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Pakistan is Learning the Wrong Lesson: Tactical Nuclear Weapons in South Asia

Your tacticle nukes are not going to help you. With a 60 KM range the NASR missile will not be able to reach any major Indian city like Delhi, Mumbai etc. Most likely you will end up nuking and Indian Army column in your own territory. IF this happens whther you use strategic or tacticle nuke India will respond with massive second strike which will do utmost damage to Pakistan.

The concept of MAD does not apply to India - Pakistan because of our large area. Sure India will suffer in a nuclear war but we can bounce back but due to smaller area of Pakistan it will be difficult for Pakistan to survive a nuclear war

Who said that the tactical nukes are meant to dismantle major Indian cities? We have other hardware at our disposal which can take care of that particular problem. The tactical nukes are meant to deter Indian adventures inside our borders. Be rest assured that Nasr is always going to deter Indian forces from even thinking about setting a step inside Pakistan. As for the "massive" Indian response. Don't hold your breath. Pakistan won't sit idle when it comes to pressing buttons. The Indians aren't the only ones capable of pressing buttons in case of a major crisis situation. Pakistan too can press buttons and cause unimaginable loss to India. You can keep those empty threats to yourself.

You make it sound like a walk in the park. You have not the slightest of clue about the extent of damage that a nuke war between Pakistan and India will cause. Not only this region, but vast parts of planet earth are going to be affected by this war. I can assure you that this region will be gone and that includes India in its entirety. Don't be too sure about survival yet. Spare us your predictions and outcomes. A nuclear war isn't something you speculate about.

India’s nuclear doctrine envisions massive counter value retaliation against the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

The ball is in India's court. Don't even think about a misadventure or other silly doctrines. Peace and security is a two way street. Don't blackmail Pakistan with conventional war.
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Who said that the tactical nukes are meant to dismantle Indian major cities? We have other hardware at our disposal which can take care of that particular problem. The tactical nukes are meant to deter Indian adventures inside our borders. Be rest assured that Nasr is always going to deter Indian forces from even thinking about setting a step inside Pakistan. As for the Indian "massive" response. Don't hold your breath. Pakistan won't sit idle when it comes to pressing buttons. The Indians aren't the only ones capable of pressing buttons in case of a major crisis situation. Pakistan too can press buttons and cause unimaginable loss to India. You can keep those empty threats to yourself.

You make it sound like a walk in the park. You have not the slightest of clue about the extent of damage that a nuke war between Pakistan and India will cause. Not only this region, but vast parts of planet earth. I can assure you that this region will be gone and that includes India in its entirety. Don't be too sure about survival yet.
So Pakistan wants to be the second country to use Nukes and the first to ue them on its own soil. Be our guests.

I am curious what would be the "red line" to use these weapons? Indian Army about to overrun Lahore, Rawalpindi or Islamabad? Naval Blockade of Karachi? Do you realize that if you use these weapons these very cities will also sufer a huge nuclear fallout? And immediately after that India will respond
Read this many times , get over it one thing is so pathetic for many to understand over and over again specially Indians to understand how can you attack a nation and may it be limited or full scale in reality there is nothing that is limited a attack is a attack and you think that Pakistan won't respond please wake up and hope for peace rather then war because it won't be pretty for both nations.

Coming from the mouth of an analyst is a bit strange...especially when events happened right in front of us...Kargil was a limited attack conducted by Pak military and India responded however in a limited fashion...This is perhaps what indians are saying...plz clarify if i misunderstood you...
So Pakistan wants to be the second country to use Nukes and the first to ue them on its own soil. Be our guests.

I am curious what would be the "red line" to use these weapons? Indian Army about to overrun Lahore, Rawalpindi or Islamabad? Naval Blockade of Karachi? Do you realize that if you use these weapons these very cities will also sufer a huge nuclear fallout? And immediately after that India will respond

Who the hell told you that? Stop seeing ghosts. Pakistan doesn't want to use any force let alone nuclear weapons. Why would Pakistan seek to attack a nation more than twice its own size? Use your braincells and stop believing in conspiracy theories. Pakistan is only going to defend itself when attacked conventionally by India. Your country has a habit of blackmailing Pakistan with massive conventional force. Well, don't expect Pakistan to sit idle when you do that. There will be massive repercussions. Invading another country amounts to a declaration of war.

He wants to know the red lines... How about you even stepping a foot on our soil for a start?
Its funny how i can copy and paste each and every word of your quote...India and Pakistan irony at its best :D

The ball is India's court. Don't even think about a misadventure or other silly doctrines. Peace and security is a two way street. Don't blackmail Pakistan with conventional war.
The ball is in Pakistan's court..Don't even think about a misadventure or other silly doctrines.Peace and security is a two way street. Don't blackmail India with your strategic assets.

Who the hell told you that? Stop seeing ghosts. Pakistan doesn't want to use any force let alone nuclear weapons. Why would Pakistan seek to attack a nation more than twice its size? Use your braincells and stop believing in conspiracy theories. Pakistan is only going to defend itself when attacked conventionally by India. Your country has a habit of blackmailing Pakistan with conventional force. Well, don't expect to sit idle when you do that.He wants to know the red lines... How about you even stepping a foot on our soil for a start?

