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Pakistan – Israel Ties, Relations and Recognition

This is a load of bull crap, Israel is not an ideological state, its a colony built on occupied land held together by military force.
Contrary to the popular belief and Mullah preaching, Israel was founded on the lands purchased by Jews from the Arabs in Palestine.

http://www.wordfromjerusalem.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/the-case-for-israel-appendix2.pdf (PDF format)

Israel is like a tent in a desert wind, if its not turned upside down by sandstorms, it will decay and cease to exist as a natural process. Israel is built on a land cursed throughout ages, it has an extremely bad habit of changing hands, history will repeat itself, Israel can only delay it but not stop it.
This was true for all civilizations in ancient times.

However, geopolitical scenario have changed in modern times; modern nation states have emerged with internationally recognized territorial claims. Under these circumstances, Israel isn't going anywhere and it have legitimacy like any other modern nation state.

Attempts have been made to eliminate Israel in the past, but Israel have held its own against heavy odds since its formation and also appears to have foreign backing.

Destruction of Israel isn't the way forward. We should think of ways to address the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And we should also keep a fact in mind that this won't be possible unless both sides are willing to negotiate and make compromises.

IMO; Israel, Gaza and West Bank should merge into a single nation where Muslims and Jews shall co-exist with harmony and equal rights.

Pakistanis unlike Israelis are NATIVE people of Pakistan, we have lived here for 5 millenniums and beyond. Pakistan was not created after a military induced land grab, but instead we won an election then reclaimed OUR land from the claws of colonial British and the Hindutva which desires nothing more dearly than complete hegemony over Muslims, they want to destroy our way of life, erode our customs, shred our beliefs and shove us down a hole of slavery.
Every Pakistani individual cannot claim nativity. A large number of individuals (predominantly Muslims) migrated to Pakistan from India after its independence. We call them Muhajir.


Jews have inhabited Palestine for centuries as well. After attaining their freedom from the oppressive Egyptians, they migrated to Palestine; this migration took place during 1800 BC. At that time, Canaanite civilization represented Palestine. Therefore, native Palestinians have roots in Canaanite civilization.

Now, a lot have happened in the Palestinian region throughout history but ancient records reveal formation of a Jewish kingdom in the Palestine at large at some point in history; Kingdom of Judah (founded in 930 BC). Later on, this Kingdom split into two; Kingdom of Judah (identity retained) and Kingdom of Israel (founded in 931 BC).

Unfortunately for the Jews, Palestine have always attracted foreign attention due to its geographical location and rich history. Foreigners invaded Palestinian region a number of times and these incursions eventually led to collapse of the Jewish kingdoms. But Jews continued to inhabit the Palestinian region in some form.


Religion have nothing to do with the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict; it is about territorial claims.

We created Pakistan because Muslim people of South Asia was oppressed, illiterate, poor and helpless. It is our patch of land where we have ALWAYS maintained a majority...unlike Israeli Zionists...European Jews shipped into Palestine in 1930s and 40 on-wards. Comparing Pakistan and Israel as 'twins' of sorts is moronic at best. Our story is of survival while theirs is of land grab, murder and establishing an apartheid over the Palestinians.
Jews have a long history in Palestinian region. They seized to exist as a civilization in this region at some point but they have bought lands in it with passage of time when they had the opportunity to do so. On top of everything, World War II led to extermination of Jews in large numbers throughout continental Europe and this reinforced their perceptions that if they are to survive, they will need a land of their own. Therefore, the state of Israel came into existence in the Palestinian region, on the purchased lands.

However; https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/arab-israeli-war
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The thing here is that our foreign policy has less pragmatism and more emotionalism. If you take a stand for Palestine then you must take a stand for Uighers as well, but thats not happening we all know. I think Pakistan should build ties with Israel with a hope that Palestinian problem can be resolved, otherwise no muslim country can resolve it. KSA, Turkey, Egypt, Qatar everyone of them have good ties with Israel.
No matter how you try to make it seem, the same administratively legal process was carried out for creating both Pakistan and Israel.

Just because the British played a major part in the creation of both doesn't make both right or wrong. Its how they did it that matters.As i said before :
Just because it was a British mandate doesn't make it right for them to give it to European settlers, completely ignoring the wishes of the native people.

It's obvious that for British, it was like a conquered land, and its natives conquered hostile people to do with as they pleased, like war booty.

The proceedings of British legislature or League of Nations are just whitewash. How can you decide the fate of that land without asking the native people who always lived there? What moral right did they have to make such declarations other then the right of might?

