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Pakistan has more nuclear warheads than India: report

You have obviously forgotton the 14th of August 1947 when a Muslim minority was able to rip, dismember and spread open wide the legs of mother india to create Pakistan from conquered indian territory :devil:and there is nothing indian kind can do to get that conquered territory back again :chilli:bangladesh is 6x smaller than Pakistan land wise wheras Pakistan is 3.5 smaller than india in terms of area.......:azn:

We sliced open india and the whole world saw it happened.........billions saw it. bangladesh geeting their own nation was inevitable. They are a completely different race to us and are in fact racially the same as you indians. They are also 2500 kms away from us. We have nothing in common with them.







they all look the same TO ME



SOUTH ASIANS are rather UGLY im afraid






they all look the same TO ME



SOUTH ASIANS are rather UGLY im afraid

Lol........I have a British passport which technically makes me just as British as the English people. But I look every bit as Pakistani as the natives of Pakistan.....likewise nice try with those red-dot head-dubious looking Pakistanis holding Pakistani passports. So a hindu/bengali minority living in Pakistan is representative of the Pakistani people???????..............it's like saying the blacks living in England are representative of the English race and nation............:lol:
Having more warheads is futile and waste of your resources.

What counts is the size of warhead
The type and the delivery system

In this way India wins hands down

Its uses plutonium warheads and has the full triad of delivery IE
Nuke subs arijant programme
Ballistic missle Agni
And air strike both jaguar and soon rafalec

You people use much older technology warheads and do use only mimissles
Having more warheads is futile and waste of your resources.

What counts is the size of warhead
The type and the delivery system

In this way India wins hands down

Its uses plutonium warheads and has the full triad of delivery IE
Nuke subs arijant programme
Ballistic missle Agni
And air strike both jaguar and soon rafalec

You people use much older technology warheads and do use only mimissles

Rubbish and disproved long ago. Stop writing these outlandish fantasies of yours. Pakistan has pursued plutonium weapons since the 80's and went full production from the late 90's onwards. It only produces plutonium warheads and has an array of different systems to deliver these powerful weapons. Older design lol!

You know nothing about this, here is what one world renowned expert says about Pakistan's weapons.

Who told you Pakistani nukes are small? What utter rubbish!
Pakistan's plutonium based weapons are tripped with tritium making their explosive power increase hundreds of times over. A few grams can boost weapons close to 500%!

You better look at what the experts say about it!!
Here Geoff Olynyk;


His Twitter;
twitter https://ca.linkedin.com/in/olynykResearch papers;

His research papers

Company profile

writes about the power of Pakistan's weapons.

Geoff Olynyk
, Ph.D., Applied Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, MIT, 2013
Updated Feb 18, 2013 · Author has 218 answers and 1.1m answer views

The short answer, of course, is very lethal, like all nuclear weapons. Read on for more details.

So according to the Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction article on Wikipedia, Pakistan possesses four delivery mechanisms for a nuclear attack in the area:

  • Medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM). Range, 2500 km. Estimated yield 300–500 kt (kilotons of TNT equivalent).
  • Nuclear-tipped Babur cruise missiles. Range, 700 km. Yield - ?
  • Nuclear bombs carried by fighter-bombers. Estimated yield up to 150 kt.
  • Cruise missiles carried by fighter-bombers. Warhead estimated yield 20–25 kt.

The fighter-bombers likely drop 150 kt bombs or launch cruise missiles with 20–25 kt warheads. The most powerful warheads in Pakistan's arsenal are estimated to have a yield 300–500 kt, delivered by the Ghauri-I MRBM:


Ghauri medium-range ballistic missiles.

Note that this would be a very similar yield to the U.S.'s most advanced warhead, the 475 kt W88. (Although the Pakistani one is probably much heavier due to the less advanced technology, and thus you can't carry as many of them on a missile.)

As we start discussing the effects, keep in mind the pictures of the destruction in Hiroshima (the Little Boy bomb had a yield of 13 kt), and remember that a 500 kt weapon is nearly 40 times more powerful.


Effects of a 13 kt air burst.

They are also apparently working on a sea-launched cruise missile (a naval variant of the Babur) and a smaller nuclear warhead that can be put on Pakistan's Chinese-made C-802 and C-803 anti-ship missiles, but these delivery mechanisms are not operational yet.

Taking the upper end of the estimated range of Pakistani warheads (500 kilotons) is convenient because the U.S. government published a bunch of graphs on the effects of a 500 kt blast in the report Nuclear Attack Environment Handbook (FEMA, August 1990). The graphics below are taken from here, which reproduces the FEMA book.

