign policy is made mostly on whim and dictation from either the General Headquarters or the prime minister’s office, hence the U-turns, and last-minute firefighting. A case in point can be the Torkham border-crossing row with Afghanistan; when the foreign office did not know anything regarding the discussions between the army and the Afghan ambassador.

Despite major back-to-back challenges such as Indian nuclear tests in 1998, followed by September 11 attacks, the Pakistani foreign ministry could not establish a round-the-clock crisis center. The embassies in Mexico or Argentina have to comply with Islamabad’s office timing in case a diplomat bothers to reach out to headquarter on some important matter. How many countries in similar situation can rely on 9am to 3pm standard office routine?

With career planning virtually non-existent, there is no co-relation between language training and foreign posting. In many cases, officers are never sent to the country whose language they have learnt, thus they lose the ability to either speak or write in it.

While there is no foreign policy evolution process at work, there is no regional, bilateral or multi-lateral specialization. An officer serving in New Delhi might be posted to Pretoria in South Africa, eventually most Pakistani diplomats remaining amateurs with very basic skill of knowing know how to wear a tie and a suit, and locking themselves up in embassies or consulates.

Pakistan, a country that is involved in major legal disputes, has the weakest international law expertise in international law. Two or three officers in ramshackle officers are a sick pretention of international law capacity in the ministry, thus leading to outsourcing the case for Pakistan defense to legal fraternity in the private sector. Obviously, there have been no lessons learnt from downing of Pakistan Navy spy plane by India or failure to win litigation on water conflict. There are bound to be more legal issues ahead with India being admitted to larger number of critical multilateral for and Afghanistan toeing its lines.

The Indian embassies on the contrary maintain better quality of service with particular emphasis on public policy and community engagement or service. The media narrative, which already is damaging to Pakistan, is further supplemented by the Indian journalist working in foreign countries, such as the Gulf region and North America. While the state largely controls the media in the GCC region, the English language newspapers are flooded with Pakistan-damaging headlines while nothing critical can be published against ruler of another friendly country, Egypt’s Sisi regime. There is a total inability of writing anything beyond ill-composed letters to the editor. Op-ed articles by Pakistani diplomats are un-imaginable. The media monitoring at the embassy-level is negligible as most diplomats take the press coverage as fait accompli.

While one of the primary tasks of embassies is consular service, there is absolutely no training of Foreign Service officers in such matters. In fact the quintessential training of a Pakistani diplomat is antithetical to compassion, kindness and empathy needed for the consular work. Such traits are never sought after in an officer when posting to consular missions catering to large Pakistan expatriates. There are able exceptions of some extremely capable consular officers, but very rare!

Though they join the service after passing Central Superior Services’ examination, 60 to 70 per cent of Pakistani diplomats cannot speak simple English while addressing audiences in universities and think tanks. Blame the quota system if you will or the foreign ministry itself, which lacks anything but discipline and focus. Even in cases where they do speak, the diplomats are totally bereft of intellectual depth or the ability to speak beyond clichéd, hackneyed briefs which are of zero interest to well informed audiences in Europe and North America.

One case in point was the total lack of response to the poisonous anti Pakistan narrative spun out of Toronto by Tariq Fateh and his gang of half a dozen followers. Their connections for funding and narrative are abundantly well known. Over the last decade, nobody amongst the Pakistani diplomats in prized stations such as Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles and Toronto invested enough effort and intellectual depth to counter on shallow and venomous narratives of Fateh’s ilk. Then, it was only the individual effort or un-official audacity of a diplomat and some expatriate Pakistanis in Canada who demolished the inaccurate. Majority of Pakistani diplomats are devoid of such caliber, motivation and absolute knowledge of history and affairs.

In the age of alternate media, tragically, Pakistani diplomats are utterly untrained in using social media for foreign policy objectives. So far, ministry of foreign affairs has not held a single workshop on use of social media whereas such trainings are held routinely in small private sector organizations. Therefore, lack of resources cannot be an excuse for lack of vision and total ignorance from advanced in communication.

The embassy websites are another fiasco. Lacking a standardized format, the information provided is rarely updated, and most insufficient to answer the basic questions. Top foreign ministry officials along with the ones posted in embassies rely on Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo for official communication. Mostly the Facebook pages and Twitter handles of ambassadors and embassies are non-existent, and those having account are not all active. WhatsApp and Viber provide the best hotlines.

The foreign ministry direly necessitates massive restructuring and reforms. The government needs to debate as whether it must take officers from the CSP pool or those who appear and pass through rigorous evaluation process specifically evolved for the country’s future diplomats. Should the diplomats be attending the courses for promotion with other bureaucrats (baboos) of grade 19 and beyond? The question of promotion criteria is equally crucial. Should not their specialization, dedication, analytical skills, foreign language proficiency to be forming the criteria, to name a few? Ominous is acute dearth of analytical skills in the diplomatic corps employed by Islamabad given fast-paced developments, realignments in the region and world as well as conflict deepening or emerging.

To a significant extent, apathy toward Foreign Service academy is to be blamed as well. From communication skills to the art of negotiation, the training leaves a lot to be desired. The stiff-necked young officers it churns out are too lightweight to keep up the traditions of Sir Zafarullah Khan, Pitras Bokhari, and Sahibzada Yaqub Khan et al. The academy should not only be the focal point not for training but also career planning, and specialized and advanced courses too.

Non-diplomatic staff is another thorn in the neck. They are no different in aspiration and selfish pursuits than the ambassador and the other diplomatic staff. Lacking proper training, devoid of local language and charmed by facilities abroad, often such clerks and secretaries act like ambassadors within community and mint money in return for their assigned jobs.

To forward Pakistan’s national interest and to counter India’s Cold Start doctrine, the foreign ministry can’t be left in the cold. If ambassador Tariq Fatemi is not abreast of the flaws and ready to reform, who else would!

Source: http://tribune.com.pk/story/1187650/expose-pakistans-lame-apathetic-foreign-service/
Babes or babies?


never thought of Chanakaya as a babe killer

But besides all that can anyone tell me the reason of successes that we are observing in our strategic relations. Not everything can actually be the way it is painted to seem, sometimes you have to
rather, put up a show ... ?

But besides all that can anyone tell me the reason of successes that we are observing in our strategic relations. Not everything can actually be the way it is painted to seem, sometimes you have to
rather, put up a show ... ?

what has Pakistan going for it ?
6th or 7th most populous state
proximity to India & Middle East
all weather friendship with China

what is not going well for Pakistan ?
weak political system
problems with USA
problems with India
poor human resources
lack of economic development
what is a diplomat supposed to tell a West European country about OBL raid fiasco ? tell me the narrative. I can tell you the amount of egg on your face.

OBL was was hunted from Abottabad...few hundred feets away from Kakul Academy..It all over the news...and the world does not need Indian media or Modi to tell this over and over..

Indians can roll all they want over the fact that OBL was discovered from Pakistan....it will make no difference....we do whatever we want to do!
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OBL was was hunted from Abottabad...few hundred feets away from Kakul Academy..It all over the news...and the world does not need Indian media or Modi to tell this over and over..

Indians can roll all they want over the fact that OBL was discovered from Pakistan....it will make no difference....we do whatever we want to do!

i could care less about OBL. what are your diplomats supposed to tell the world ?
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