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Pakistanis Have Become Disillusioned With GHQ

Have Pakistanis become disillusioned with the GHQ?

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Mar 15, 2023
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For the first time in my lifetime the military has become the focal point of everything wrong in Pakistan. I know people who have always defended the military throughout their lives now openly calling out the GHQ as a den of traitors.

I know this because I was one of them. I remember being younger and defending the Pak Army on Orkut groups.

Since I was young all I knew was that politicians were corrupt and bad and the military were good and pious.

I remember 1999 as a child and seeing everyone in my family cheering as troops climbed over the gates of the PM house. We defended the coup claiming it was necessary. Why would our military ever want to harm us? Little did I know....

I sat silent and pretended to be blind while American drones were murdering civilians in Waziristan. When the Waziris spoke out I called them traitors and Afghan agents. Meanwhile GHQ were collecting their cheques from the Pentagon.

I sat silent during 2011 Abbottabad incident (I lived there by the way). Not only did I not hear any helicopters I didn't hear a crash either....mind you the city is in a valley and noise would have reverberated throughout the city. And let's just suppose American forces did manage to get to Abbottabad. Where was our air force? I just pretended it was all an American scam. Little did I know our COAS was part of it.

I turned a blind eye to the Baloch, the poor, the folks who have had their lands stolen so DHAs could be built.

Deep down I've always known something was off about how the military operated....I've never liked any of our COAS

Musharraf was a good orator and I appreciated the way he took on western media. But I always felt something off about him.

With Kayani, Sharif and Bajwa it was even worse...they've been nothing but snakes. You could tell by just the way they acted in public. They looked down upon us. We civilians are not worthy!

I can't believe for most of my life I ate up that ISPR crap. I feel so ignorant for falling for it.

And that's the thing. GHQ was betting on the public supporting them. But that didn't happen this time.

Our generals are the biggest enemies to this country and nothing short of a mutiny is now going to change that perception.

A year ago I would have never said any of this. But now I know....Imran Khan did what no other pseudo liberal could do....got the public to question the GHQ.
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GHQ is curse for this country .if there was no powerful GHQ today we were another south korea or brazil . but we became PAKISTAN an example for world how not to destroy own country by own army . paksitan is case study how people blindly followed loved and glamorized military and went down . if we were giving importance to teachers /scientists / philosophers /professors /thinkers we will have a better place to on world . but our stupid country and its public blindly followed military and military used this love respect to gain power. today they are monster and have eaten paksitan . pakistan failed and dusted .

everyone must remember we need military once in decades or sometime not even centuries . but we need others daily in life .
For the first time in my lifetime the military has become the focal point of everything wrong in Pakistan. I know people who have always defended the military throughout their lives now openly calling out the GHQ as a den of traitors.

I know this because I was one of them. I remember being younger and defending the Pak Army on Orkut groups.

Since I was young all I knew was that politicians were corrupt and bad and the military were good and pious.

I remember 1999 as a child and seeing everyone in my family cheering as troops climbed over the gates of the PM house. We defended the coup claiming it was necessary. Why would our military ever want to harm us? Little did I know....

I sat silent and pretended to be blind while American drones were murdering civilians in Waziristan. When the Waziris spoke out I called them traitors and Afghan agents. Meanwhile GHQ were collecting their cheques from the Pentagon.

I sat silent during 2011 Abbottabad incident (I lived there by the way). Not only did I not hear any helicopters I didn't hear a crash either....mind you the city is in a valley and noise would have reverberated throughout the city. I again turned a blind eye.

I turned a blind eye to the Baloch, the poor, the folks who have had their lands stolen so DHAs could be built.

Deep down I've always known something was off about how the military operated....I've never liked any of our COAS

Musharraf was a good orator and I appreciated the way he took on western media. But I always felt something off about him.

With Kayani, Sharif and Bajwa it was even worse...they've been nothing but snakes.

I can't believe for most of my life I ate up that ISPR crap. I feel so ignorant for falling for it.

And that's the thing. GHQ was betting on the public supporting them. But that didn't happen this time.

Our generals are the biggest enemies to this country and nothing short of a mutiny is now going to change that perception.

A year ago I would have never said any of this. But now I know....Imran Khan did what no other pseudo liberal could do....got the public to question the GHQ.

I know people are angry at them right now but with right men in charge, people will be praising them in no time. We need dedicated army to defend the nation - not azadi March for dancing club.
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I know people are angry at them right but with right men in charge, people will be praising them in no time. We need dedicated army to defend the nation - not azadi March for dancing club.
and when we have last time dedicated men to defend us ? :D

as i remember last wise man in paksitan army was sir gen gracey in 1951
Anybody listened Adil Raja vlog today?

looks like an Ertugral episode. Apparently, Asim Munir's family info is leaked. Some, compromised info is also shared with journalists. All is done to pressurise him to eliminate IK and make way for Nadeem Anjum to be next COAS :D :P

Pakistan Army sold out Kashmir, they love India.
Nope.. plots and money. They can throw US, India , religion, etc for that.
I know people are angry at them right but with right men in charge, people will be praising them in no time. We need dedicated army to defend the nation - not azadi March for dancing club.