Then why did you attack us in Kargil?? Were brain cells in Pakistan not working at that stage??
Its funny how i can copy and paste each and every word of your quote...India and Pakistan irony at its best :D

The ball is in Pakistan's court..Don't even think about a misadventure or other silly doctrines.Peace and security is a two way street. Don't blackmail India with your strategic assets.

Then why did you attack us in Kargil?? Were brain cells in Pakistan not working at that stage??

Conspiracy theories. I too can make so many accusations regarding Indian meddling in Pakistan. So, let's not get into accusations and conspiracy theories.
Who the hell told you that? Stop seeing ghosts. Pakistan doesn't want to use any force let alone nuclear weapons. Why would Pakistan seek to attack a nation more than twice its own size? Use your braincells and stop believing in conspiracy theories. Pakistan is only going to defend itself when attacked conventionally by India. Your country has a habit of blackmailing Pakistan with massive conventional force. Well, don't expect Pakistan to sit idle when you do that. There will be massive repercussions. Invading another country amounts to a declaration of war.

He wants to know the red lines... How about you even stepping a foot on our soil for a start?

You have attempted to use force against us not once or twice but 4 times using military and innumerable times using your "strategic assets"

India is not trigger happy. It is always Pakistanis who keep on talking of nuking India. I have been a member of this forum for a long time and I have always seen Pakistanis saying that they will nuke us and not the other way round.

Be assured we will not unilaterally cross into Pakistan. It will be in retaliation for a terrorist attack or a military misadventure from Pakistani Side.
Your tacticle nukes are not going to help you. With a 60 KM range the NASR missile will not be able to reach any major Indian city like Delhi, Mumbai etc. Most likely you will end up nuking and Indian Army column in your own territory. IF this happens whther you use strategic or tacticle nuke India will respond with massive second strike which will do utmost damage to Pakistan.

The concept of MAD does not apply to India - Pakistan because of our large area. Sure India will suffer in a nuclear war but we can bounce back but due to smaller area of Pakistan it will be difficult for Pakistan to survive a nuclear war

Exactly what Indian politicians thought in early 2000s before their army Generals put some sense into them! :lol:
You have attempted to use force against us not once or twice but 4 times using military and innumerable times using your "strategic assets"

India is not trigger happy. It is always Pakistanis who keep on talking of nuking India. I have been a member of this forum for a long time and I have always seen Pakistanis saying that they will nuke us and not the other way round.

Be assured we will not unilaterally cross into Pakistan. It will be in retaliation for a terrorist attack or a military misadventure from Pakistani Side.

Whatever man. I can also fabricate such wild accusations regarding India. Besides, India isn't a country made of angels.

India sounds very trigger happy when it constantly blackmails Pakistan with massive conventional force and aggressive doctrines. Yes, Pakistan will retaliate if attacked. What's difficult to fathom about that? Again, India isn't a country made of angels. I've seen how Indians react against Pakistan on other forums on the web. It's not a pretty sight I can tell you.

How about India aiding terrorism inside Pakistan? How about India formulating aggressive doctrines against Pakistan? When will all that stop? Remember, you're not angels.
OrionHunter said:
it is clear that Pakistan would use its tactical nukes only as a last resort while facing an adverse situation that can lead to its defeat. That means employing tactical nuclear weapons when Indian combat groups are 40-50 km within Pakistani territory. That would be disastrous for Pakistan as entire geographical areas within Pakistan would become uninhabitable for decades due to nuclear radiation and fallout.
Thats an interesting analysis. I'm wondering if that is exactly what they had in their mind when they were developing tac-nukes?
Since they know the disadvantage of using tac-nuke on their own territory, its very clear that tac-nuke will not be the "last resort".And that just worsens the situation.
Afaik they 're planning to have a surfeit of tac-nukes.
Exactly what Indian politicians thought in early 2000s before their army Generals put some sense into them! :lol:
Please tell me how is this assertion wrong and where did you see generals warning the politicians against it?
Anti Missile technology is advancing rapidly. Once India has mastered it, the Nuke threat from Pakistan would be neutralized.

This threat will be fully covered in about 1-2 decades.
Comparing Conventional weapons with Nuclear one?....

killing 100 is fine, 1000 is not

Did I say conventional wars 're better???
I've yet to understand why the so called super powers and their satellite countries keep on wasting money and energy on something that is a figment of their imagination, pretty much like they made up a story where Saddam would 've attacked NY with his newly acquired weapons and ergo they attacked Iraq.
And if its about India and Pakistan's nuclear policies then I think Pak harbors a wrong notion that tac-nukes 've no strategic implications and a limited nuclear war will not escalate into a full fledge nuclear war.Explain just how did they conclude that?? or is it that the consequences of such a "limited" war doesnt matter to ppl in PA?

when country's survival at stake then all bet are off, doesnt matter what is your policy or our policy...Pakistani or any other country will not use nuke just for the fun of it, when one country decides to use it that country knows it a suicide mission and they are willing to commit suicide...dont bring papers and say look what you said about the first use policy
The ball is in India's court. Don't even think about a misadventure or other silly doctrines. Peace and security is a two way street. Don't blackmail Pakistan with conventional war.
And don't you try blackmailing India with a nuclear war as you guys always do at the drop of a hat! You may be aware of what the old stone age looked like.
And don't you try blackmailing India with a nuclear war as you guys always do at the drop of a hat! You may be aware of what the old stone age looked like.

Bla bla bla... Cool it down now.

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