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Pakistan successfully tests night launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi: ISPR

Reading the reaction of people here shows most are dumb fanboys who know nothing. Do u ppl even know about different parameters of a missile? Its testing can be of hundreds of different parameters and aspects. A series of tests mean a comprehensive testing exercise, that enables different new capabilities.

We dont need indians when such dumb fanboys exist.
These are all battle field level nuclear missiles the purpose is not to reach Israel or far ends of India but to provide formidable punch to cold start doctrine which dies and bleeds every time NASR missile is tested.
its a combination of inertial and celestial guidance and work as backup systems in case GPS signals are denied
for basic understanding read these links 1(read item number: from the link), 2
All clear.Excellent info.
In a world where 'I trust my DG ISPR' is the way to go, everyone who doesnt do so is negative and unreasonable.

I respect the DG for his work. I recently met him in GHQ and had a very warm exchange with him but that doesn't mean I trust him blindly so much so that I start reading so much into his tweets and interpreting them madly. You see he is leading information warfare and you can't trust such people blindly even if they are on your side.

You should try to add something to the topic in hand for the knowledge and interest of the naive readers like me instead of self-glorification and then throwing veiled tantrum against DG ISPR. In fact, such psy ops are being done by few shameless that keeps coming to the board and try to confuse people just so that they couldn't take on Pakistan in conventional as well as unconventional mediums.

Almost everyone is supposed to be the General in this Forum and for the credibility, no one claims as such instead members do share plausible opinion or at-least analysis without claiming themselves of some kind of this & that. DG ISPR does hybrid-warfare strikes but in-fact, wouldn't fool the public for mere applause by risking ISPR's credibility as well as of Pakistan. Just so that someone is not able to sell their side of beans in demean any development, does not mean that one should resort to such level "biased leak" to say.

You met him or not and yet you try to damage his repute before own public and calling him not trust worthy because he is running information warfare which is in-fact against India? Credentials does not allow anyone to claim as such on the personal grounds in open forums like this which is nothing less than attention seeking. DG ISPR does run info warfare but against enemies and on other hand, does not share everything to the public for certain reasons involving security risks & operational secrecy. In this day & age of digital advancement & either one serving in the field or has the relation or having links; can't be made fool long enough. At-least not the hostiles that will not miss any chance to downgrade or expose any fabricated effort in-case subjected test is nothing & was merely show-off. Never undermine the sabotage capability of your enemy hence, no-one will risk repute of whole country, defence line & institutions by merely faking the test or bragging unnecessarily or by exaggerating. In-fact what is told may not be the 30% of what is really achieved by the test(s) in regard to verification & validation of system(s) with overwhelming capability.

You have anything to add to the subject, you can do so without any hesitation but in-case if you are what you claim and you don't have any clearance to speak; better not to and stay away. Even if you are trying to counter fake analysis; you are still giving away what you claim for which, you are not supposed to speak.

This is an open forum and not everyone is expert for every other subject or related to respective department at all hence, the difference of opinion based upon information available in the public domain and as per personal analysis/reading/findings/knowledge which is the beauty of quality discussion.

No more self glorification & demeaning the figures.

After reading some of the comments here the conclusion is some of the members here are really ungrateful. Someone did predict these tests @Khafee , keep it coming bro.
You should try to add something to the topic in hand for the knowledge and interest of the naive readers like me instead of self-glorification and then throwing veiled tantrum against DG ISPR. In fact, such psy ops are being done by few shameless that keeps coming to the board and try to confuse people just so that they couldn't take on Pakistan in conventional as well as unconventional mediums.

Almost everyone is supposed to be the General in this Forum and for the credibility, no one claims as such instead members do share plausible opinion or at-least analysis without claiming themselves of some kind of this & that. DG ISPR does hybrid-warfare strikes but in-fact, wouldn't fool the public for mere applause by risking ISPR's credibility as well as of Pakistan. Just so that someone is not able to sell their side of beans in demean any development, does not mean that one should resort to such level "biased leak" to say.

