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Featured Pakistan presents ‘irrefutable evidence’ of Indian terrorism

Did he make the content of this dossier public?

i saw pak news channel showing audio clip of some raw agent rajesh telling how to put bomb in crowded place , connect wire with remote then push the button to blast.
they also showed some pages from raw bank account which showed the money allocation to BLA, TALIBAN,and other terrorists groups operating in pakistan .
This bank details shud b given to FATF and push for grey listing
they are quoting events from 2012 to 2020,
they must have given it to FATF.
Some parts have been made public and it is enough to justify bombings in Mumbai and new dehli.
so you support bombay massacre.
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'India has three objectives' in Pakistan

FM Qureshi explained that New Delhi has three objectives: derailing Pakistan’s journey towards peace, economic and political stability.

"Their first objective is to create hindrance in Pakistan’s move towards peace," said the foreign minister. He said India cannot accept that Pakistan has defeated terrorism and is moving towards peace and was promoting “nationalism and sub-nationalism” in Gilgit Baltistan, tribal districts, and Balochistan.

The second objective, said Qureshi, was to ensure Pakistan did not become economically stable. Citing India’s stance to push for Pakistan to be blacklisted at the FATF plenary meeting, the foreign minister said India was creating obstacles in our path towards prosperity.

“Their third objective is political instability to destabilize the country.”

Dossiers can not fire bullets (Duh). We will use them to expose Indian activities to the world. Pressure is being mounted to the silent observers who if do not speak up against such subversive activities, make them culprit.
The only thing which would wakeup west, and global powers is a huge conflict between Pakistan and India. With real chance of that conflict turning into nuclear war which may end life, not just here in South Asia, but on face of the earth. For that to happen you need to strike back, and strike back in major cities in India. Hit Indian Police, intelligence agencies, armed forces, and para military in their cities. Specially in cities like Mumbai.

Also change your posture, and stop being India centric. Time to bring ICBM and SLBM in the game. Also as economy grows induct at least four ballistic missile carrying nuclear submarines.
Is this the same story that Pakistani fellows were eagerly looking forward to in the press conference yesterday as the LOC was about to spiral out of control?

If yes - then very dissapointing. Pakistan has zero credibility on such accusations after having been one of the worlds leading breeding, training and harboring ground of terrorists of all kinds from Osama Bin Ladin, Hafiz Zaeed to Dawood Ibrahim and lower militants who freely move around Pakistan with army cover and constantly feed hate speeches to naive crowds and recruit their hopeless children to die in Jihad. Same dossier from 5 years ago with date change.
For the first time in 15 years! Our ears had been peeled to hear this. We knew Pakistan was suffering under Indian terrorism. For far too long, we wanted the government to raise voice or take action.

Finally we have heard what we knew. Now Pakistan must prepare to hit India where it hurts. And it should hurt. We need to avenge APS not by killing civilians but by targeting Indian interests.
RAW paid terrorists Rs10m to carry out suicide attacks in Pakistan: DG ISPR

Foreign Minster Shah Mahmood Qureshi and DG ISPR Major General Babar Iftikhar addressing a press conference at the Foreign Office. Photo: Screengrab/Geo.tv

India uniting terrorist organisations against Pakistan

DG ISPR said India is endeavouring to establish a consortium of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) with proscribed dissident organisations of Balochistan united under the banner of Baloch Raaji Aajoie Sangar (BRAS) constituted in 2018.
The dossier says that an Indian intelligence officer named Colonel Rajesh, employed at the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan, is the master planner and a letter in Dari revealed that he has held four meetings with commanders of terrorist organisations to synergise efforts and upscale terrorist activities in metropolitan cities including Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar in November and December this year.

DG ISPR Iftikhar said the Indian intelligence agencies are also trying to establish Daesh e Pakistan. "Recently, 20 Indian Daesh militants were relocated from India to camps along the Pak-Afgan border. These militants were handed over to Daesh Commander Sheikh Abdul Rahim alias Abdul Rehman Muslim Dost."

Embassies, consulates hub of terror sponsorship
Pakistan said evidence showed Indian embassies and consulates operating along Pakistan's borders have become a hub of terror sponsorship against Pakistan.

The army spokesperson said Indian ambassadors in Afghanistan regularly supervise terrorist activities. He cited an incident where the ambassador and consular in Jalalabad held detailed discussions with collaborators to provide financial support to the TTP and dissident Baloch elements.

