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pakistanis are west asians

Well, this might be off topic but I am still amazed that literate people with internet access are still obsessed with fairer skin. The colour of skin doesn't really matter but the heart does... Can we start a competition of comparing whose heart is bigger without bringing religion here and maybe just country wise?
Well, this might be off topic but I am still amazed that literate people with internet access are still obsessed with fairer skin. The colour of skin doesn't really matter but the heart does... Can we start a competition of comparing whose heart is bigger without bringing religion here and maybe just country wise?

You can be dark and still be better looking than a light skinned person. No one said light skinned is better.

We are just discussing regional variations of phenotype.

Don't read if you don't like it. Open a new thread to discuss bigger heart.
You can be dark and still be better looking than a light skinned person. No one said light skinned is better.

We are just discussing regional variations of phenotype.

Yes I agree completely with your first part of the post.

However, no offence in general I have noticed that Pakistani Members ( most but not all) usually rant about how Bangladeshi, Indian and sometime Sri Lankan members are ugly because thy are dark and as soon as some thread about genetics come they start the fairer than fair glory wisdom. Genetics doesn't mean skin colour only, however only 1 post has been written throughout this thread which mentions facial features other then 'fairer' skin comparison.

I think at this speed reaching to Civilization Level to 1 from 0 will be delayed by several centuries.

God save world... Amen 'Allah Bhole Christ'
Well, this might be off topic but I am still amazed that literate people with internet access are still obsessed with fairer skin. The colour of skin doesn't really matter but the heart does... Can we start a competition of comparing whose heart is bigger without bringing religion here and maybe just country wise?

Shahid Afridi already let you Indians know that Pakistanis have bigger hearts than Indians. :D
Shahid Afridi already let you Indians know that Pakistanis have bigger hearts than Indians. :D

Well, I would never know why you would assume I am Indian and I never stated that whose heart is bigger but encouraged to be more constructive on debates than usual (I know my bad).
I think fairness wise, it's a darkening spectrum west to east

Turks > Iranians > Afghans > Pakistanis and North Indians > Gangetic Indians > Bangladeshis > South Indians and Sri Lankans

Beyond that the yellow skin tone mixtures with brown start. More brown close to the subcontinent (SE Asia) and more yellow further north.

Arabs range from very brown to black North Africans.
That's how we got into NATO, because of our whiteness. :lol:
Everyone is racist - but we are some of the least racist people on Earth (according to survey).

I have seen lots of Indians being super racist against Sri Lankans and Banglas.
@BDforever @kobiraaz who's more racist in PDF, us or Indians?

Isn't this thread about Pakistan and being Pakistani? Where did I say that Pakistani are racist (yes every country has racist and South Asia being one of the most racist region), but just encouraged beloved Pakistani members to discuss more about other features (height, hair style, body structure etc) then just being dark or fair to establish their genetics and make this thread more interesting and educating.
I don't know about the queen but a bunch of sheiks married European or people that were mixed with European folk. King of Jordan is a good example. But going back on topic Pakistan and India were one country at one time were considered southasian. As it is part of Pakistan can be in west part in south. Does not really matter. Population of Pakistan short of of those mohajirs are closely related to Iranians and Afghan peoples. Those Muslims that migrated to Pakistan during the split, those were from maybe eastern parts and mostly converts from lower castes. For the lower castes conversions to Islam and Christianity was probably a way out of the cast system. Or at least I think that makes sense since most of Pakistani people were indigenous to the area of Pakistan.

Arab is both an ethnic and linguistic group. Sudan is considered an Arab country and so is Lebanon and syria. Lebanon and Syria were Greek and Roman for a thousand years and then crusaders occupied and brought Europeans there again. Lebanese or Syrians are considered Arabs because they speak arabic. I'm sure Arabs are just like iranians, they have pale sin whites to dark skinned folk. All consider themselves Arabs. So wether Assad hails from a crusader lineage or from the Sinai or hijaz it doesn't matter as he considers himself an Arab and so do the other arabs.
Oh. I thought it was payback for the Janissaries.

What is he?

What about Jordanians? Queen Rania?
I am not sure however that part of the world has been in habituated by Romans, Greeks and other "Europoid" races and there has been racial mixing in centuries bygone hence you have Arabs who are very European in phenotype.
I am not sure however that part of the world has been in habituated by Romans, Greeks and other "Europoid" races and there has been racial mixing in centuries bygone hence you have Arabs who are very European in phenotype.

He is extremely fair. And a very learned guy too from what I hear. A doctor. What are Alewites? A sub sect of Shias is all I know. My Indian friend told me he is an Alewite also.
Only 18% Italians have light eyes (6%pure blue) yes even light brown eyes are considered light eyes there.

And ancient Greeks were majority brown skinned and eyed people, even today after mixing with large no of North Slavic immigrant Greeks hace only 21% light eyes.

Greeks in North who mixed with Slavic have more blue eyes compared to Greeks .

Also Alexander had blue eyes and blond hair due to Thracians and his people of Macedonia were like Nordics.

And stop this nonsense. Even gulf arabs from Saudis and emirates are on average far lighter than people of Pakistan, Afghanistan and North India.
I think most of pakistanis are dark arabs
most pakistanis are fairer then Average Arabs
and by Arab i mean the ones living in Arabian peninsula
Pakistan is a multi ethnic country
we have Indic , Iranic and Turanic origins as well
pakistan is basically a meeting point of central asia, west asia and south asia and thus is the population

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