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Pakistan writing to UN is well known tactic, will not work, says India

acid rain

Nov 10, 2012
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He added, “Pakistan writing a letter to United Nations is a well known tactic. It hasn't worked earlier, it will not work now.”
Akbaruddin also made it clear that it was “Its upto Pakistan to de-escalate issue. “The road to peace runs from Islamabad to Lahore to New Delhi. Any diversion is a divisionary tactic,” he said.

“The road cannot go through New York,” he emphasised, adding, “The way Pakistan is acting it seems that it is not interested in this kind of dialogue (under Lahore Declaration and Shimla Agreement framework).

Pakistan's latest efforts seeking UN intervention on the Kashmir issue failed to draw any new response from the world body which reiterated that India and Pakistan need to resolve all differences through dialogue to find a long-term solution to the dispute.

Sartaj Aziz, adviser to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on national security and foreign affairs, had written to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the recent border tension with India and sought the UN's intervention, stepping up its attempts to internationalise the Kashmir issue, as per PTI.

Ban's deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq, when asked to comment on the letter seeking Ban's intervention and his viewpoint on the issue, told reporters yesterday he would refer to a statement that was issued last week by Ban's spokesperson in which the UN chief encouraged India and Pakistan to resolve all differences through dialogue and engage constructively to find a long-term solution for peace and stability in Kashmir.

Kashmir issue: Pakistan writing to UN is well known tactic, will not work, says India | Zee News

New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Tuesday questioned Islamabad's sincerity on holding serious dialogue over Jammu and Kashmir, driving home the point that Pakistan's efforts to elicit a strong response from the United Nations has failed.

"The only framework in which all outstanding issues between India and Pakistan can be resolved and peaceful and co-operative ties can be built between the two countries is the one that both countries have agreed to. That is the framework agreed under the Simla Agreement and the Lahore Declaration. India's position on this matter is very clear," MEA spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said here at a press conference.

"We have already stated that we are willing for a serious dialogue in this framework. This dialogue will cover all outstanding issues, including Jammu and Kashmir. It seems that Pakistan is not interested in that sort of a dialogue. The sending of a letter to the United Nations Secretary General by Pakistan is a well-known tactic. It has not worked earlier, it will not work now," he added.

Reiterating its position that there is no place of any third-party intervention vis-a-vis Jammu and Kashmir, Akbaruddin said, "The road to a peaceful and co-operative relationship between India and Pakistan runs from Islamabad via Lahore to New Delhi. If you divert that road to New York or elsewhere, it will not serve any purpose, because there is no place for third party in India-Pakistan relations."

Akbaruddin also stated that the onus of creating a positive environment for the normalisation of relations between the two countries is on Pakistan, pointing towards the recent escalation of firing in Jammu and Kashmir between the security forces of both nations.

"India will not accept violence on the border or the Line of Control (LoC) or continued terrorism against our citizens. It is up to Pakistan to deescalate the situation and we feel that Pakistan must take immediate steps to restore peace and tranquility along the International Border and the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir and ends its sponsorship of terrorism against us," he said.

"Our security forces have been and will respond appropriately to any attempts by Pakistan to undermine peace and tranquility along the International Boundary and the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir," he added.

Pakistan's efforts to seek UN intervention on Jammu and Kashmir issue has failed, with the world body reiterating the fact that India and Pakistan need to resolve all differences through dialogue to find a long-term solution to the dispute.

Pakistan exercising letter diplomacy to UN will not work: MEA
lol Indians... The goddamn UN was created for this kind of stuff.
That's like saying "OMG OMG, look how evil Pakistanis are, they write things on paper!!", "Evil Pakistanis DRINK WATER!!!!! Their evil tactics will not work"
lol Indians... The goddamn UN was created for this kind of stuff.
That's like saying "OMG OMG, look how evil Pakistanis are, they write things on paper!!", "Evil Pakistanis DRINK WATER!!!!! Their evil tactics will not work"

From past experiences Pakistan should have realized that it is a failed strategy to rake up the issue with either US or UN. You break the ceasefire, wait for India to retalliate and then try to internationalise the issue. Nothing is going to change, excpet for deaths on either side.
From past experiences Pakistan should have realized that it is a failed strategy to rake up the issue with either US or UN. You break the ceasefire, wait for India to retalliate and then try to internationalise the issue. Nothing is going to change, excpet for deaths on either side.

This conspiracy theory is wrong - Pakistan has absolutely zero to gain from this. Right now Pakistan is having internal political problems, the Prime Minister's credibility isn't good, the Army is fighting in Waziristan and there are massive protests within the country. The last thing Pakistan wants right now is this kind of international attention.

No, Nawaz Sharif is not doing it to distract the people. If that was the case, he would have atleast made a speech about it. Instead, it's giving his opponents more coverage (they're making statements against India plus criticising him for not handling the issue properly, more coverage and bad for Nawaz).
No, the Army isn't doing it for any evil plot - right now they have nothing to gain from internationalising the issue, or from fighting India.