"RAW made two transactions to promote terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - both transactions were made through Indian banks. A sum of $28,000 was transferred through Punjab Bank India, and another amount of $55,851 was sent by an Indian national Manmeet via New Delhi to Afghanistan International Bank.
"A letter in Dari reflects that India paid $820,000 to TTP leadership through its collaborators," said the DG ISPR.

Sabotaging CPEC
The army spokesperson said India raised a militia of 700 people to undertake terrorism in Balochistan. "A commission comprising 24 members was created which included 10 RAW operatives. A sum of $60 million was dedicated for this force."
He said Indian Embassy regularly pays handsome amounts to sub-nationalists under the garb of humanitarian assistance work.

"Confessional statements by Sarfraz Merchant and Tariq Mir revealed that Altaf Hussain Group (AHG) used to be funded by RAW through two Indian companies (JVGT and Paras Jewelry)," he said, adding that there was evidence of transactions worth $3.23 million.
He said India has been providing ammunition and weapons to AHG. A confession by Ajmal Pahari validated transfer of weapons 620,000. Pahari also confirmed India established four training camps for AHG militants in Dehradun and Haryana. "Training duration varied from 15 days to four months. It was confirmed that 40 terrorists received training."

Training and provision of weapons
"Besides terrorists funding, India has also been rendering support to various entities through provision of weapons, ammunition and IEDs," said the DG ISPR, adding that there was evidence of RAW providing weapons, ammunition and IEDs to TTP commanders. "RAW agents were found involved in motivating tribals in KP to send fighters to Afghanistan for training."

"A RAW handler delivered IEDs and weapons in the bordering areas of Waziristan during his visit according to the Dari letter."
The army spokesperson said Indian intelligence agencies are managing 87 terrorist camps - 66 out of which are located in Afghanistan and 21 in India. He said a former Indian army general and ambassador visited Baloch militant training camp housing 150 militants in Haji Gak area of Afghanistan.

DR ISPR said RAW sponsored network of six terrorists was linked to the recent attack on Pakistan Stock Exchange. It was also involved in delivery of suicide jackets to "various terrorists groups operating in Pakistan".

"The network is also involved in target killing of Ulema, Police officials and notables," he said. He added that RAW was paying Rs10 million for suicide attacks and vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED), Rs1 million for IED and targeting killings. "RAW is also attempting to create a network for target killing of important personalities, offering rewards worth Rs50 million to Rs80 million."
"Security forces have also intercepted huge cache of suicide jackets, IEDs, explosives, weapons & ammunition."

Recent attacks
The army spokesperson highlighted major attacks that were traced back to RAW. These include: the Agriculture University attack in Peshawar on October 26, 2017, the May 11, 2019 attack at PC Hotel in Gwdar, and an IED attack on Peshawar police on May 11, 2020.
He said the intelligence agencies averted a massive terrorist attack on August 14 this year. That "network had already carried out seven terrorist attacks in Hub, Mastung, Quetta and Sohrab on RAW’s behest."

Indian Interference in AJK & GB
"Tangible evidence indicates that RAW is involved in planting of IEDs in AJK to target civilians and military personnel," said the DG ISPR. "Since January 2016, 60 IEDs have been planted out of which 38 have exploded killing 13 civilians and 46 military personnel. While 22 were neutralised."

"The forensic analysis of IEDs have confirmed use of Indian components. Explosive used in IEDs is available at a digital platform ‘Indiamart’, TVS bolts are made by Indian company Tamil Nadu and PFS bolts are made by an Indian company in Maharashtra. Alinco ‘walkie talkie’ set is being sold by Space Telecom New Delhi on ‘Indiamart’."

He said Indian intelligence agency delivered a video tutorial to detonate IEDs. "Forensics show the remote control carries signature mark of an electronic supply company in Mumbai. Nine voice votes confirm involvement of RAW officers."

Regarding GB, Gen Iftikhar said Indian Ministry of Home Affairs held a meeting to deliberate methodology to trigger negative reactions to Pakistan granting provisional provincial status to GB. He said that India will mobilise "hostile elements" to undertake various subversive operations in Kashmir and GB after November 20.
He said RAW aims to target public gatherings and assassinate mainstream and sub-national leader in GB or AJK.

dont think it is credible enough evidence .
Is this the same story that Pakistani fellows were eagerly looking forward to in the press conference yesterday as the LOC was about to spiral out of control?

