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Pakistan is in talks with TTP splinter groups and we can forgive them if they lay arms: Imran Khan to TRT World

Pakistan will accomodate all Indian assets who want to break ties with fascist Nazi Insia and surrender to the state of Pakistan by laying down weapons. Just like we accepted multiple surrenders of thousands of Baloch insurgents over the years. :-)

negotiate with them? like SERIOUSLY? it's like spitting on face of every shaheed out there ...
But I thought it was the 200 embassies of India strung along in South Afghanistan that was paying these RAW directed and created TTP terrorist agents.

Surely he is not talking to the TTP who are just Indian paid terrorists.

Should he not be talking to fascist Nazi Indian govt and RAW who are the masters of TTP to settle this ?

That has been Pakistan's and ISI's absolute conviction and narrative for many years.
Trying to talk sense into fools should be an option., whether Indian sponsored or not.
But I thought it was the 200 embassies of India strung along in South Afghanistan that was paying these RAW directed and created TTP terrorist agents.

Surely he is not talking to the TTP who are just Indian paid terrorists.

Should he not be talking to fascist Nazi Indian govt and RAW who are the masters of TTP to settle this ?

That has been Pakistan's and ISI's absolute conviction and narrative for many years.
Well since the fascist Nazis next door to Pakistan’s east wont admit they finance these criminals the next best option is to whittle away everyone except the most hardcore cadre.
Here Taliban character is doubtful. They are mediating talks in Afghanistan. So, TTP is operating from Afghanistan right under the nose of Taliban. But Taliban has more sympathy with TTP, than the state of Pakistan, which convinces west and US to bring them into power.
Afghanistan remains a pain for Pakistan. Raise a big wall and watch with drones. Pakistan already started using drones. Recently used in Kunar.
These are foreign trained terrorists left by miserable failures only a matter of time before they get wiped out.
I actually just watched his interview now. Interviewer is really good, he dug deeper and Imran waffled. There is no concrete plan.

This is a peace offering for TTP and if they don't accept which I think they should, there will be the biggest operation you will ever see in Pakistan. I'm talking full attack mode 100k + troops with gunships and jets, those peaks will be taken. PA always delivers.
ttp has survived this long because they have sympathizers in tribal areas and waziristan.Army alone can't do anything.Harshest measures need to be exercised.Have the prominent deobandi leaders issue fatwas against ttp publicly even if by force air it on national tv.Those who sympathize especially any waziristanis or pashtun belt dwelers should have their land confiscated.Enough is enough deploying forces on field won't do anything until the root ideology is cleansed.Have the PM announce either u submit to the state or get annihilated in the worse way possible.
These are foreign trained terrorists left by miserable failures only a matter of time before they get wiped out.

They are a wing of the Taliban. They always have been . They like Osama offered allegiance to the head of the Taliban.

The TTP head just recently went and met the Taliban leadership . This was reported and photographed in Pakistani papers.

5000 TTP prisoners captured by the ANA and imprisoned were released by the Taliban when the Taliban swept past the ANA prison.

Also reported in Pakistan press.

There is a Islamic Emirate practice where fealty for life is offered and accepted by the Head of the Taliban. This is what TTP did at its inception and recently again when the TTP head met up with the Taliban heads in Kabul to celebrate their joint victory.

Do you read your own papers or do you just see what has been drummed into you by incessant lies that a ruthless murderous extremely religious Islamic terror group has sat down with Hindu RSS and RAW to take money from them. TTP would blow away any RAW or RSS guy that came 10 feet near him.

TTP is not short of money. They and the Taliban made enough out of the collection of "taxes" on the roadside and the Heroin business where they got their cut.

No Indian is going to go anywhere near a TTP loon.
They’ve killed 80,000+ of our fellow Pakistanis including the kids at APS and the PM wants to give them a amnesty.can it get any worse? I means what’s wrong with Imran Khan, does he not realise all this?
Besides Amnesty could’ve been given if the TTP had an ideological reasoning to back their cause but they did it for money. Money in the form of US dollars from our worst enemy the Indian RAW.
The only amnesty they deserve is a bullet.
in past different pakistani govts tried negotiation tool and failed ... infect during discussion period TTP used that time to regroup it self and same they are doing now ... eventually in few weeks or in few months we will see one more operation
I will keep away from this thread but the narrative described is the one Pakistan peddled in Pakistan and the whole world.
TTP is an adjunct of the Taliban. THEY ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. They bow to the head of Taliban and the idea that an extreme Islamist terror group is taking orders from a extreme Hindu party is both laughable and preposterous .
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Most Pakistanis conveniently blame everything on India without looking at complete picture. India maybe financially supporting them but to say that it plays huge part in TTP formation and its operations is clear cut stupidity . All of TTP leadership and foot soldiers are ethnic Pashtun of primarily deobandi sect. Non of them are indians or hindu.

The fact is TTP is a sum of Ethno fascist Pasthun supremacy + deobandi extremism + pashtunwali + extreme barbarism.
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