So If Pakistan isn't getting anything, who is? It's simple, it's Modi. He has the most to gain from this. Right now India is in a favourable position internationally, especially with Modi's recent speech in the UN and all. Now all he needs to show is that he's ready to fight Pakistan and is strong enough to make them back off. Some might argue he's trying to recover from the humiliation by China, that is not what I believe but it is still a possibility.
His strategy isn't bad, it might even succeed.

Nothing is going to change, excpet for deaths on either side.
This is the truth in a nutshell.
This is the truth in a nutshell.

Far from it

The truth is this has been pakistani tactics from a long while. Heat up the conflict and cry wolf to all and sundry. Need to get rid of a leader - create issues with India and rake up Kashmir, economy in doldrums - rake up Kashmir. Need to come up in Pakistani politics like your green horn billo - rake up Kashmir. Army wants to show it's importance - rake up Kashmir. Jealous of india - rake up Kashmir. Pakistan in dire straits - rake up Kashmir. Internal turmoil - rake up Kashmir.

The fact is all your people are fools who keep falling for Kashmir - jugular vein and jihad.

India does not have a single internal issue that a hot LoC will help taking its attention off from. Modi popularity is woref over - he doesn't need pakistan nor Kashmir to get focus. Neither does he have the time to play your silly games.

Pakistan's existence is Kashmir. For us it's a nuicence.
Far from it

The truth is this has been pakistani tactics from a long while. Heat up the conflict and cry wolf to all and sundry. Need to get rid of a leader - create issues with India and rake up Kashmir, economy in doldrums - rake up Kashmir. Need to come up in Pakistani politics like your green horn billo - rake up Kashmir. Army wants to show it's importance - rake up Kashmir. Jealous of india - rake up Kashmir. Pakistan in dire straits - rake up Kashmir. Internal turmoil - rake up Kashmir.

The fact is all your people are fools who keep falling for Kashmir - jugular vein and jihad.

India does not have a single internal issue that a hot LoC will help taking its attention off from. Modi popularity is woref over - he doesn't need pakistan nor Kashmir to get focus. Neither does he have the time to play your silly games.

Pakistan's existence is Kashmir. For us it's a nuicence.
You disregarded my entire post, quoted a single part of it and continued to repeat the exact same thing that I had argued against in the same post you quoted.
By the way, when I said "this is the truth" I was referring to IndoCarib's point that nothing is going to change and people are going to die. Not that far from it now is it?
You disregarded my entire post, quoted a single part of it and continued to repeat the exact same thing that I had argued against in the same post you quoted.
By the way, when I said "this is the truth" I was referring to IndoCarib's point that nothing is going to change and people are going to die. Not that far from it now is it?

Unless we can help it and do something about it unilaterally. Pakistan's sole aim and goal in its existence is quite clear and no amount of reconciliations agreements or dialogues can change their target. Jihad. Gazwas. .fn loon factories..suicide bomb training camps the works.
Unless we can help it and do something about it unilaterally. Pakistan's sole aim and goal in its existence is quite clear and no amount of reconciliations agreements or dialogues can change their target. Jihad. Gazwas. .fn loon factories..suicide bomb training camps the works.
Yeah, right. Pakistan's "goal in its existence" is to take Kashmir and do terrorism, wow. Truly reflects the level of Indian media brainwash you guys go through.
You don't even know the mean
Yeah, right. Pakistan's "goal in its existence" is to take Kashmir, wow. Truly reflects the level of Indian media brainwash you guys go through.

Surprisingly, it wasn't the indian media that made me aware of the xenophobic nature of pakistan...It was the two years that I spent on pdf...reading the comments. Reading the articles and analysis on pakistan. Reading about how your text books alter young minds and how your religious leaders and their schools create brainwashed suicide bombers and jihadis. Of why Pakistan is so attractive to islamist loonies and how most of its population is being led up the green path.
Surprisingly, it wasn't the indian media that made me aware of the xenophobic nature of pakistan...It was the two years that I spent on pdf...reading the comments. Reading the articles and analysis on pakistan. Reading about how your text books alter young minds and how your religious leaders and their schools create brainwashed suicide bombers and jihadis. Of why Pakistan is so attractive to islamist loonies and how most of its population is being led up the green path.

