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Pakistan's bloody week: Who is really to blame?

I used to think that 1971 war was the reason for Pakistans animosity towards India , a feeling of revenge. But was surprised to read in a Pakistani site that SSG started training Naga rebels in erstwhile east Pakistan in the 1950s !
Frankly i as Indian cannot fathom why instead of focussing on development after independence , all this proxy stuff was started.
stop living in imaginary world
now tell me why your glorious RAW still have no clue about how ,when it happens and who do it

stop living in imaginary world
now tell me why your glorious RAW still have no clue about how ,when it happens and who do it
You didn't get the sarcasm..
The general perception of RAW in India is that it is an incompetent agency..
I used to think that 1971 war was the reason for Pakistans animosity towards India , a feeling of revenge. But was surprised to read in a Pakistani site that SSG started training Naga rebels in erstwhile east Pakistan in the 1950s !
Frankly i as Indian cannot fathom why instead of focussing on development after independence , all this proxy stuff was started.

Are you dumb or something

Occupation of kashmir is reason for emnity
I used to think that 1971 war was the reason for Pakistans animosity towards India , a feeling of revenge. But was surprised to read in a Pakistani site that SSG started training Naga rebels in erstwhile east Pakistan in the 1950s !
Frankly i as Indian cannot fathom why instead of focussing on development after independence , all this proxy stuff was started.

In 1947 India Tried to Instigate The Tribes and Faqir of Ipi Against Using Dar ul Uloom Deoband Pakistan Pakistan Had To Bring In Grand Mufti of Palestine to Quell Them.Trust This Goes Way Back
There is a collective failure.. but we need to understand also collective efforts from INDIA,IRAN,AFGHANISTAN and some GCC are doing to failed CPEC. Pakistan need to rearrange its friend list as well as enemy list. ISI already passed this info intel in advance.
In 1947 India Tried to Instigate The Tribes and Faqir of Ipi Against Using Dar ul Uloom Deoband Pakistan Pakistan Had To Bring In Grand Mufti of Palestine to Quell Them.Trust This Goes Way Back
How did India instigate the lpi ?? tribes ? Frankly never read anything regarding this.
There is a collective failure.. but we need to understand also collective efforts from INDIA,IRAN,AFGHANISTAN and some GCC are doing to failed CPEC. Pakistan need to rearrange its friend list as well as enemy list. ISI already passed this info intel in advance.
what about america and UK.. which side are they? check the intel and tell us plz.
I would say MOSSAD, CIA and RAW the evil partners. Only last week we welcomed the Palestinian Ambassador and this is the payback.

War has again come into Pakistan through clandestine and sinister subversive activities. The threats have materialised in the form of widespread bombings as the desperate and beleaguered regime in Afghanistan and the belligerent semi fascist regime in India have come together to sting Pakistan for her perceived support of freedom fighters in India and the Taliban in Afghanistan, in an attempt to disengage Pakistan's support of regime change in Afghanistan, support of Kashmiri freedom fighters and sabotage the nationally important CPEC project.

Indian strategists are openly supporting and purporting direct and indirect terrorism in Pakistan and have given RAW (in collaboration with other agencies) the green light to instigate local disgruntled miscreants to carry out their evil designs together with multitude of other tactics including cutting off Pakistan's water supply. There is also additional complexity of Modi's relationship with Nawaz and the business motivations of NS in India and convenient diversion from the current emboldened scandals. The butcher of Gujrat was known to be a fascist and is truly showing his swastika now.

Pakistan army is being attacked daily on the Kashmir border by the aggressive Indian army, who issue threats and threaten to escalate to war at a time and day of their own choosing. India has realigned in the new world order and chosen to partner with their old colonial masters. These colonial masters have given India the technology and economic boost to challenge China and to bully Pakistan and other countries in South Asia.

Pakistan is now being attacked by Indian (and their allies) trained guerrilla forces and are in a indirect state of war. The hapless Pakistani civilians are now facing the brunt of the attacks. These sequence of events were predictable and the Pakistani populace should have been forewarned by the state for the cause and effect consequential attacks they are now suffering. The temporary CPEC euphoria Pakistanis were enjoying has been substituted by Indian and their allies plans for massacres, conflict, unrest and destabilisation, Bangladesh style, in a phased and systematic implementation. What we are seeing in Pakistan are the beginnings of what we have seen in other regions of the world where third world countries have suffered colonial subversion and conflict.

Pakistan now has three choices: to escalate, deescalate or maintain status quo. Direct escalation is not an option as it may lead to nuclear exchange between the hegemonic Indians and Pakistan. The weapons both countries possess can lead to catastrophic consequences not only for both the countries involved but also for regional neighbours. Escalation is not in Pakistan's interest but may well be in India's calculation. If the Indians calculate advantage in direct escalation they may well pursue it with the hidden promise of aftermath direct regeneration support from their colonial allies. India's dream of Anschluss, the Republic of Public of Pakistan ceasing to exist as an independent state and integrated into India would be fulfilled. The possibility of direct escalation is very remote and extremely unlikely but possible.