Here is an overview of the effects of a 500 kt surface burst:


There is heavy damage (5 psi overpressure) out to a radius of about 2.2 miles.

If they are smarter about it and detonate it 1.1 miles in the air (see Geoff Olynyk's answer to Why doesn't the blast from a nuke take place on the ground?), the damage radius is larger:


There is now heavy damage out to a radius of 3.2 miles. The government also helpfully calculated the winds produced by a 500 kt air burst:


and a nice graph showing all the other fun effects (eardrums burst! serious glass wounds!) from a 500 kt air burst:


Finally, here are the radii at which you get flash burns from the light (thermal radiation) from a 500 kt air burst, depending on how clear of a day it is:


Okay, that's enough detail. To actually answer your question, the overpressure at which buildings fall and people die immediately is about 20 psi, but it's more likely than not that you'll die at the 5 psi level also, due to flying debris, you getting thrown about, fire, glass, etc. Even if you survive, your eardrums will explode and you'll probably die within a few hours anyway due to the burns.

So for a 500 kt weapon (upper estimate of Pakistani capability), with an air burst, that's a radius of 0.6 miles (1.0 km) for the 20 psi overpressure, or 3.2 miles (5.1 km) for the 5 psi overpressure. Note that's radius from the hypocenter (the point on the ground below where the warhead detonates).

But if you want a better chance of survival, just looking at the graphs above (I obviously have no personal experience with this), you'll want to be more like 6–7 miles (9–11 km) away from the hypocenter.

There is lots more discussion of the effects of a 500 kt airburst at this company trying to sell you a fallout shelter's website:

  • Impact lethality out to just over 4 miles.
  • Impact skull fracture and serious glass wounds out to 5 miles.
  • Impact injuries out to over 6 miles, with 50% probability of 3rd degree burns, if in clear line-of-sight at the instant of initial flash.
  • Skin lacerations from glass fragments out to almost 9 miles, with 50% probability of 1st degree burns, if in clear line-of-sight at instant of initial flash.

They say the "lethal radius" is 2.2 miles, which corresponds to the 10 psi overpressure curve.

You can put these radii on your city using the widget here.
Ground Zero | Carloslabs (Choose the Joe-4 400 kt weapon.)

Finally, I note that for the smaller Pakistani weapons (say, the 20 kt nuclear-tipped airplane-launched cruise missile), the 5- and 20-psi overpressure radii will obviously be smaller; about 35% as large in radius. You can get a sense of the destruction from such a weapon by looking at pictures of Nagasaki (the Fat Man had a yield of 21 kt).

Also, I love how Quora now thinks I'm some sort of expert on nuclear weapons because I've answered a few questions with links to Wikipedia. Every time I answer another one of these nuclear weapon questions on Quora, I'm more and more disgusted at humanity for building so many of them.

Last edited:
Rubbish and disproved long ago. Stop writing these outlandish fantasies of yours. Pakistan has pursued plutonium weapons since the 80's and went full production from the late 90's onwards. It only produces plutonium warheads and has an array of different systems to deliver these powerful weapons. Older design lol!

You know nothing about this, here is what one world renowned expert says about Pakistan's weapons.

Who told you Pakistani nukes are small? What utter rubbish!
Pakistan's plutonium based weapons are tripped with tritium making their explosive power increase hundreds of times over. A few grams can boost weapons close to 500%!

You better look at what the experts say about it!!
Here Geoff Olynyk;


His Twitter;
twitter https://ca.linkedin.com/in/olynykResearch papers;

His research papers

Company profile

writes about the power of Pakistan's weapons.

Geoff Olynyk
, Ph.D., Applied Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, MIT, 2013
Updated Feb 18, 2013 · Author has 218 answers and 1.1m answer views

The short answer, of course, is very lethal, like all nuclear weapons. Read on for more details.

So according to the Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction article on Wikipedia, Pakistan possesses four delivery mechanisms for a nuclear attack in the area:

  • Medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM). Range, 2500 km. Estimated yield 300–500 kt (kilotons of TNT equivalent).
  • Nuclear-tipped Babur cruise missiles. Range, 700 km. Yield - ?
  • Nuclear bombs carried by fighter-bombers. Estimated yield up to 150 kt.
  • Cruise missiles carried by fighter-bombers. Warhead estimated yield 20–25 kt.