I studied in Pakistan. What I learned from my textbooks there is the same as what I learned from Wikipedia or the BBC(admittedly, there is bias towards Pakistan but it's not as much as you seem to think) Where did you learn about the textbook altering? Let me guess, Indian media. You learned about Pakistan by reading comments of internet trolls? Good God, what a reliable and accurate source. Articles and analysis by whom? Internet trolls, Indians or bloggers?
Our religious leaders? Are you talking about corrupt drunkard politicians or actual religious scholars (rare, unfortunately)?
Jhadis? You mean the same people whose arses the Pakistan Army is kicking? I never met a "Jihadi" in my life and I spent most of it in Pakistan, so no, our schools don't train Jihadis. Damn, Imagine how it'd be if all our schools gave weapons training and other Jihadi stuff. India wouldn't have stood a chance when a couple of million Pakistanis completed their schooling/training.
We'd have taken over half the world by now. :o:
I studied in Pakistan. What I learned from my textbooks there is the same as what I learned from Wikipedia or the BBC(admittedly, there is bias towards Pakistan but it's not as much as you seem to think) Where did you learn about the textbook altering? Let me guess, Indian media. You learned about Pakistan by reading comments of internet trolls? Good God, what a reliable and accurate source. Articles and analysis by whom? Internet trolls, Indians or bloggers?
Our religious leaders? Are you talking about corrupt drunkard politicians or actual religious scholars (rare, unfortunately)?
Jhadis? You mean the same people whose arses the Pakistan Army is kicking? I never met a "Jihadi" in my life and I spent most of it in Pakistan, so no, our schools don't train Jihadis. Damn, Imagine how it'd be if all our schools gave weapons training and other Jihadi stuff. India wouldn't have stood a chance when a couple of million Pakistanis completed their schooling/training.
We'd have taken over half the world by now. :o:

Makes me wonder if you are lying about being in pakistan.

Do yourself a favor and search for threads about wrong history taught in pakistan - if I am not wrong one authors name is m.k.Aziz. and his book is titled murder of history.

Trolls dont teach you stuff. They are just a nuicance. You would do better by Seperate the wheat from the chaff. Read up on terrorism and jihad threads...there are plenty here...written by pakistani and western authors....to tell you the truth...I am as confused as any pakistani about pakistan..The eff ups are numerous and gargantuan..A lot of things about it bewilders me. Pakistan is an interesting case study though.

As for violence preaching religious leaders - there are a number of videos here. Especially look for the mullahs who preach violence and killing of your Ahmedis, or the salaFi, deobandi one's or the wahabbi ones.

Look for the madrassahs that most of the Talibanis, or the janghvis or the lash kar came out of. Travel to places out of your city - you will run into jihadis...better yet, there are thousands of sites which they use as recruitment tools...log into them and start chatting up with jihadis. I am sure you will end up in some training camp within the week.
Makes me wonder if you are lying about being in pakistan.

Do yourself a favor and search for threads about wrong history taught in pakistan - if I am not wrong one authors name is m.k.Aziz. and his book is titled murder of history.

Trolls dont teach you stuff. They are just a nuicance. You would do better by Seperate the wheat from the chaff. Read up on terrorism and jihad threads...there are plenty here...written by pakistani and western authors....to tell you the truth...I am as confused as any pakistani about pakistan..The eff ups are numerous and gargantuan..A lot of things about it bewilders me. Pakistan is an interesting case study though.

As for violence preaching religious leaders - there are a number of videos here. Especially look for the mullahs who preach violence and killing of your Ahmedis, or the salaFi, deobandi one's or the wahabbi ones.

Look for the madrassahs that most of the Talibanis, or the janghvis or the lash kar came out of. Travel to places out of your city - you will run into jihadis...better yet, there are thousands of sites which they use as recruitment tools...log into them and start chatting up with jihadis. I am sure you will end up in some training camp within the week.
No, I am not lying about living in Pakistan or being a Pakistani. Makes me wonder whether all the stuff you're talking about is even Pakistan (or, as usual, it is just a very small portion of bad apples).

I've heard about that book but haven't read it yet. From what I know, it was written in the 90s about school books from before the 90s. So I don't think I read the same textbooks you're talking about. That also means that they have changed, gotten revised and better.

The eff ups are numerous and gargantuan
Every country on earth will have numerous and gargantuan effs up. That's just human nature- making huge *** mistakes.

As for violence preaching religious leaders - there are a number of videos here. Especially look for the mullahs who preach violence and killing of your Ahmedis, or the salaFi, deobandi one's or the wahabbi ones.
The Ahmadiyya people is a different topic entirely - too off topic, so I won't get into it. Read my post again, I said:
Our religious leaders? Are you talking about corrupt drunkard politicians or actual religious scholars (rare, unfortunately)?
The brackets are important. Real, better scholars are rare. Unfortunately it is true that Pakistan is full of religious "leader" pricks who preach hatred and distort everything they can for their political gains. That fault I admit, It is very shameful for us Pakistanis when we see our "leaders" talk like that.

Look for the madrassahs that most of the Talibanis, or the janghvis or the lash kar came out of.
I've been to plenty of Madrassas, to learn Quran and to donate Zakat. All they do is teach the Quran or give lectures about aspects and concepts of Islam. There are very, very few madrassas that actually teach anything wrong or extremist.

Travel to places out of your city - you will run into jihadis...better yet, there are thousands of sites which they use as recruitment tools...log into them and start chatting up with jihadis. I am sure you will end up in some training camp within the week
I've travelled out of my 'city' many times - no Jihadis. Nothing more than Security Guards wearing shalwar kameez and armed with guns, that's pretty normal around there. There was a famous training camp nearby (In Muridke, I'm sure you've heard of it) While it sounds like some evil boot camp for terrorists, in reality it's either just rumours, a decoy or its the quietest terrorist training camp in the world.
As for ending up in one, what makes you so sure, have you been to one? o_O
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