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Pakistan's 0 warships against India's 200 warships

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I have followed your posts for a long time and unlike other senior trolls rom Pakistan, your arguments are mostly factual and objective.

Now please answer me this.... We have a coastline atleast 50 times bigger than you. we also have a dominant rising China in the neighbourhood. Don;'t you think it is natural that Indian navy should be a strong and world class force to preotect its backyard?

This is nothing new. Only change has been that today we are a major growing economy and with financial clout, finally we can induct and modernise our navy.

See the recent additions.... I would say we are among top 6-7 navies right now...
1) Kolkata class stealth destroyers 2) Talwar class frigates 3) Best patrol aircrafts in Asia (better than Chinas) in P--8
4) Indigenous aircraft carrier along with INS Vikramaditya....
HI you seem to be a fair minded person which i admire. i agree with nearly all of what you say except for the patrol aircraft.
china has invested a lot of time and money in research and development of this aircraft and are working on tech that the US aren't even working on,or so they say. this tech includes object detection via a laser and a nuclear detector, to pick up radiation from nuclear sub reactors. and others. they wont tell me anything else. the p-8i is a good jet but remember its an export variant so all of the tech wont be advanced as a p-8a which is obvious. the main thing is to never underestimate the Chinese as they overestimate you.

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Yes, Pakistan has some few good 4-8 F-22P warships, some boats, and old submarines. India has been tremendous building very fast on their ships every year, is Pakistan always have zero warships, why we don't pay attention? o_O

Please don't discuss we are going to induct 8 Chinese new submarines soon.

Let's focus on what will Pakistan develop new own warships and projects plan aside from JF-17 and F-16 upgrading. Read below

Indian Navy aiming at 200-ship fleet by 2027

In considering what navy your country requires, India is only one factor. It is silly, and wholly reactive, to base your naval requirements on the size of the navy of the neighbours.
both countries are democracy and govts reflect will of the people. India does not like talks because we have to give up something.
Conflict is not something new. This behavior is what one would refer to as 'childish'.
HI you seem to be a fair minded person which i admire. i agree with nearly all of what you say except for the patrol aircraft.
china has invested a lot of time and money in research and development of this aircraft and are working on tech that the US aren't even working on,or so they say. this tech includes object detection via a laser and a nuclear detector, to pick up radiation from nuclear sub reactors. and others. they wont tell me anything else. the p-8i is a good jet but remember its an export variant so all of the tech wont be advanced as a p-8a which is obvious. the main thing is to never underestimate the Chinese as they overestimate you.

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Hi.... kindly go through the specs of P8I.... Poseidon is the future backbone of USN. Its not even in the league of anything by the Chinese/ Russians have. Just google about it. You can find tons of info on the P-8 project.
It would take a couple of anti ship missiles to render a ship out of service and couple of more to sink it. Our submarines and JF-17s with dedicated anti shipping role should do the job while we are waiting to get better surface vessels and newer subs.

@Rashid Mahmood
That's why we need at least two squadrons of J-11 B !
indians talking about procurement time is almost obscene (see lca, arjunk and others )

The deal is advancing fine:pakistan::china:

Pakistan ships will protect Gwader china as our ally will also get access

Aren't we talking about Navy??? And now you want to off topic??? ... if the deal is advancing the deal would have been signed long back... the problem is fund.... our three kolkata class ships cost is the PN's budget...

And no it'll be the PLAN mainly guarding the port.. don't worry they'll give you 10% of the work
The key to PN is in pakistan's economy.Unless economy recovers no amount of theorycrafting will help against such odds.If pak economy could maintain say 20 modern submarines and 2-3 squadrons of 5th gen stealth attack aircraft in with anti ship cruise missiles ,even with huge fleet it would become very difficult to enforce any type of blockade by IN.
The expansion of IN is largely aimed at chinese probing,not PN.However the fact that IN brass still respects PN submarine fleet can be attested by the fact that all indian major surface warships from frigates to destroyers have a compulsory ASW helicopters minimum 1 to 2 in most bigger ships,and rbu-6000 ASW grenade launchers and torpedoes.2 helicopters on frigates is very rare worldwide,but on IN ships its a priority.
I don't think there will be any indo-pak naval conflict anytime soon as war at sea means conventional full scale war has already broken out on land/air.
Yes, Pakistan has some few good 4-8 F-22P warships, some boats, and old submarines. India has been tremendous building very fast on their ships every year, is Pakistan always have zero warships, why we don't pay attention? o_O

Please don't discuss we are going to induct 8 Chinese new submarines soon.

