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Pakistan's Human Cockroaches

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This is the as* hole who has written this article. They are the same people who don't waste any moment to criticize and abuse religion and the founders of Pakistan.


Looks like we have to out source TTP for the first time to eliminate our country from such low lives.

the thing is its not even constructive, when you write a bunch of ad hominem you cant even have a constructive discussion
i dont about the rest of the article he was right about the moral superiority feeling thing
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What a total piece of utter trash, how can you label a nation "human cockroaches", furthermore speaks volumes about the editorial standards of the publishing house in this matter.

And i would like to bring to the attention of :mod:MODS here, please can something be done about Indian members willfully posting such articles in a blatant attempt to stoke the embers of hate and fuel a flamer.

Seriously, i know it's now my place but we are FAR too Lenient here when it comes to such SHYTE.

Overall the article was writeen by Fasi, fail as he is this is another attempt to add another feather in his cap so to speak, i did not think this retard would stoop so low... Another Nadeem Paracha in the making.

He too will die out. Satire and introspective critique only goes so far...
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LOL epic thread, is the author of the article Pakistani? If yes rename the title as Pakistan's 'FAT' Human Cockroaches
Hey, what's with all the cockroach hating?

A few facts about cockroaches::D

> Cockroaches are a 350-million year old species. Talk about awesomely evolved...

> We humans would do well to learn from the group behaivour of cockroaches: "Research has shown that group-based decision-making is responsible for complex behavior such as resource allocation. In a study where 50 cockroaches were placed in a dish with three shelters with a capacity for 40 insects in each, the insects arranged themselves in two shelters with 25 insects in each, leaving the third shelter empty. When the capacity of the shelters was increased to more than 50 insects per shelter, all of the cockroaches arranged themselves in one shelter. Researchers found a balance between cooperation and competition exists in group decision-making behavior found in cockroaches".

> Cockroaches are among the hardiest insects on the planet. Some species are capable of remaining active for a month without food and are able to survive on limited resources like the glue from the back of postage stamps. Some can go without air for 45 minutes. In one experiment, cockroaches were able to recover from being submerged underwater for half an hour.

> It is popularly suggested that cockroaches will "inherit the earth" if humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war. Cockroaches do indeed have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates, with the lethal dose perhaps 6 to 15 times that for humans.

So if some one called ME a cockroach,,,,,,:taz::chilli:
My god, what a pathetic article! I am Indian and it still gets me pretty riled up at how offensive the author is. Introspection and self-criticism is good, but to insult an entire nation is just sick. I think this guy needs to take a look at himself before he judges others

He and NFP both use dirt.y language hence it makes them psycho pair.

Someone commented that he had raised valid points but i would say if we at all have to discuss valid points we have much good and civilised critics who despite being anti-Pakistan are not taken as mockingly by us here on forum as we take this pumpkin and that narco patient NFP.

We have a very critical thread on Sialkot barbarity and every Pakistani has expressed the sentiments of entire Nation by condemning and calling for strict punishment to those terrorist murderers.

Express Tribune has tainted its credibility already by hiring a person who does not know to use civilised language. Also all those paid goons which were earlier with Dawn.com were also hired by ET for venom spitting.
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