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Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

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Dec 20, 2008
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Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

Pakistan, you are a failed state. Not because of Zardari. Not because of America. But because you are a failed people, all of us undeserving of sympathy. We are diseased, rotten to every brain stem, world please make an impenetrable fence around us, keep us all in so we don’t spread it to other people, other countries.

These were words I posted on a social networking website. I have an unusually negative mindset these days. It happened after I saw the video of the two teenage brothers brutally clubbed to death by a crowd frenzied with blood thirst in Sialkot. The police watched gleefully. The video has blurs at certain parts, but even this sensible sensitivity does not prevent one from seeing mists of blood flaying from the heads of these teens as they are hit relentlessly, and remorselessly, again and again.

The murderous crowd was truly representative of the richness of Pakistan. Some wear jeans, others shalwar kameez, some were bearded, others clean shaven. The Pakistanis had gotten together to have some fun.

Do not be shocked. This wasn’t isolated, it’s just that the crowd wanted to make sure their orgasmic moment could be captured for later viewing, at one’s pleasure. We blame our ill-educated brethren for the barbarity we witness, but that’s a self-serving lie.

The middle and upper classes are immune to education it seems. They hold opinions of everyday violence even if they have never raised their hand at anyone. If you believe Jews are the scum of the earth, all Ahmadis deserve to die or that Hindus are inferior, well why not two teenage boys?

I want Pakistanis to feel shame, in fact a substantial loss of self-esteem would be great. This is the only way for us to begin to doubt ourselves and the incessant excuses we make. Yes, the world is right to add restrictions on our visas, to see us as dangerous. If for even a while we felt we were the cockroaches of the human race, maybe we would get to the point we stopped the lies we tell ourselves and let this continue.

The fact is, if we had real democracy, there would be no internet in Pakistan, women would not be allowed out of their homes, education would come to a standstill and we would begin a programme of killing off every minority. Thank you corrupt generals and politicians, you keep this at bay with some sense of being answerable to a world that still has some humanity in it, even if you don’t.

And please, no excuses, no excuses. Don’t give us that, “If only there was true Islam they would be better”. I think a thousand years is enough, we can’t wait longer. And there was no America in existence for most of that, or even western colonialism.

You want to know just how sociopathic we are? In response to these killings some are happy to say we deserve earthquakes and floods. Typical. Don’t change yourself, but give credit to the indiscriminate and inhumane forces of nature. The floods are a tragedy, an atrocity and should never be used to bolster an argument that really only demands self-reflection.

And please, in your self-reflection don’t call us animals, most of them are benign vegetarians. Also don’t blame Sialkot; they were just unlucky because they are subject to scrutiny. There is so much more out there.

There is such a sense of sickening moral superiority in Pakistanis, it needs to be addressed. All we care about is foreign policy, eager to point out the hypocrisies of the world, silent on our domestic, or even local life. Why should the world take what you say seriously, why should you be a regional power, or a leader in the comity of Islamic nations?

Truth is, there is only one way to get change, and it’s not hanging the people who killed these boys. It is raising your voice to contradict people who advocate death for others, no matter who they are speaking of. To internalise that murder of any kind, for anyone is wrong. Sounds easy? Well just try it.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 24th, 2010.

Pakistan?s human cockroaches – The Express Tribune
The author has gone too far in self lamenting. Lot of BS terminology ... human cockroaches wtf?
Well i m am forgete the author but read a article that

How much hated speech you can give against Indians and India you can that much bright future in politics in Pakistan
How come indians tend to find and post such articles here and not Pakistanis?Perhaps too much obsessions with Pakistan?
How come indians tend to find and post such articles here and not Pakistanis?Perhaps too much obsessions with Pakistan?

Just check again this forum is full of these type of article but all are anti-Indian not Pakistan cause all anti-Pakistani thread closed by mod on the other hand all anti-Indian BS is still open .
How come indians tend to find and post such articles here and not Pakistanis?Perhaps too much obsessions with Pakistan?

1)change of title in kashmir thread was happened recently
2)india related thread which is "50% rich n 50% poor".look there wat's the obsessions there with india
Well i m am forgete the author but read a article that

How much hated speech you can give against Indians and India you can that much bright future in politics in Pakistan

Could you repeat that in English please?
Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

Pakistan, you are a failed state. Not because of Zardari. Not because of America. But because you are a failed people, all of us undeserving of sympathy. We are diseased, rotten to every brain stem, world please make an impenetrable fence around us, keep us all in so we don’t spread it to other people, other countries.

These were words I posted on a social networking website. I have an unusually negative mindset these days. It happened after I saw the video of the two teenage brothers brutally clubbed to death by a crowd frenzied with blood thirst in Sialkot. The police watched gleefully. The video has blurs at certain parts, but even this sensible sensitivity does not prevent one from seeing mists of blood flaying from the heads of these teens as they are hit relentlessly, and remorselessly, again and again.

The murderous crowd was truly representative of the richness of Pakistan. Some wear jeans, others shalwar kameez, some were bearded, others clean shaven. The Pakistanis had gotten together to have some fun.