You met him or not and yet you try to damage his repute before own public and calling him not trust worthy because he is running information warfare which is in-fact against India? Credentials does not allow anyone to claim as such on the personal grounds in open forums like this which is nothing less than attention seeking. DG ISPR does run info warfare but against enemies and on other hand, does not share everything to the public for certain reasons involving security risks & operational secrecy. In this day & age of digital advancement & either one serving in the field or has the relation or having links; can't be made fool long enough. At-least not the hostiles that will not miss any chance to downgrade or expose any fabricated effort in-case subjected test is nothing & was merely show-off. Never undermine the sabotage capability of your enemy hence, no-one will risk repute of whole country, defence line & institutions by merely faking the test or bragging unnecessarily or by exaggerating. In-fact what is told may not be the 30% of what is really achieved by the test(s) in regard to verification & validation of system(s) with overwhelming capability.

You have anything to add to the subject, you can do so without any hesitation but in-case if you are what you claim and you don't have any clearance to speak; better not to and stay away. Even if you are trying to counter fake analysis; you are still giving away what you claim for which, you are not supposed to speak.

This is an open forum and not everyone is expert for every other subject or related to respective department at all hence, the difference of opinion based upon information available in the public domain and as per personal analysis/reading/findings/knowledge which is the beauty of quality discussion.

No more self glorification & demeaning the figures.

Self glorification is the least of my concerns and I did not try to do it at all. I'm nobody and anonymous on this forum, nor do I post much here despite being an active reader for a long time. Had I got any attention seeking motives, it would have become apparant from other posts of mine and it would have become apparant long ago. I don't have any followers here nor I crave any. Secondly I'm not overtly trying 'claim' that I'm some high profile insider. Didn't know where it appeared that way.

Secondly, I am as patriotic as many on this forum but I try to maintain objectivity in my thinking. And that objectivity appears to some as negativity and pessimism. Implanting trust of the institutions specially armed forces is a good service but when that trust starts morphing into blind following, then it becomes an issue. 'You must trust them' ...'They must have a master plan'..'They know what they're doing'.

Statements like these are fine if used once in a while but if they become the core of your thought, every analysis and counter analysis then I have an issue with this mindset. Actually this kind of mindset is a reaction to the extreme liberal or religious fanatic mindset which views and portrays everything from Army as negative. And since this mindset itself is a reaction, it has many elements of biasness, misjudgement and extremism to it.
USA did not provide military-grade GPS support to India during Kargil War. Indian request to this end was dismissed.
You may have different views than me as there are matters on which you can't give pin point references.
After reading some of the comments here the conclusion is some of the members here are really ungrateful. Someone did predict these tests @Khafee , keep it coming bro.
Many people who are 'grateful' after this test like you are forgetting that normally most of the members here are happy about all missile tests. The fact that they're disappointed shows that this test shouldn't have been painted as a 'surprise' and brute punch to India in the context of the current Kashmir situation and Pakistan's response to it. If you want this to be seen as a normal missile test, then fine, good for us, thank you armed forces, job well done, we're happy and proud. But if want this to be seen as a development and surprise w.r.t India then please don't sell us this idea.
Out where?
Down under.

This is the most important aspect which people here are missing.

When a senior responsible person says that no Anti Ballistic Missile system currently in operation, or under procurement in the neighborhood can engage it, then it means something.

It means that S-400 system can't be put within 250 kms of Pakistani borders. This missile is for destroying the ABM systems of India..

If I understand clearly, this will be the first type of missile used on missile defense systems of India based on credible location information.. once all nearby defense systems are taken out and Indian skies are open for more sophisticated long range missiles and PAF.. the second phase of air raids will start.. This missile is not meant for destroying other assets of Indian Army.. for which we posses other missiles which can carry heavy payloads..
Looks like it.

Once India's defences are down using this, the other nukes can be used.

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