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Pakistan Ready To Fight Back Against U.S.

Maybe you ought to right a novel on it? Fiction of course.
Mate, this isn't like command and conquer on your playstation.

The US cannot afford to go to war with Pakistan, ask yourself why they didn't do anything like this during Mushy's rule?
That's because Mushy Mushily followed American Order....i thought you forgot Bush words after 9/11....

''Either you with us or Against us''

And by the way i don't know wether you know that or not American Economy was in depression during second world war Till Pearl Habour incident....
Obama comes to India and beg for business and India gave the $20 billion business.....If he goes to Pakistan he give $10billion to Pakistan for droning your country....

If US says India to stop buying oil from Iran..what India did...India kept buying
US killed Pakistani army in Pakistan...and what u did....

You may dress things how you wish and live in denial. fact is you Indians are so scared of China Pakistan nexus that you look to white man to save you. So Americans have n the past bribed a few of leaders so what?

The problem you have is that you as a nation are a timid subservient lot. That is not the case with Pakistan
Why do you think Pakistan get so much negative press in west. Its cos they don't get a free hand with Pakistan.

Either you have been living under a rock or are really out of touch with reality. They bomb your civilians daily, send in ground forces within your borders to as close as 60 miles of your capital for commando operations.. Massacre your border forces without apologizing.. Send in their CIA operatives who gun down Pakistani civilians in broad day light and then take a flight back to USA after paying a few dollars to the relatives of the dead... How much more free hand do you think you can give them with Pakistan ? :azn:

You may dress things how you wish and live in denial. fact is you Indians are so scared of China Pakistan nexus that you look to white man to save you. So Americans have n the past bribed a few of leaders so what?

The problem you have is that you as a nation are a timid subservient lot. That is not the case with Pakistan

Arent you the only country to have gifted a part of the territory under their control to China. Also didnt you PM run with his hat in his hand to china when china hinted at Pakistani involvement in terror attacks with in China.. And pleaded that China's security is Pakistan's security (lol) . Talk about being subservient...
That guy in the video talked sense. American foreign policy can be summed up thus:

Invade > Destroy > Rebuild.

Now who are the beneficiaries?

To invade and destroy: The trillion dollar American military-industrial complex.
To rebuild: The trillion dollar American construction and services companies.

Who do these belong to and who controls them? The bigwigs of the Builderberg grouping, the Illuminati and the neo-cons. Guess who owns one of the biggest contract companies in the world? The Ex Vice President of the US of A - Dick Cheney, a neo-con of the Builderberg group that controls the American and European economies. Billions and billions of dollars worth of contracts for 'rebuilding' Iraq, and now Afghanistan, destroyed by that military industrial complex by making the massive arms machine churning out weapons of destruction and raking in billions of dollars doing so!

Now, the end game seems near in Afghanistan. What next to maintain the momentum? I can hazard a guess - BALOCHISTAN! Yep, that may be the next target considering the shenanigans emanating from the US of A. So, once again it's gonna be: Invade > Destroy > Rebuild.

But then, the Pakistan Army ain't a rag tag circus like the Iraqi Army or Afghan warlords. I daresay, the US of A is in for a bit of a surprise!! ;)

I agree with you, but they are familiar with the Pakistani army and its weaponry and will find it relatively easier to attack and win. This US attack is hypothetical but Pakistan has to turn to china for support. But I wouldn't hazard a guess to the extent of support china will give to Pakistan.

I totally agree on the illuminati and the neo-con bit, there seems to exist a powerful group of industrialists, Bankers and wall street movers who control foreign policies in the US.
Why do some of you Hindus get excited at any American Pakistani tiff only God knows. Your are a nation of 1.2 billion that is timid and subservient and that's all you will ever be good for. Between China and Pakistan we will create several Hindu Kingdoms for you if you continue in your rabid sycophancy to Americans.. Remember you blame us for Bombay attack but dare not attack Pakistan.

Back to topic we should take American drones out first and then just for a little light relief nuke India and teach these American sycophants a lesson
You may dress things how you wish and live in denial. fact is you Indians are so scared of China Pakistan nexus that you look to white man to save you. So Americans have n the past bribed a few of leaders so what?

The problem you have is that you as a nation are a timid subservient lot. That is not the case with Pakistan

Like how???? can u prove that even a wee bit??? meanwhile I can provide you plenty how Pakistan capitulated to US pressure repeatedly and still is.
Either you have been living under a rock or are really out of touch with reality. They bomb your civilians daily, send in ground forces within your borders to as close as 60 miles of your capital for commando operations.. Massacre your border forces without apologizing.. Send in their CIA operatives who gun down Pakistani civilians in broad day light and then take a flight back to USA after paying a few dollars to the relatives of the dead... How much more free hand do you think you can give them with Pakistan ? :azn:


Well Bombay got stuffed. India blamed Pakistan. Ok do something about it??? See what I mean a timid lot. If you accuse us well do something. I am waiting lol
Why do some of you Hindus get excited at any American Pakistani tiff only God knows. Your are a nation of 1.2 billion that is timid and subservient and that's all you will ever be good for. Between China and Pakistan we will create several Hindu Kingdoms for you if you continue in your rabid sycophancy to Americans.. Remember you blame us for Bombay attack but dare not attack Pakistan.

Back to topic we should take American drones out first and then just for a little light relief nuke India and teach these American sycophants a lesson

again prove that we are timid and whatever BS u keep implying.
Politics has its reasons that reason doesn't understand -most of the time- !!!
Well Bombay got stuffed. India blamed Pakistan. Ok do something about it??? See what I mean a timid lot. If you accuse us well do something. I am waiting lol

LOL, why do you think Pakistan is in a mess right now?? you are on the verge of losing another of your arm.
Well Bombay got stuffed. India blamed Pakistan. Ok do something about it??? See what I mean a timid lot. If you accuse us well do something. I am waiting lol

Pakistan has blamed the entire miseries and problems it faces on CIA/RAW/Mossad , try doing something about it, as Indian i won't be waiting for something to be done from the Pakistani side.
You may dress things how you wish and live in denial. fact is you Indians are so scared of China Pakistan nexus that you look to white man to save you. So Americans have n the past bribed a few of leaders so what?

The problem you have is that you as a nation are a timid subservient lot. That is not the case with Pakistan

I think you are living in denial...you were telling all India population is slave of white...now you are saying white bribe to Indian politician. but if Indian look for help from white then we should bribe them ...not they should bribe us. But Pakistan is enjoying the begging money from US...

I know what ever I say you will ignore and keep saying whatever you think...after all you did not answer any of my posts :undecided:

I think you Indians are in more of a mess.

Look who is talking .....
I think the Foreign intelligences want to destabilize the relation of Pakistan with America and maintain their way to success. Pakistan does not need to fight with America but with enemies... America also work with Pakistan in GWOT and supporting in various development projects... America also know the conclusion of Afghanistan and Iraq..

Those who do claim Fight with America are not seek and want Pakistan...

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