What will they do?

Will they make Gwadar "China's Bahrain"?

Will they capture Kashmir?
I know people are angry at them right but with right men in charge, people will be praising them in no time. We need dedicated army to defend the nation - not azadi March for dancing club.
yeh muhammad qasim chay ka kyaa scene hai? he is like a toned down but more retarted version of zaid hamid?
For the first time in my lifetime the military has become the focal point of everything wrong in Pakistan. I know people who have always defended the military throughout their lives now openly calling out the GHQ as a den of traitors.

I know this because I was one of them. I remember being younger and defending the Pak Army on Orkut groups.

Since I was young all I knew was that politicians were corrupt and bad and the military were good and pious.

I remember 1999 as a child and seeing everyone in my family cheering as troops climbed over the gates of the PM house. We defended the coup claiming it was necessary. Why would our military ever want to harm us? Little did I know....

I sat silent and pretended to be blind while American drones were murdering civilians in Waziristan. When the Waziris spoke out I called them traitors and Afghan agents. Meanwhile GHQ were collecting their cheques from the Pentagon.

I sat silent during 2011 Abbottabad incident (I lived there by the way). Not only did I not hear any helicopters I didn't hear a crash either....mind you the city is in a valley and noise would have reverberated throughout the city. I again turned a blind eye.

I turned a blind eye to the Baloch, the poor, the folks who have had their lands stolen so DHAs could be built.

Deep down I've always known something was off about how the military operated....I've never liked any of our COAS

Musharraf was a good orator and I appreciated the way he took on western media. But I always felt something off about him.

With Kayani, Sharif and Bajwa it was even worse...they've been nothing but snakes.

I can't believe for most of my life I ate up that ISPR crap. I feel so ignorant for falling for it.

And that's the thing. GHQ was betting on the public supporting them. But that didn't happen this time.

Our generals are the biggest enemies to this country and nothing short of a mutiny is now going to change that perception.

A year ago I would have never said any of this. But now I know....Imran Khan did what no other pseudo liberal could do....got the public to question the GHQ.
Reading your post was like reading my own mind. I had the same experience.
Anybody listened Adil Raja vlog today?

Raja and Haider Mehdi are PTI's Zaid Hamid, conspiracy theorist taking y'all on a ride
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For the first time in my lifetime the military has become the focal point of everything wrong in Pakistan. I know people who have always defended the military throughout their lives now openly calling out the GHQ as a den of traitors.

I know this because I was one of them. I remember being younger and defending the Pak Army on Orkut groups.

Since I was young all I knew was that politicians were corrupt and bad and the military were good and pious.

I remember 1999 as a child and seeing everyone in my family cheering as troops climbed over the gates of the PM house. We defended the coup claiming it was necessary. Why would our military ever want to harm us? Little did I know....

I sat silent and pretended to be blind while American drones were murdering civilians in Waziristan. When the Waziris spoke out I called them traitors and Afghan agents. Meanwhile GHQ were collecting their cheques from the Pentagon.

I sat silent during 2011 Abbottabad incident (I lived there by the way). Not only did I not hear any helicopters I didn't hear a crash either....mind you the city is in a valley and noise would have reverberated throughout the city. I again turned a blind eye.

I turned a blind eye to the Baloch, the poor, the folks who have had their lands stolen so DHAs could be built.

Deep down I've always known something was off about how the military operated....I've never liked any of our COAS

Musharraf was a good orator and I appreciated the way he took on western media. But I always felt something off about him.

With Kayani, Sharif and Bajwa it was even worse...they've been nothing but snakes.

I can't believe for most of my life I ate up that ISPR crap. I feel so ignorant for falling for it.

And that's the thing. GHQ was betting on the public supporting them. But that didn't happen this time.

Our generals are the biggest enemies to this country and nothing short of a mutiny is now going to change that perception.

A year ago I would have never said any of this. But now I know....Imran Khan did what no other pseudo liberal could do....got the public to question the GHQ.
This sounds exactly as my sentiments to a tee. I forgot who it was but someone posted stories about what occurred in Waziristan - pure reign of terror on the civilians there which naturally they fought back. The dajjal dallays also murdered many army commanders that spoke out against the treatment, and then claim they were killed by the enemy.

Theres cheerleaders here who want to kill tribal folks or bomb their villages due to TTP. Same people who curse GHQ when they went against IK and PTI supporters, are the same wanting to drop nukes on Afghans and other pasthuns. I’ve spoken out against this mentality, and I escaped a terror attack.
I remembered during 2005/2007, there was either an army or Air Force high ranking officer, he was KIA. Many Indians and Pakistanis were writing RIP. The fat haramzadah looked like a sleaze-ball, likely ordered rape and murders of innocences. I mean these subhumans dropped bombs on their own countrymen for money. They purged decent folks right after 9/11 because the Americans wanted trust worthy ally that would torture, kill, rape its own people.

I hope the Pakistani people burn down GHQ and kill every one of these traitor, murderous buffoons.
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