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Pakistan Has Gifted 40,000 Tonnes Of Wheat To Afghanistahn

You fought afghans for USA then ans "strategic depth now". Afghanistan would have been a stable country if you had respected its sovereignty.

only if they were smart enough to know not to fcuk with next door neighbor and have love relationship with her worst enemy but Afghans are not knows for their smarts. They are the only country in the human history who are willing to screw their country for the love of other
Dirty people

Why are we feeding these snakes?

Dumb decision!
Are you mad.
You give only little subcide to the people of gilgit baltistan and they are so happy for that. If you have so much free wheat give it to our Pakistanis.
Why those bastards.
Only one question: Why the F* donate to A-stan, and why not to the poors of Pakistan specially in interior Sindh?
The irony of the situation is that the federal gov't has to plead to the Sindh gov't to do something, as though Sindh is a separate state. It'd be best to reorganize the country along unitary lines into municipal districts -- each with a nazim and a federal MP (no quota system). The only permissible provincial footprint should be to teach the regional language as the mandatory secondary tongue and some funding for cultural stuff. The central gov't can earn some trust by standardizing the per-capita spend on education, health, infrastructure, etc, across the whole population
This is minuscule. You have blood of the entire Afghan nation on your hands.
Yeah and 18 Indian consulate busy bring peace in Afghanistan ...
Thousands individual and collective disputes, poverty in home land but in country matters every thing has its own Quota.

International Relation is discipline in which we can seek how to treat your country enemy and friend.

So relation are part of life, some time you have trade agreements with your enemies too & some time cut as well. :pakistan:
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