Let's focus on what will Pakistan develop new own warships and projects plan aside from JF-17 and F-16 upgrading. Read below

Indian Navy aiming at 200-ship fleet by 2027


NEW DELHI: The Indian Navy is aiming to have a 200-ship fleet by 2027 as per a maritime capability perspective plan in order to guard interests and assets of the nation in waters around them, a top Naval officer said today.

The Navy, which has 137 ships and submarines under its command, has been at the forefront of indigenisation, and is also in "exploratory talks" with Russia to see if some of the ships can be built with their collaboration so as to "expedite" the process.

"There is a maritime capability perspective plan. As per that, there are certain number of ships that we have to build by a particular timeline. Today we have 137 ships and submarines... our aspiration is to become a 200-ship Navy (by 2027)," Vice Chief of Navy Vice Admiral P Murugesan told reporters here when asked about the force's aims.

On cooperation with Russia, he said the Navy was in talks for 3 Grigorivich-class frigates, an improved version of the six Talwar-class frigates the Navy obtained between 2003-13.

"As of now, it is only in exploratory domain. As and when decided, it will be under make in India," he clarified.

The Vice Chief noted that the road ahead is not easy as on an average for every 2-3 ships inducted, one from the existing lot retires due to age, and underlined that navies have to be maintained and they cannot be created overnight.

"It is a catch up game. It will take time and it will not be very easy. I would like to see 200 ships. Wherever our trade and interest are taking place, we should take care of our needs in those areas," he said adding that India does not need 1,000 ships for that.

Murugesan confirmed that a high-level committee of the Defence Ministry has submitted its report identifying shipyards capable of executing the about-Rs 60,000 crore project of building the next six conventional submarines under Project P75I. A Request for Proposal (RFP) would be issued soon in this regard.

He also mentioned that an RFP would also be issued for the procurement of two deep-sea rescue vessels.

Asked if the Navy will go in for additional Scorpene submarines apart from the six being built currently in Mumbai, he said the answer can only be guesswork at the moment as the Navy will have to look into the entire capacity, capability and other ongoing projects like P75I and the building of six nuclear submarines sanctioned early this year.

The officer said the six nuclear submarines to be built will be finished in lesser time than what other navies normally take.

Asked about the delay in procurement of torpedos and helicopters for the Navy, he said everything was under process.

He refused to comment on India's nuclear submarine Arihant, which is expected to undertake missile test later this year.

The Vice Chief also refrained from disclosing details about the Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile, the next generation Barak missile, saying it would be "proved" soon.

The missile, being built in collaboration with Israel, is set to be test fired from a ship soon.

Asked how the force was preparing against cyber attack, he said an elaborate organisation has been set up within the Navy to tackle the threat.

Indian Navy aiming at 200-ship fleet by 2027 - The Economic Times

Congratulation to India's heavy ambitious on ships and their plans.




Must say I am very impressed.
Pakistan at minimum need 16 to 18 Frigates and Corvettes and 4 to 6 cruise missile destroyers and 14 Submarines and two of them should be nuclear
Wanted to add 2 points.
1. Pakistan has 3 AIP submarines and they are French.(Personally they are better than anything China offers, but not going into that.)
India has none. Till we augment ouselves with say 24 P8I and 24 Karmorta class ASW vessels , PN is still very much in the game.

2. India has Indian Coast Guard too. Which many people do forget. At the time of war, it will be like another mini navy supporting the IN with its large pool of man power and ships. ( Around 200 ships by coast guard too.)

Thank you. Good to know i have fan's. lol

Agreed. But it grows a concern for Pakistan. India is our enemy you get nukes we were forced to get them. Same can be implied to arm's race. Both countries see each other as threat. Thus it's anything but 'good for Pakistan'.

But we we also got China as a enemy . What ever they have we need to get them.Why it's hard to be accepted by Pakistan ?
Nice thread guys.

Its no brainer that India is strengthening its Naval power to counter the threat from China. We'll never need more than half of our fleet to contain Pakista. We have a long way to go and right now IN is the only wing that can match China's Navy and as we know they are growing, we too need to keep ourselves prepared.
i bet you know we have lot better things to deal with them...worry about your navy..1/3th of indian navy can block your coast with in a day...
Here comes another delusional Indian with a modi aka the murderer set of mind and think for IN everything will be a piece of cake, well I can guarantee forget about the whole cake try even getting a slice of it, you will find out how sour it's gonna be. PN have only needs to defend a smaller coastline with soon to be enough assets to protect, no wonder the PN is changing her doctrine from defensive both offensive and defensive, for the first time PN is keeping all her procurements under ample secrecy, enough said, now kid don't bother coming back if you have anything concrete to come up with, and to the fellow Pakistanis eid Mubarak to you all.
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