If the British truly believed in the equality of all people, they would never have done that.

One was made to accommodate the popular demand of the local population(without getting into the merits of it), the other to accommodate European settlers bypassing local wishes, so how is it the same?!?
As i said before, Apples
& Oranges
Do it and incur the wrath. Unlike Indians, the Israelis do not screw around- you guys will be put in your place before you can even beg for forgivness.

Son, do you think, that we, the Pakistan and its ISI would give two cents to a country and its secret service who we struggle to find on the world map? We gave bambo up the dreaded KGB at its peak. might and its reputation. CIA is getting its due share in Afghanistan as we speak. Maybe ISI dont consider mossad as its equal and not worth the time and energy as it always lock horn with the big boys. But it is my personal opinion that ever since Israel is very much active with our mortal enemy India, we should also start venturing into Israel neighborhood. And my son, the day ISI decide to sort out mossad and Israel, these Zionists will not know what hit them and from where, let alone ask for mercy. Israel and its establishment have been sorted in past and told to stay within limits, directly and indirectly. Its nothing new for us.
Add the Muslim population of Bangladesh, Pakistan and India and than call us Minority.

Just because the British played a major part in the creation of both doesn't make both right or wrong. Its how they did it that matters.As i said before :

One was made to accommodate the popular demand of the local population(without getting into the merits of it), the other to accommodate European settlers bypassing local wishes, so how is it the same?

Regardless of one's personal views, let me just say this and bow out: Not recognizing Israel only harms Pakistan's national interests, because religion makes for poor foreign policy.
what is merit of recognizing Is(it)Real.
What have turkey and Jorden or Egypt gained?
what about Palestinians ?
Then you deny Pakistan the moral and economic benefits that accrue from recognizing and normalizing relations with Israel.
Off topic: Some time I doubt if you are using the right Flags according to your own Nationality. No American Defends Israel like you do.
On Topic: If Relations with US haven't been Beneficial for us then what exactly makes you believe that Relations with Israel are gonna be beneficial in contrast with Indo-Israel Relations?

Israel did indirectly help Pakistan/Mujahideen in training and weapons acquisition, courtesy- Charlie Wilson.
Still majority of Indians believe that ISI was responcible for all the mess in Afghanistan. Stereotypical mentality.:laugh::laugh:
Off topic: Some time I doubt if you are using the right Flags according to your own Nationality. No American Defends Israel like you do.

Have you not seen those American congressmen?

On Topic: If Relations with US haven't been Beneficial for us then what exactly makes you believe that Relations with Israel are gonna be beneficial in contrast with Indo-Israel Relations?

This question is actually needed to be asked to those school boys, the liberal lot, who are cheerleading for Pakistan and Israel relationship.
The irony here is Pakistanis claiming legitimacy of existence, while calling Israel illegitimate in the same breath.

At least, Israel is an historic place consisting of an historic race compared to an artificial state which was named by a bunch of britishers and made up of lands taken from Afghanistan, Baluchistan and India.

So Pakistanis are settlers from a different continent are we, that turned up less than a hundred years ago on this land? LoL and you guys make fun of Pakistanis for being uneducated. All Pakistani ethnic groups are native to this land and have been living here for thousands of years.

Noor DahriNoor Dahri is an independent researcher based in London, UK. He has studied Counter Terrorism from International Institute for CounterTerrorism ICT- Herzliya - Israel.

Pakistan is an ideological country, as is the State of Israel. In the 20th century, only two countries emerged on the map of the earth in the name of religion; the Islamic State of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel. Both countries have nuclear technology and both have not yet ratified the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). This action shows that both states do not want to restrain their nuclear capability and always want to be seen to be tough for the enemy of the states. Israel and Pakistan never ever wanted their destruction through striking each other and, on many occasions, not only cooperated but divvied up their combined intelligence issues.


What a disgusting comparison. Comparing a barbaric apartheid regime of Israel to the peaceful Pakistani nation.
As you can see, Pakistan is a respectable sovereign country that never recognized that child killer regime. unlike Gulf monarchies
Hails to Pakistan.
Never compare it to a lap dog.
Huh shame on the Muslim countries which recognized Israel as an state, forever loser monkeys:
4 Palestinian children killed by Israeli naval fire on July 16, 2014.jpg
@Eri: it isn't Israel or Zionists worldwide who are ashamed. We don't have much cause for shame. Certainly far less than Israel's neighbors or a state like Pakistan that is so fearful of Israel's good example that its chief educators forbid teaching Israel in a good light entirely, directing that lies be instilled in students instead: link
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