If yes - then very dissapointing. Pakistan has zero credibility on such accusations after having been one of the worlds leading breeding, training and harboring ground of terrorists of all kinds from Osama Bin Ladin, Hafiz Zaeed to Dawood Ibrahim and lower militants who freely move around Pakistan with army cover and constantly feed hate speeches to naive crowds and recruit their hopeless children to die in Jihad. Same dossier from 5 years ago with date change.
well said .
I miss the old pakistan. The naya pakistan whines too much

Oh boy I want to know what patwaris think of this. :sarcastic:

Please someone get me a patwari or jiyala opinion on this.
Pakistan has been pushing Terrorist since 1990 in J&K, thousands of Pakiatanis have died and are still dying. They have Dawood and many Khaliatani terrorist in Pakistan etc etc etc

When you indulge in covert act against a county much larger and powerful than you, do you expect the powerful country to sit idle and chew your NON STATE actor story. Pakistan Terrorism Factory is known to all. Has many names. PMIK needs to first act on many dossiers that India has sent in the last 20 years before India will even pick up your dossiers. India will only quote Pakistan responses that it used to give in the last 2 decades.

If Pakistan is OK, Bihar can send its Judiciary and Cops team to jointly investigate.

India will take lot of leaf from Pakistan.
Pakistan presents ‘irrefutable evidence’ of Indian terrorism


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday presented “irrefutable evidence” of Indian terrorism in the country and warned that staying silent is no more an option.

"Today we have irrefutable facts that we will present before the nation and the international community through this dossier," said the foreign minister in a press conference along with Director General Inter-Services Public Relations Major General Babar Iftikhar at the Foreign Office.

The press conference comes a day after the ISPR said that the Pakistan Army inflicted substantial losses on the Indian troops. It had also said that the losses were also reported by the Indian media.

"You can see a pattern of constant ceasefire violations," said Qureshi, adding that the dossier contains many details and some of them will be used at the "time of need".
"World knows that when Pakistan was busy and partnering in world peace, India was surrounding Pakistan with a web of terrorism," said the country's top diplomat.
"India was allowing its land to be used against Pakistan for terrorism," said the foreign minister. He added that New Delhi not only used its own soil but also made use of neighbouring countries to "attack Pakistan".

The foreign minister said that India that used to claim itself as the world's biggest democracy due to its actions is becoming a "rogue state".

"We have information and evidence on which we can say that India is promoting state terrorism," said Qureshi. He added that India has developed a plan to destabilise Pakistan.
The country's top diplomat said that the information was "not new" for him but "time" had come for Islamabad take the nation and international community into confidence.
"I feel that by remaining more silent it will not be in [favour] of Pakistan and the peace and stability of this region," said Qureshi.


FM Qureshi DG ISPR

Foreign Minister (FM) Shah Mahmood Qureshi has on Saturday slammed Indian troops for targeting Pakistani civilians along the Line of Control (LoC). He also presented a dossier containing details of Indian terrorism carried out in Pakistan.

In a joint press conference alongside Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR) Major General Babar Iftikhar, FM Qureshi has strongly condemned the ceasefire violation as a result of Indian aggression towards Pakistan.

“Today we have irrefutable facts that we will present before the nation and International community through this dossier”, said the foreign minister.

He said that Indian troops are consistently violating the ceasefire agreement and Pakistan will expose the real face of the Indian government before the international community.
The foreign minister said that India is up-scaling terrorism in Pakistan and had also expressed its illegal steps at different forums. The time has arrived to take the nation and international community in confidence as silence is neither in the national interest nor favours stability in the region.
“Pakistan had made significant achievements in the war against terrorism and paid a heavy price for being a frontline state after 9/11 which must be acknowledged. Pakistan witnessed 19,130 terror attacks from 2001 to 2020 which resulted in killings of more than 83,000 people and injuring over 25,000 citizens. Pakistan also suffered above $126 billion financial loss.”

“India was allowing its land to be used against Pakistan for terrorism,” said the foreign minister. He added that New Delhi not only used its own soil but also made use of neighbouring countries to “attack Pakistan”.

“I feel that by remaining more silent it will not be in [favour] of Pakistan and the peace and stability of this region,” said Qureshi.
He further added that India that used to claim itself as the world’s biggest democracy due to its actions is becoming a “rogue state”.
Qureshi said that India was the only country which wanted to push Pakistan in the blacklist of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
India funded terrorist outfits up to Rs22 billion and planned to sabotage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, he added more.


Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Saturday presented a dossier containing details of India's state-sponsored terrorism being carried out in Pakistan.
"Today we have irrefutable facts that we will present before the nation and International community through this dossier," said the foreign minister in a press conference along with Director General Inter Services Public Relations Major General Babar Iftikhar at the Foreign Office.
The press conference comes a day after the ISPR said that the Pakistan Army inflicted substantial losses on Indian troops. It had also said that the losses were also reported by the Indian media.
"You can see a pattern of constant ceasefire violations," said Qureshi, adding that the dossier contains many details and some of them will be used at the "time of need".
"World knows that when Pakistan was busy and partnering in world peace, India was surrounding Pakistan with a web of terrorism," said the country's top diplomat.
"India was allowing its land to be used against Pakistan for terrorism," said the foreign minister. He added that New Delhi not only used its own soil but also made use of neighbouring countries to "attack Pakistan".
The foreign minister said that India that used to claim itself as the world's biggest democracy due to its actions is becoming a "rogue state".
"We have information and evidence on which we can say that India is promoting state terrorism," said Qureshi. He added that India has developed a plan to destabilise Pakistan.
The country's top diplomat said that the information was "not new" for him but "time" had come for Islamabad take the nation and international community into confidence.
"I feel that by remaining more silent it will not be in [favour] of Pakistan and the peace and stability of this region," said Qureshi.
'India has there objectives' in Pakistan
Foreign Minister Qureshi explained that India has three objectives in Pakistan which includes causing problems in country's step towards peace, economic and political instability.
"Their first objective is to create hinderance in Pakistan’s move towards peace, " said the foreign minister. He added that New Delhi has not accepted that Pakistan has defeated terrorism and is moving towards peace.
The minister said to achieve this New Delhi was promoting "nationalism and sub nationalism" in Gilgit Baltistan, erstwhile FATA and Balochistan.
Qureshi said the second objective for India was to ensure that Pakistan does not become economically stable.
"A wall is created to our path towards prosperity," said Qureshi. He cited the example of the FATF's plenary meeting saying India was trying to push Pakistan to the blacklist.
"Their third objective is political instability. Through political instability they want to destablise country," said Foreign Minister Qureshi.

Indian terrorism and NeoNazi ideology needs to be exposed to the world. Snake in sheep skin
This is obviously a war of narratives, and the previous PPP and PML-N governments had no interest in building in this narrative, especially PML-N because they had business interests in India. Thank god finally a government is doing something I have been asking for like 10 years now. India has been building this narrative for a long time, and had some success in the past (not so many in the last 5 odd years though).

It won't make a difference in a month or two, but if you keep pounding on this narrative every month for a few years, it will become a bigger deal.

PMLN had business interests in India?. PMLN are actual foreign agents. Do you still need proofs? Business interests is a cover story
Pakistan has been pushing Terrorist since 1990 in J&K, thousands of Pakiatanis have died and are still dying. They have Dawood and many Khaliatani terrorist in Pakistan etc etc etc

When you indulge in covert act against a county much larger and powerful than you, do you expect the powerful country to sit idle and chew your NON STATE actor story. Pakistan Terrorism Factory is known to all. Has many names. PMIK needs to first act on many dossiers that India has sent in the last 20 years before India will even pick up your dossiers. India will only quote Pakistan responses that it used to give in the last 2 decades.

If Pakistan is OK, Bihar can send its Judiciary and Cops team to jointly investigate.

India will take lot of leaf from Pakistan.
we have many dossiers right from 1947
starting from kabayalis infiltration to operation jibralter to jihadis in kashmir to ajmal kassab to dawood Ibrahim to all terrorists like masood azhar .
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we have many dossiers right from 1947
starting from kabayalis infiltration to operation jibralter to jihadis in kashmir to ajmal kassab .

That's your response to the evidence provided? So you're ok with Indian supported terrorism, not surprising.
That's your response to the evidence provided? So you're ok with Indian supported terrorism, not surprising.
no indian national is involved in any terrorism in pakistan .all your own national are involved in terrorist activities in pakistan. you harbour talibanis, jaish e muhammad , lashkar e tajyaba , lashkar e jhangvi , al qayada , dawood Ibrahim, salauddin, masood azhar , keep them all in a dossiers and present to the world.

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