Do not be shocked. This wasn’t isolated, it’s just that the crowd wanted to make sure their orgasmic moment could be captured for later viewing, at one’s pleasure. We blame our ill-educated brethren for the barbarity we witness, but that’s a self-serving lie.

The middle and upper classes are immune to education it seems. They hold opinions of everyday violence even if they have never raised their hand at anyone. If you believe Jews are the scum of the earth, all Ahmadis deserve to die or that Hindus are inferior, well why not two teenage boys?

I want Pakistanis to feel shame, in fact a substantial loss of self-esteem would be great. This is the only way for us to begin to doubt ourselves and the incessant excuses we make. Yes, the world is right to add restrictions on our visas, to see us as dangerous. If for even a while we felt we were the cockroaches of the human race, maybe we would get to the point we stopped the lies we tell ourselves and let this continue.

The fact is, if we had real democracy, there would be no internet in Pakistan, women would not be allowed out of their homes, education would come to a standstill and we would begin a programme of killing off every minority. Thank you corrupt generals and politicians, you keep this at bay with some sense of being answerable to a world that still has some humanity in it, even if you don’t.

And please, no excuses, no excuses. Don’t give us that, “If only there was true Islam they would be better”. I think a thousand years is enough, we can’t wait longer. And there was no America in existence for most of that, or even western colonialism.

You want to know just how sociopathic we are? In response to these killings some are happy to say we deserve earthquakes and floods. Typical. Don’t change yourself, but give credit to the indiscriminate and inhumane forces of nature. The floods are a tragedy, an atrocity and should never be used to bolster an argument that really only demands self-reflection.

And please, in your self-reflection don’t call us animals, most of them are benign vegetarians. Also don’t blame Sialkot; they were just unlucky because they are subject to scrutiny. There is so much more out there.

There is such a sense of sickening moral superiority in Pakistanis, it needs to be addressed. All we care about is foreign policy, eager to point out the hypocrisies of the world, silent on our domestic, or even local life. Why should the world take what you say seriously, why should you be a regional power, or a leader in the comity of Islamic nations?

Truth is, there is only one way to get change, and it’s not hanging the people who killed these boys. It is raising your voice to contradict people who advocate death for others, no matter who they are speaking of. To internalise that murder of any kind, for anyone is wrong. Sounds easy? Well just try it.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 24th, 2010.

Pakistan?s human cockroaches – The Express Tribune

The only person who should be ashamed is the fat bas.tard who wrote this article. what an isolated life he lives if he thinks this represents Pakistan. Perhaps he should visit somewhere in Pakistan other than his local burger bar and he may see Pakistan for what it is.

He is also a hypocrite. Two kids being beaten to death in a street by a mob is aweful, he saw that on youtube and 180 million people became cockroaches. Perhpaps he is busy right now building gas chambers to march us into.

However what the fat sh1t has forgotten, is that practically daily, people are killed in Pakistan by US drone strikes, he watches it on the news, and life goes on. He is standing in the crowd whilst those innocent lives are being torn apart. Videos of innocent men women and children torn apart by missiles landing in their homes don't seem to affect him. I suspect traitors like him praise such attacks, after all, all these people are terrorists right?

Where is their right to trial? Why does he applaud that vigilante justice?
althought the title of this article is not very polite however we need this sort of bashing like our KARTOOT !
Failed people?

Go **** yourself.

I bet the author doesn't even pay his taxes.

He wouldn't have done sht at the sialkot scene.
The only person who should be ashamed is the fat bas.tard who wrote this article. what an isolated life he lives if he thinks this represents Pakistan. Perhaps he should visit somewhere in Pakistan other than his local burger bar and he may see Pakistan for what it is.

He is also a hypocrite. Two kids being beaten to death in a street by a mob is aweful, he saw that on youtube and 180 million people became cockroaches. Perhpaps he is busy right now building gas chambers to march us into.

However what the fat sh1t has forgotten, is that practically daily, people are killed in Pakistan by US drone strikes, he watches it on the news, and life goes on. He is standing in the crowd whilst those innocent lives are being torn apart. Videos of innocent men women and children torn apart by missiles landing in their homes don't seem to affect him. I suspect traitors like him praise such attacks, after all, all these people are terrorists right?

Where is their right to trial? Why does he applaud that vigilante justice?

I did not click the link so dont know who wrote it but looking at the style of shyt i suspect its Fussy Zaka (you can replace the F and u with P and a or u) . If yes then never mind be is Nadeem paratha groupie yeh the same paratha who is said to be drug addict and once was in rehabilitation center.

They are alergic to Muslims so anything can be expected from them.

lolzz they blame everything on Islam. And if you happen to say Assalam o- Alaikum to them they will look at you with a grin and say OUT OUT you are product of Zia's era
Failed people?

Go **** yourself.

I bet the author doesn't even pay his taxes.

He wouldn't have done sht at the sialkot scene.

He was on Rhodes scholarship you can google who has started this scholarship and his background you will understand what rhodes scholars are taught to do when they are back in their countries ;)
this topic can win best topic award if posted at Bharat Raksha. :rofl:
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