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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

no news about the third ZDK-03 arrival!
Have this been kept quite or the delivery is delayed? any reason?

i have tried but couldn't get the story.

pakitan also use saab for returning peoples afrom saudia in past

remember the heroine scandal case

The rumour is that the confirmed destroyed Erieye will be replaced. The replacement will be the Saab 2000 aircraft that was obtained for training purposes and was the first Saab to be given to PAF in the Erieye program. It is understandable that PAF is rather quiet on confirming anything in case it gives succour to the enemies of the state. So we can only make educated guesses.

The real Q is can the PAF get the other 2/3 aircraft if as many people believe that we have lost more than 1 possibly 3 dead. If that is true 1. The PAF should hang it's head in shame. 2. It is unlikely we can afford to buy additional radars and platforms. This bird was a huge force multiplier and had in an instance transforemd the PAF's eyes and ears into enemy territory and hence the loss is greater still. A nation blinded.

It is confirmed that 1 is totally dead and other are damaged but in repairable condition.Repairs are done and i think the delivery of the replacement is on the way. Now all of our Erieye are insured as well.

So i guess nation is not that blind after all. :haha:
Wing Cdr Asim, OC 4Squadron is in China to receive the 3rd ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle......

sir jee any pictures?? and are these planes every flying about? haven't heard much of them or their capabilities.
Then buying more Chinese ones. Better for Suparco, NESCOM, KRL and PAC(avionics division) to join France or Italy on Sonar, Radar and Optical/Laser sensor development so that we can do sensors for weapons, equipments, AEW&Cs/Air Defence and for other roles too...

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