The fighter-bombers likely drop 150 kt bombs or launch cruise missiles with 20–25 kt warheads. The most powerful warheads in Pakistan's arsenal are estimated to have a yield 300–500 kt, delivered by the Ghauri-I MRBM:


Ghauri medium-range ballistic missiles.

Note that this would be a very similar yield to the U.S.'s most advanced warhead, the 475 kt W88. (Although the Pakistani one is probably much heavier due to the less advanced technology, and thus you can't carry as many of them on a missile.)

As we start discussing the effects, keep in mind the pictures of the destruction in Hiroshima (the Little Boy bomb had a yield of 13 kt), and remember that a 500 kt weapon is nearly 40 times more powerful.


Effects of a 13 kt air burst.

They are also apparently working on a sea-launched cruise missile (a naval variant of the Babur) and a smaller nuclear warhead that can be put on Pakistan's Chinese-made C-802 and C-803 anti-ship missiles, but these delivery mechanisms are not operational yet.

Taking the upper end of the estimated range of Pakistani warheads (500 kilotons) is convenient because the U.S. government published a bunch of graphs on the effects of a 500 kt blast in the report Nuclear Attack Environment Handbook (FEMA, August 1990). The graphics below are taken from here, which reproduces the FEMA book.

Here is an overview of the effects of a 500 kt surface burst:


There is heavy damage (5 psi overpressure) out to a radius of about 2.2 miles.

If they are smarter about it and detonate it 1.1 miles in the air (see Geoff Olynyk's answer to Why doesn't the blast from a nuke take place on the ground?), the damage radius is larger:


There is now heavy damage out to a radius of 3.2 miles. The government also helpfully calculated the winds produced by a 500 kt air burst:


and a nice graph showing all the other fun effects (eardrums burst! serious glass wounds!) from a 500 kt air burst:


Finally, here are the radii at which you get flash burns from the light (thermal radiation) from a 500 kt air burst, depending on how clear of a day it is:


Okay, that's enough detail. To actually answer your question, the overpressure at which buildings fall and people die immediately is about 20 psi, but it's more likely than not that you'll die at the 5 psi level also, due to flying debris, you getting thrown about, fire, glass, etc. Even if you survive, your eardrums will explode and you'll probably die within a few hours anyway due to the burns.

So for a 500 kt weapon (upper estimate of Pakistani capability), with an air burst, that's a radius of 0.6 miles (1.0 km) for the 20 psi overpressure, or 3.2 miles (5.1 km) for the 5 psi overpressure. Note that's radius from the hypocenter (the point on the ground below where the warhead detonates).

But if you want a better chance of survival, just looking at the graphs above (I obviously have no personal experience with this), you'll want to be more like 6–7 miles (9–11 km) away from the hypocenter.

There is lots more discussion of the effects of a 500 kt airburst at this company trying to sell you a fallout shelter's website:

  • Impact lethality out to just over 4 miles.
  • Impact skull fracture and serious glass wounds out to 5 miles.
  • Impact injuries out to over 6 miles, with 50% probability of 3rd degree burns, if in clear line-of-sight at the instant of initial flash.
  • Skin lacerations from glass fragments out to almost 9 miles, with 50% probability of 1st degree burns, if in clear line-of-sight at instant of initial flash.

They say the "lethal radius" is 2.2 miles, which corresponds to the 10 psi overpressure curve.

You can put these radii on your city using the widget here.
Ground Zero | Carloslabs (Choose the Joe-4 400 kt weapon.)

Finally, I note that for the smaller Pakistani weapons (say, the 20 kt nuclear-tipped airplane-launched cruise missile), the 5- and 20-psi overpressure radii will obviously be smaller; about 35% as large in radius. You can get a sense of the destruction from such a weapon by looking at pictures of Nagasaki (the Fat Man had a yield of 21 kt).

Also, I love how Quora now thinks I'm some sort of expert on nuclear weapons because I've answered a few questions with links to Wikipedia. Every time I answer another one of these nuclear weapon questions on Quora, I'm more and more disgusted at humanity for building so many of them.

