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Pakistan used terror as a hedge against India: Hillary Clinton Read more: Pakistan u

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And Not Pakistan either.. Dont forget the part illegally occupied by Pakistan

It is not illegal. It is suppose to come to Pakistan as all majority muslim provinces. India took control of it with the help of British. The 1948 war started and Indian Army was defeated in retreat and Pakistan captured 27% of Kashmir and then 1965 captured another 7%. So we took back what is ours. India does not understand diplomatic means like the 2 UN Pending Resolution on Kashmir, the only language it understand is war. We took 34% in war and the rest would have the come the same way.
as for now our GDP is around $450 billion and so their $2billion doesn't make any difference. we can still survive without their help! we did it before and we can do it again!
there are thousands of organizations working in india, they raise wayy more than $2billion for poor indian.......so i dont know whats the difference here!
even israel takes $3billion every year from US!

anyyway back to topic!

if u guyz care to read the whole article (carefully) then u might understand that both of them, gates and hilary, are about 90% correct......except for the part where she still thinks that we are still supporting taliban...:disagree:

Ms(assuming talking to a girl)..do you know the amount of debt that you owe to world bank?? Is it a secret that in case WB pulls off you are in deep sh!t??? Now do you know who has the maximum stake in WB??? Please do consider those points also....
It is not illegal. It is suppose to come to Pakistan as all majority muslim provinces. India took control of it with the help of British. The 1948 war started and Indian Army was defeated in retreat and Pakistan captured 27% of Kashmir and then 1965 captured another 7%. So we took back what is ours. India does not understand diplomatic means like the 2 UN Pending Resolution on Kashmir, the only language it understand is war. We took 34% in war and the rest would have the come the same way.

wow.. education system in Pakistan exists in a parallel universe it seems. Look up some credible sources (neutral ones preferably) before spreading ignorance
It is not illegal. It is suppose to come to Pakistan as all majority muslim provinces. India took control of it with the help of British. The 1948 war started and Indian Army was defeated in retreat and Pakistan captured 27% of Kashmir and then 1965 captured another 7%. So we took back what is ours. India does not understand diplomatic means like the 2 UN Pending Resolution on Kashmir, the only language it understand is war. We took 34% in war and the rest would have the come the same way.

:blah::blah::blah: Whatever floats your boat man!!!
Pakistan army and ISI is aways a been service provider to US. They provide service and in return gets weapons and money. Afghanistan 1980 war and now WOT.
It is just a fact of life that Pakistanis and indians do not agree on these issues, it becomes a bit tedious after a while, indians you are not going to be able to convince us Pakistanis the merits of your case, and vice versa - the indian nation is our adversary and eternal enemy that is the case for thousands of years to come. It is just the reality of the world we live in.
Pakistan army and ISI is aways a been service provider to US. They provide service and in return gets weapons and money. Afghanistan 1980 war and now WOT.

And now india is going to become a US pawn against the PRC.:bunny:
And now india is going to become a US pawn against the PRC.:bunny:

At least we wont have foreign drones taking off from our own lands and killing our own people!!

India was strong enough and didnt become a pawn when we supported the USSR, unlike Pakistan that embroiled in conflicts for which its still paying a heavy price. And we are much stronger now so dont ever imagine us becoming anybody's pawn now.
At least we wont have foreign drones taking off from our own lands and killing our own people!!

India was strong enough and didnt become a pawn when we supported the USSR, unlike Pakistan that embroiled in conflicts for which its still paying a heavy price. And we are much stronger now so dont ever imagine us becoming anybody's pawn now.

Yeah, but the US wants it's pound of flesh, and wants to fire it's gun from indian shoulders. And what about the thousands of people killed by Nazi indian security killing Kashmiri's and the riots in 84 which killed hundreds.
YouTube - 1984 riots: Justice delayed is justice denied

You got some dark things you need to sort out.
Yeah, but the US wants it's pound of flesh, and wants to fire it's gun from indian shoulders. And what about the thousands of people killed by Nazi indian security killing Kashmiri's and the riots in 84 which killed hundreds.
YouTube - 1984 riots: Justice delayed is justice denied

You got some dark things you need to sort out.

a. We will see when US will want its pound of flesh. Untill then you can worry about the tonnes of flesh and blood that your countrymen are sacrificing for the WoT. As I said, the US cant threaten us with a "bomb you back to stone age" remark.

b. Thanks for posting the video and raising the 84 issue. Whats that got to do with you and your country, again? We have our own issues. Did I ask you about the aerial bombings in Balochistan? Stay on topic, kid.
More conspiracy theories......:hitwall:

Any good logic from you thinking that anything against Pakistan,even if its the accepted truth by both the current and former President, is illogical and conspiracy againt Pakistan by US.

I am amazed.

I think he is talking about the Australians flying the Afgan tribals to teach Aussis how to fight the Talibs.. If I am not wrong.
You mean 'Prawn' !

No you ignorant fool, he means "pawn" not "prawn" which are sea crustaceans and are related to shrimp.

You better learn basic English vocabulary words before entering into a Defense forum (where English is the main language).

Pawn and "Prawn", tsk two very different things.
So you mean to tell me US is going to use India as a sea crustacean? That's what your saying...See how silly you seem?
Pakistan supported the Taliban back in the 90s, no secret there. Why should we support anti-Pak governments over Pro-Pak governments?

---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 PM ----------

The point to note is the same sentence did not have the word "terror" in it, yet Yellow Indian media has inserted it in their headlines

What about pakistani media, is it also yellow, orange or green:blah::blah: or do you want to say india or RAW rules over your media also:P
Pakistan used terror as a hedge: Clinton – The Express Tribune (Pakistans Tribune)
It also used word "terror", two different medias from different nations cant be wrong and you acceptance of being wrong is also impossible.
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