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Pakistan Navy to get US frigate

Pakistan to get US Naval frigate next year
Updated at: 1625 PST, Wednesday, August 19, 2009

WASHINGTON: United States will transfer USS McInerney frigate to Pakistan Navy following decommissioning from the U.S. Navy next year.

The 30-year-old frigate, put on Navy's inactivation list last month, will fly flag of Pakistan after retirement. Under U.S. Navy's Ship Transfer Program & through International Programs Office (IPO), which brokers deals through its foreign military sales department, Navy manages sales, transfers of decommissioned U.S. Navy ships to friendly foreign states as they can still help improve capability of friendly navies.

Pakistan can be granted U.S. ships no longer in commission. Any needed repairs or alterations are paid for with foreign military aid provided by the U.S. Recipients of aid money must buy American.

Once transferred to Pakistan, the ship will join Combined Task Force 151, multinational force aimed at fighting piracy in the troubled waters of Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean.

The cost for refurbishments onboard the McInerney, which includes anti-submarine missile defenses and other weapons systems, is set at $65 million, according to media reports.

Pakistan to get US Naval frigate next year
another video of OHP in service with TuN
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you seriously dont understand "sorry" and took offense.. btw this is a open forum and you are no one to tell me to on what to comment or not.

Yes i am when its related to my post and specially when i get a reply such as yours to my post. Anyways did i not understand your post "maybe" however this is no way to reply even if it wasnt meant for me specifically. This is a forum where we all come to debate, learn and understand. You may have more knowledge related to PN and personaly i do read your posts but that does not mean that those who have a little less know how, you start calling their queries as nonsense.

Good day.
Yes i am when its related to my post and specially when i get a reply such as yours to my post. Anyways did i not understand your post "maybe" however this is no way to reply even if it wasnt meant for me specifically. This is a forum where we all come to debate, learn and understand. You may have more knowledge related to PN and personaly i do read your posts but that does not mean that those who have a little less know how, you start calling their queries as nonsense.

Good day.

buddy i have no intention of indulging myself in a useless skirmishes with you. you seem to have a bad temper even after me apologizing.. but its just the way how you are.
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only one so far from USN EDA stocks - Pakistan has requested for six but so far the US is reluctant to pass on more then one!

sir please tell me with just four frigates,8 turkish missile boats by and 6 subs are we going able to fight with our mighty indian agressor
sir please tell me with just four frigates,8 turkish missile boats by and 6 subs are we going able to fight with our mighty indian agressor

their is more then just this.. not to forget upgraded P-3s and or other MPA/ASW air crafts... new frigates like f-22p and newer generations.. and fallow on orders...
pn has always got to think about tthe maintenance fees.....western weapons need high maintenance cost in the days to follow,although it is sold at a comparatively much lower price to pn.....among all countries in the world, chinese weapons are specially designed for third world countries purchases, in term of price and quality and maintenance services in the post-purchase days....china is able to provide almost all kinds of light and medium weapons nowadays to sanction threatened developing countries...does pn have any better choice?
I am following from while to while the discussions here and enjoy it.

I don't want to enter discussions of are Chinese or Russian or Turkish frigates / corvettes better. All of them have their own values.

What I want to point out is that neither of them would be as good as an indigenous Pakistani frigate, with Pakistani subsystems and Pakistani weaponry. Since in case of war the own power is the most reliable and effective power.

I can only tell my observations, and that is seeing that Pakistan somehow is lacking a clear line of pursuing a national defence industry. I don't see a special effort in this area like I see for instance with S. Korea and Turkey. Even India is pursuing and putting more efforts there, pitty.
I can only tell my observations, and that is seeing that Pakistan somehow is lacking a clear line of pursuing a national defence industry. I don't see a special effort in this area like I see for instance with S. Korea and Turkey. Even India is pursuing and putting more efforts there, pitty.

ahh not exactly right...
just few indigenous list...

al-khalid and Al-zarar MBT
Babur and RAAD Land/Air attack cruise missile
JF-17 joint venture..

however pakistan clearly lacks behind in naval industry.. and IMO F-22P is not the answer.
only one so far from USN EDA stocks - Pakistan has requested for six but so far the US is reluctant to pass on more then one!

That just one has been agreed on for now is because all but 2 OHPs are currently still in active USN service. The 2 not in service are 'mothballed' and un-mothballing is expensive and would add to the $65 million cost quoted for transfer of McInerney. It has nothing to do with 'reluctance to pass on'.
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That just one has been agreed on for now is because all but 2 OHPs are currently still in active USN service. The 2 not in service are 'mothballed' and un-mothballing is expensive and would add to the $65 million cost quoted for transfer of McInerney. It has nothing to with 'reluctance to pass on'.

as u wish!
can't we wait to see the actual outcome..
i mean there are lots of argument about the credibility of these olld platforms. of course no one will want the deal going waste but still we must wait for some actuall procedings to be made accesible!

can't we wait to see the actual outcome..
i mean there are lots of argument about the credibility of these olld platforms. of course no one will want the deal going waste but still we must wait for some actuall procedings to be made accesible!


Turkey is planning to use their used OHP for next couple of decades and plans to use them as test bed for future TF-2000... Aussies just upgraded their OHP fleet.... USN is planning to keep them beyond 2015.... i dont see why we shouldnt observe this platform for stop gaps and this should also familiarize PN with heavy class frigates.
well all i am trying to say that let them come, at least the first one and then we will be in a better position to debate the merits and demerits of the deal as by then we will know how much have been spend on them and what good they will bring to us, at that time we will also have some ground reality details about the weapon system they will carry,
i don't mean to say that i do not believe you or penguin but i will be more happy to see them doing good, equipped with some lethal weapons that you have given details of in your posts ! !
i don't want to claim to be wiser than PN think Tanks, if they have opted for them they must a good reason for that but i will like to wait to see those reasons in actual!!
so far nothing much have been said about there potential officially!


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