Nah Waz bhai I think eminent IIT scientist @Storm Force has far more scientific credibility than this MIT Phd experimental physicist, after all MIT is third rate compared to IITs.Kudos bhai
This is a WELL written article explaining the Fundemental Bsasic Nuclear technology and doctrinal difference between Indian & Pakistani nuke warheads


Like is said this is well documented here in media in the west


Pakistan has abundant access to uranium and thus based its warheads on uranium

India has access to Plutoneuim only and has based warheads on this

India is much farther ahead in full triad nuclear delivery via Sea thanks to nuke subs

Pakistan relys on missles

Pakistan also uses tacticle smaller warheads ie battlefield warheads as it recognises india bigger conventional and industrial might will lead to defeat in all out non nuclear war

I do not believe either nation deploys warheads much beyond 100kt

India has far better tracking system as it is decades ahead in its space programme

This is a WELL written article explaining the Fundemental Bsasic Nuclear technology and doctrinal difference between Indian & Pakistani nuke warheads


Like is said this is well documented here in media in the west


Pakistan has abundant access to uranium and thus based its warheads on uranium

India has access to Plutoneuim only and has based warheads on this

India is much farther ahead in full triad nuclear delivery via Sea thanks to nuke subs

Pakistan relys on missles

Pakistan also uses tacticle smaller warheads ie battlefield warheads as it recognises india bigger conventional and industrial might will lead to defeat in all out non nuclear war

I do not believe either nation deploys warheads much beyond 100kt

India has far better tracking system as it is decades ahead in its space programme


Everything above has been refuted, by a LEADING scientist in the field. You can take ‘Pranay’ as a source of it makes you feel better....
Pakistan’s plutonium program is advanced has been in full swing for the past 20 years, that’s a fact I know it’s painful to admit.
Everything above has been refuted, by a LEADING scientist in the field. You can take ‘Pranay’ as a source of it makes you feel better....
Pakistan’s plutonium program is advanced has been in full swing for the past 20 years, that’s a fact I know it’s painful to admit.

Your investment in nuclear science and technology is determined by your resources.

And pakistans resources are relatively tiny compared to others including india

You duck …. you dive... BUT national strength comes from within

You believe what you want BUT I believe in open transparent India who has far more power stations, far more plutoneuim , far superior missle tech thanks to its impressive space programme which delivers $1 billion a year in income now, and far more financial clout.

You Pakistanis may end up having more nukes than the BRITISH or the FRENCH ,,, but it means nothing

WHY .. Bcause the british and French delivery systems , size of war heads and technology is far more lethal

I for one im delighted India has gone down the route of ARIHANT sub route

Everything above has been refuted, by a LEADING scientist in the field. You can take ‘Pranay’ as a source of it makes you feel better....
He is citing Pharmacists as supposed experts lol.
Your investment in nuclear science and technology is determined by your resources.

And pakistans resources are relatively tiny compared to others including india

You duck …. you dive... BUT national strength comes from within

You believe what you want BUT I believe in open transparent India who has far more power stations, far more plutoneuim , far superior missle tech thanks to its impressive space programme which delivers $1 billion a year in income now, and far more financial clout.

You Pakistanis may end up having more nukes than the BRITISH or the FRENCH ,,, but it means nothing

WHY .. Bcause the british and French delivery systems , size of war heads and technology is far more lethal

I for one im delighted India has gone down the route of ARIHANT sub route

Pakistan devoted more resources to its nuclear ambitions hence the results today. Pakistan's resources are smaller there's no doubt about that but not tiny. You also have China to worry about, Pakistan has no other enemy.
Believe what I want? Firstly stop taking notes from my book i.e. when I call you out for making ludicrous posts. I'm posting experts, you post your opinion and 'Pranay'.
Yes I already dealt with the whole resources thing.
Also I'm British, but anyway of course Pakistan's delivery systems are not on par with France or the UK, nor are yours. Secondly Pakistan's weapons are lethal, no denial from you will change that.

He is citing Pharmacists as supposed experts lol.

Yes, that's why it's useless replying to him.
Pakistan devoted more resources to its nuclear ambitions hence the results today. Pakistan's resources are smaller there's no doubt about that but not tiny. You also have China to worry about, Pakistan has no other enemy.
Believe what I want? Firstly stop taking notes from my book i.e. when I call you out for making ludicrous posts. I'm posting experts, you post your opinion and 'Pranay'.
Yes I already dealt with the whole resources thing.
Also I'm British, but anyway of course Pakistan's delivery systems are not on par with France or the UK, nor are yours. Secondly Pakistan's weapons are lethal, no denial from you will change that.

Yes, that's why it's useless replying to him.

Why are you feeding this indian troll!!

He lives in his own world and depends on other indian opinions about pakistan's nuclear and strategic weapons. Im pretty sure he is the raj expert who claimed pakistan's ababeel is a dud.
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