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Pakistanis and Israeli Jews in the diaspora

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Sep 4, 2012
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This is a question for expatriate Pakistanis in western countries or elsewhere? What have your interactions been like with Jews in western countries?
In my case, all the jews that i have met in USA and Canada were friendly and cordial with me even though they knew i am a Pakistani muslim. I also know some Pakistanis who have travelled to Israel and they also mentioned that jews were nice to them despite knowing they were Pakistanis.

Now let's talk about Arabs, it is common knowledge that pakistani workers in middle eastern countries are not exactly treated nicely. It can be argued that since many pakistanis in middle-east are poor labourers or bus/taxi drivers and the arrogant oil rich arabs see them as inferior which is class discrimination. But even in western countries where arabs and other muslims are socially at the same level, i have noticed that arabs tend to be very arrogant, ethnocentric and have excessive sense of pride.

Mods should lock this thread... This thread has also been beaten to a dead horse @waz @LeGenD
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This is a question for expatriate Pakistanis in western countries or elsewhere? What have your interactions been like with Jews in western countries?
In my case, all the jews that i have met in USA and Canada were friendly and cordial with me even though they knew i am a Pakistani muslim. I also know some Pakistanis who have travelled to Israel and they also mentioned that jews were nice to them despite knowing they were Pakistanis.

Now let's talk about Arabs, it is common knowledge that pakistani workers in middle eastern countries are not exactly treated nicely. It can be argued that since many pakistanis in middle-east are poor labourers or bus/taxi drivers and the arrogant oil rich arabs see them as inferior which is class discrimination. But even in western countries where arabs and other muslims are socially at the same level, i have noticed that arabs tend to be very arrogant, ethnocentric and have excessive sense of pride.

Arabs?.. you cant brush them with one stroke. Yes i have met many A-hole and racist Arabs.. but at the same time i have met many great arabs too. Arab from levant and other stone throw away countries have issues with Pakistanis.. but then again they have issues with others too.. no body likes them, like Lebo in Australia or Palestians ..they suck period.

Gulf arab in general except for Kuwait with middle/professional class Pakistanis are generally good.

like wise i met alot of idiot and toxic Pakistanis too.

so sorry.... you cant generalise.

regarding our lower labour class, they have issues as to princpled behavior, compliance with laws, generally very shabby dressed and behaved. On a personal level i dont hold them to high esteem. Just to compare blue color workers from Philipines are much better, ie more professional ie what they promised and dont ask for tip even after a sloppy job
I think
It has and I remember at times every other week......


Arab pride
Arab arrogance
Arab expats relations
Arab this and that

OK that might be a fair point.
Then exclude the part about Arabs, and we can talk about what the social interactions are like between Pakistanis and Israelis.

I have always believed that Pakistan should mend fences with Jews and recognise Israel, but this decision should be based purely on Pakistan's strategic interests and not about what is beneficial or not for ummah.
I think

OK that might be a fair point.
Then exclude the part about Arabs, and we can talk about what the social interactions are like between Pakistanis and Israelis.

I have always believed that Pakistan should mend fences with Jews and recognise Israel, but this decision should be based purely on Pakistan's strategic interests and not about what is beneficial for ummah.

You should exclude by editting out the Arab part and just leave at the jewish part...
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