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Pakistan Runs Out of Options as India Tightens Grip on Kashmir

Dalai Lama

Nov 23, 2010
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NEW DELHI — The dispute over Kashmir has long been a flash point between India and Pakistan, with each nuclear-armed country holding the threat of retaliation over the other. But when India stripped the Indian-controlled region of Kashmir of its autonomy this week, Pakistan’s reaction appeared to be limited to high-level hand-wringing.

As Pakistan marks its independence day next week, it increasingly feels like a nation with its back against the wall, with few options to protect its existential interests. Its economy is teetering on the brink of collapse, and its international allies have either stayed silent over Kashmir or defected in support of India.

Read the full article here: https://www.google.ie/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/world/asia/kashmir-india-pakistan.amp.html
Indeed, Pak has run out of all options, it has used all its lifelines as below,

1)Suspends trade with India
2)Suspends cultural ties with India
3)Suspends Indian movies and media
4)Suspends diplomatic relations
5)Knocked UN door but got nothing in return

Does India really care about this? Amit Shah went to to say he is ready to die but will ensure P0k is integrated back into Indian Kashmir....so the reverse trend is about to begin, Pak will have to to put most of its efforts in protecting P0k..Dispute over Indian Kashmir is now thing of past for rest of the world including Pak...Hoping peaceful and better days for the people of Kashmir
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Indeed, Pak has run out of all options, it has used all its lifelines as below,

1)Suspends trade with India
2)Suspends cultural ties with India
3)Suspends Indian movies and media
4)Suspends diplomatic relations
5)Knocked UN door but got nothing in return

Does India really care about this?
Well, impact comes slowly not suddenly. Pakistan we keep floating indian ship around the globe , but no passage through Pakistan. Time and cost is killer for any business.
If Pakistanis really care for Kashmiris, then they would join Indians in celebrating the revocation of article 370. With fewer restrictions on land acquisition comes increased opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises to expand operations into the valley which means stable jobs for the young population.

This can only mean stability and prosperity for the region.
Indeed, Pak has run out of all options, it has used all its lifelines as below,

1)Suspends trade with India
2)Suspends cultural ties with India
3)Suspends Indian movies and media
4)Suspends diplomatic relations
5)Knocked UN door but got nothing in return

Does India really care about this? Amit Shah went to to say he is ready to die but will ensure P0k is integrated back into Indian Kashmir....so the reverse trend is about to begin, Pak will have to to put most of its efforts in protecting P0k..Dispute over Indian Kashmir is now thing of past for rest of the world including Pak...Hoping peaceful and better days for the people of Kashmir

Rubbish post
Whenever Pakistan have democracy, India behaves like it has been freed from zoo.
Just make a retired military general PM of Pakistan, Indian army will automatically shrink to the size of invisible.
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And reason to open this thread is?
Bhai tu ban hoga...jaise hi @waz ki baaz nazaar is thread per padegi...

And its illogical to think Pakistan has limited set of options to meet there objectives.

To start a healthy discussion after the dust has settled. Read my post no.6. @waz can read it too.
lollzzz we have dozens of options
giving weapons to kashmiris
rising it on every international forum
keeping india busy in kashmir next 100 years

aircraft carrier is where these days?
Indeed, Pak has run out of all options, it has used all its lifelines as below,

1)Suspends trade with India
2)Suspends cultural ties with India
3)Suspends Indian movies and media
4)Suspends diplomatic relations
5)Knocked UN door but got nothing in return

Does India really care about this? Amit Shah went to to say he is ready to die but will ensure P0k is integrated back into Indian Kashmir....so the reverse trend is about to begin, Pak will have to to put most of its efforts in protecting P0k..Dispute over Indian Kashmir is now thing of past for rest of the world including Pak...Hoping peaceful and better days for the people of Kashmir

A statement or two, and changing words on paper won't do jackshit to change reality. India is about to learn that the hard way.
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