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Pakistan - The only Nuclear Armed State without a Sea-Based deterrent

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We have and developing MaRV and MiRV systems and may have been fielded as well.

For reference check the closeups of SIII warhead section.
bro we had MARV and MIRV capability since 2000
its coming
Insh Allah!

Yeah , a Sub with AIP Tech with 8 CM with Range of 1000 KM is more than enough to tackle your enemy .. you don't have any enemy besides India .. US , NATO , Russia is out of our league to Fight
NATO still considers Pakistan an enemy. Even though Pakistan is non NATO ally.
It'll have to be SLBM because those are MIRV capable - CM's aren't

Who said we are fighting US, NATO or Russia?

than why you need a BM subs ? ? as i say a sub with CM will do the job ..

NATO still considers Pakistan an enemy. Even though Pakistan is non NATO ally.

they can consider Pakistan anything they want, thing is they are not attacking us anytime soon ...
Pakistan's calculus of nuclear capability is based entirely on international politics.

If Pakistan was to launch SSBNs with SLBMs, there would be a lot of faux outrage in the western press. This is why we have limited ourselves to a green-water navy. This is also why we have survived so long without becoming another Iraq, Syria, or Libya.
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than why you need a BM subs ? ? as i say a sub with CM will do the job ..

they can consider Pakistan anything they want, thing is they are not attacking us anytime soon ...
On the contrary they are: since the false flags of 9/11 and their invasion and destabilisation of Afghanistan! Asymmetric warfare.
Of course not directly, but they need to weaken Pakistan before they can do a Yugoslavia on her.
Pakistan's calculus of nuclear capability is based entirely on international politics.

If Pakistan was to launch SSBNs with SLBMs, there would be a lot of faux outrage. This is the reason for out green water navy doctrine. This is also why we have survived so long without turning into an Iraq, Syria, or Libya.
What do you mean by faux outrage?

Sea based nuclear delivery weapons.
Yeah, north korea has SLBM's, and israel is presumed to have a sea based strike capability
Question is, how potent is India P-18, submarines destroyer jets?
How? India has SSBN's.

you can not compare India and Pakistan .. and i dont want to go in details .. you are old enough to see the logic and understand ..

On the contrary they are: since the false flags of 9/11 and their invasion and destabilisation of Afghanistan! Asymmetric warfare.
Of course not directly, but they need to weaken Pakistan before they can do a Yugoslavia on her.

Soviets have Nukes too but that does not do any good to them when Soviet Union was disappearing in Dust of History ..
What do you mean by faux outrage?

Lt. Gen. (R) Khalid Kidwai was asked if Pakistan will develop ballistic missiles with longer range than Shaheen-III (2,750KM). He explained that Shaheen-III was developed to counter India's naval deployments under the Andaman and Nicobar Command. He then took issue with the question itself, i.e., why is it that only Pakistan's mid-range ballistic missile with a range of 2,750KM is being portrayed as a threat in the western press but India's development of 8,000-12,000KM ICBMs are not a threat to Europe or North America. Essentially, he was questioning the faux outrage from western "journalist" when it comes to Pakistan.

Watch: Nuclear Winter (NYTimes)

Skip to 9:55. Only Pakistan is mentioned by name while an image of Indian missiles is displayed. This is messaging designed to hype up a particular threat and prime audience for Faux outrage. And we have all read articles in the Western press that follow this narrative of faux outrage with regards to Pakistan's nuclear developments.
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