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Pakistani ICBM

Third stage is RV which is not what I am alluding to.

This video:

- shows a Minuteman III ICBM.

I am sure that a large number of commentators below had no idea.
No its an actual stage same as Agni-V has a third stage in same place
We don't need an ICBM. We have the capability to build one if required.

Its time to focus on civilian space exploration by developing SLVs.
But i think we should learn something from the long american and soviet stay in our backyard i.e afghanistan.
We are a located on a very important geo political location and just like the past the world powers will keep coming here after creating different excuses.If we show them our capability to strike them in their country i think that would act as a deterrent.
No its an actual stage same as Agni-V has a third stage in same place
Ballistic missile designs vary to large extent and resultant performance parameters vary accordingly - so many MRBM types out there. Type of propellants used (each stage), determine the maximum possible flight range of a ballistic missile in combination to say the least.

An American company developed and provided a four-stage IRBM to MDA for use in a complex missile defense experiment involving a THAAD system in 2017 so there's that.
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Ballistic missile designs vary to large extent and resultant performance parameters vary accordingly - so many MRBM types out there. Type of propellants used (each stage), determine the maximum possible flight range of a ballistic missile in combination to say the least.

An American company developed and provided a four-stage IRBM to MDA for use in a complex missile defense experiment involving a THAAD system in 2017 so there's that.
Well yes
I never said Shaheen-3 is an ICBM. I said it has 3 stages not two
No we don't have any icBM or nuclear sub as we don't need any.

We don't need an ICBM. We have the capability to build one if required.

Its time to focus on civilian space exploration by developing SLVs.

Well said as We don't need any ICBM but we have the capability to build one if required.

Its time to focus on civilian space exploration by developing SLVs, long rang sam that destroy ICBM or any satelite.
Enough with the ballistic missiles. money needs to be poured in electronics, cyber warfare, directed energy weapons and technologies of today and tomorrow, not cold war era techs. we already have enough range to address any threat by india. the areas mentioned above need attention now.
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