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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

IMO ICBM is a must thing for Pakistan. There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends, however to attain an ICBM, we need to strengthen our economy first so that no latter economic threat can lead us to withdraw from our project. Moreover i am also of an opinion that as long as this government is in place, we will not see anything even closely related to an ICBM, reason we all know very well. Plus it would be better if instead of making an ICBM, we increase the range of our cruise missiles and bring it in the same league as TomaHawk and enable its use on our subs, perhaps a nuclear sub on lease from China can give us the capability to hit anywhere in the world if God for bid the time comes down to that.

A good point, but cruise missiles and ICBM are different items all together.

An ICBM is more potent and Pakistan should make them; off course it would be political suicide to test one now. All the pieces should be ready, and put together when needed.

A nuclear power sub is also essential for power projection, I think it has to be indigenous; too much political liability for any other country to provide it.

Both the above are based on the political assumption that a conflict with the west is on the cards.
A good point, but cruise missiles and ICBM are different items all together.

An ICBM is more potent and Pakistan should make them; off course it would be political suicide to test one now. All the pieces should be ready, and put together when needed.

A nuclear power sub is also essential for power projection, I think it has to be indigenous; too much political liability for any other country to provide it.

Both the above are based on the political assumption that a conflict with the west is on the cards.

Hmmm No doubt I am favour for ICMB on subs but isn't that an old way of projecting power around the world.
What I'm saying is having another way of flexing muscle rather than using missles.
If we did that not only will it cause confusion, lack of understanding of this new idea and fear towards our enemy but this will be our own our acheivement Like the US developed the Stealth technology, or the Germans developed the U-boat.

I do have faith on Pakistani Sciencist.

However on another note Pakistan need ICMB for Space exploration and stalight launch.

NB: I'm only saying
i think we do not need it for military need, i mean it is not practical!!

it may be there to prove our military muscel only!!

the main need for such a system for me may have been the satalite launch system as it have huge potential market!!
Pakistan should develop ICBM but keep it secret or buy icbms from China :D.Anyway i think Pakistan should immediately develop MIRV which is far more important then ICBM because we can hit our enemies easily using ICBM and even if we get ICBM they will be intercepted way before they reach any NATO nations (In case we get into conflict with NATO/US).

if pakistan get this ICBM the we will use it only in the case of any threat/conflict.:crazy::flame:
For the time being I don't think so that Pakistan is thinking of getting any ICBM We already have so much financial & political crisis to think about these MEGA projects & talking about Nuclear subs these are quiet risky ones history proves my point. We just can't gamble with the lives of our naval men!!
Talking about Indian ICBM you will fing the following document quiet comprehensive
I don't think we need ICBM.First of all, do you want to fly the missile over whole world before it radiates hindu dhothis?Secondly our enemy is India and will always remain India.Another Enemy is Afghanistan but that threat can be neutralized without nukes.
I don't think we need ICBM.First of all, do you want to fly the missile over whole world before it radiates hindu dhothis?Secondly our enemy is India and will always remain India.Another Enemy is Afghanistan but that threat can be neutralized without nukes.

radiate hindu dhotis? haha...well be careful with the lighter fluid..your elaborate beard might catch fire...!(i hope you have a sense of humor)
about the ICBM...you are right...add israel to the list.america would have been another impractical enemy..though.
doesn't, having an ICMB gives the ability to go to space ?
Hmmm No doubt I am favour for ICMB on subs but isn't that an old way of projecting power around the world.
What I'm saying is having another way of flexing muscle rather than using missles.
The best way to flex your muscle is to grow a stronger economy! Everything else falls into place. It will also wipe out the "rogue" tag that seems to associated with the Pakistan of today. I'm just a little surprised that some Pakistanis here are going overboard, The first thing Pakistan has to fix at a fast pace is it economy and world reputation. ICBMS, Space Tech, Nuking India, Attacking US, NATO, Afghanistan can come later!
IF Pakistan develops missels having range 5000Km then Nuclear assets of Pakistan will be safe in future from Israeli attack and this chapter will closed for ever.
Iam sure they are in works as we speak right now buliding along range missle !!
Iam sure they are in works as we speak right now buliding along range missle !!

they may well be in the works but the question is whether it si worth our while to demonstrate the capability. In the current crisis, the answer has to be NO. We need to develop the technology to send our own satellites into space. We should do that. the other facet is MIRv. Work again may be on going but will never be publicized till it becomes necessary.
i agree that in our case our strongest defence would be a strong and buoyant economy based on sound principles and exhibiting a sustained growth. It is the only answer to a lot of our illsand miseries.
As an outsider, i see so many Indians wanting to go back to India to set up their own businesses. Unfortunately , i see no such trend amongst the pakistanis.it is not the lack of love for our country. it is just the conditions that do not allow us. I would love to see this situation change.
well as many other countries are trying to develop in home capabilities to sent satellites to space from home ground rather than asking US/Russia or Euro to send it i am sure Pakistan is well on its way working in a right course but we do not know the time frame as well as the influx of funds for such a project or program..rest assure Pakistan has to acquire the capabilities of sending satellites to space save millions of dollars as well as sending satellites for the surrounding peaceful neighboring countries in space saving $$ for them as well...Yes we must have a program for ICBM in place but we must wait for the economy to get better as well atleast we should start working on ICBMs towards entry level for know how before its too late in this field as well.
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