Indirect escalation would mean resurrecting the contacts with the enemies of our enemy and channelling money and weapons to inflict like for like carnage and strategic gain. Pakistan should have laid out such clandestine web of structures for such an eventuality in the past but because of historical peace overtones to the Indians these were abandoned long ago leaving Pakistan's military strategists with few options to play today. The peace dream with India was a fallacy from the beginning as has been laid bare today. After a few historical assassinations of political leaders in India the new pawn fascist Modi has been put in place and readied and primed for war. The theatre of clandestine operations is set for a long and drawn out campaign with persistent stings along the border. It is obvious that for a long time India has been establishing a web of clandestine guerrilla networks to do its bidding within Pakistan whilst Pakistan was being lead to a road of peace. The variables in the subversive activities within Pakistan are numerous. There are multitude of hostile foreign spy agencies engaged in anti-state activities, political parties who are seeking benefit from conflict, disgruntled people with perceived injustices or gripes, disenfranchised people, legacy participants and victims of war on terror, criminal gangs consolidating their yards etc . Pakistan is now stuck in an indirect war not of its choosing and has been caught on the back foot. ISI India has failed to predict this fascist agenda and has no effective way of dealing with this anti-Pakistan Indian campaign. ISI is in this position not because of its inaction but by the political posturing of previous governments who were led into a false sense of hope for peace by their Western sponsors. The only way for Pakistan to deal with this indirect escalation is to unify the population , clamp down on foreign consulates and seal the borders. The seriousness of the situation must be conveyed be conveyed to the general populace and the public kept alert.

De-escalation is not in the Indian plans or strategy in the foreseeable future. With their new economic growth and surplus, a defined role in the new world order, and spurge in defence expenditure, India has aspirations for the UN security council and has Pakistan in its sight as enemy number one. India's new strategy is to use its economic and military power to keep Pakistan on the defensive. Pakistan's response has been to stand up to the new bully in the block and has increased its effort to match India's growth. Any de-escalation by Pakistan would be seen as surrendering to India and the political fallout would be immense for the current ruling party. De-escalation would mean acceding to India's demands on Kashmir, water disputes and boundary disputes and surrendering all ethical and moral support for victims of India's crimes. Pakistan's populace would not accede to this no matter how much pain they may suffer. In the new polarised world there is little chance of arbitration from USA, EU , Russia or China, each has a clear position and vested economic ties.

Maintaining the status quo is in the interests of the Indians but not Pakistan. Indians have Pakistan on the back foot and are hitting soft targets indiscriminately at times and place of their choosing. Having solidified their moral right by red flag operations and constant anti-Pakistan propaganda they have the vast majority of the Hindu population behind them. They now also have the support of disgruntled deported refugees sent from Pakistan, who feel they have suffered injustice by being forced from their refugee camps across the border into Afghanistan. These are the new foot soldiers for the Aghans to use against Pakistan and who readily wear suicide vests to inflict carnage in Pakistan. The sophistication of the explosives used and the professional execution of the bombings is a cause of concern which has made clear to Pakistan these are foreign state operators destabilising Pakistan.

In summary, Pakistan has no option but to indirectly escalate the war with India. Both Indians and Pakistani civilians will unnecessarily suffer in this new clandestine war. This is a long term war of attrition started on Pakistan by India and its enemies and only a change in government or catastrophic defeat of India will ensure peace.
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Waayyyyy too many indian roaches partaking in this thread, and on this site in general.

What's the problem indians? Bindiyaforums.com not enterntaining enough for you? Why are you here trying to applaud the garbage spewed by your countrymen? You trying to push indian PR on us? :laugh:

This site is deteriorating in quality because of the indian invasion. Massive deterioration in quality. I guess low quality and made in india go hand in hand.
Waayyyyy too many indian roaches partaking in this thread, and on this site in general.

What's the problem indians? 8888 not enterntaining enough for you? Why are you here trying to applaud the garbage spewed by your countrymen? You trying to push indian PR on us? :laugh:

This site is deteriorating in quality because of the indian invasion. Massive deterioration in quality. I guess low quality and made in india go hand in hand.

Awwwwww...U mad bruh ???.......so now pakistani's are complaining that they cant even safeguard a forum :p

i understand its a pakistani forum and all that fine stuff.....but seriously..not classy...lolz

and you live in canada ???? tsk tsk......
I remember a stat on this forum saying in 2016, Pakistan terror attacks reduced greatly compared to previous years.

So even though its bad, at least its improving.
pupit afghan govt, people occupying Afghanistan, and their whore in the region are responsible

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