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Pakistan gaining military edge over India

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I don't see any signs of war between the two countries in near future ... so I think India has the time to cope up on several factors...

1. UAVs - India is inducting Israel drones ... and few are already operational.
2. Fighter jets - for the time being Su30 MKIs are the main stay of IAF ... I think since they need to guard only the western front ... the present squadrons should be enough.
3. Motivation & Funds - Patriotism runs in the blood of citizens of any country. You can't quantify it. Funds - India has sufficient money to fund the deals if it feels necessary.

Howitzers is something that will trouble Indian Army for sometime... I don't think we will be able to get them for at least 5 years.

Arihant - If the reactor isn't installed then the hull has to be cut again to install a reactor ... will anyone be that stupid?

I can't believe you took the time to reply to that BS. The guy even quotes strategypage:rofl:
GO to wikipedia.....Indian air force has more than 100 UAV HERON , all are operational...and we are far ahead in UAV chapter than Pakistan.
We have SU-30MKI which is best aircraft in the world after F-22rapter .
Su30mki is advanced version of Russian made which includes Israeli and French avionics...which make it better than any other sukhoi present in whether Russia and China...Chinese AVIONICS <u know what i mean>...
And :cheers:
every time a nube comes,he brings such articles to the forum,it is okay to patriotic,it is stupid to believe you are the best
Pakistan is gaining in the sense, that despite any and all setbacks, India is still nowhere near mounting a capability of invading Pakistan and Pakistan's military strategy revolves around defence and not offence.

Not to forget that the military doctrine however states that if war is imposed we will take the fight on enemy soil.

I think in today's world, the most critical strategy any army needs to perfect is the counter insurgency strategy. I dont see any frontal attack based war in near future between India and Pakistan.
India have Israeli 100 Herons all operational....
Indian Su30mki is 2nd best aircraft in the world which includes Israeli and French avionics ..that make it better than Russian and chinese sukhoi...
Su35 is under production...
Su30mki is heavy class so don't try to compare with F18,EUtyphoon,Rafale and any chinese toy.
Cinese only have Quantity NOT Quality..
I think in today's world, the most critical strategy any army needs to perfect is the counter insurgency strategy. I dont see any frontal attack based war in near future between India and Pakistan.

The moment Zardari disappear, govt. of Pakistan will become responsive and this may definitely heat up matters and could lead to any conflict within no time.
Specially, water conflict and irregularities in agreed terms.
Considering, growing hate in Indian populace towards Pakistan and all the threating tone of nuking Pakistan may very well force new Pakistani leadership to re-consider its strategies.
In 2012 we'll have elections and new govt. is destined to be formed so be prepared for dramatic changes.
While India keeps cancelling and re-issuing RFPs endlessly, Pakistan is forging ahead on a war footing. They are ahead of India in the following:-

1. Howitzers

India has been dilly-dallying over artillery guns for close to 30 years since the Bofors scam. Pakistan has inducted U.S. made M-109 howitzers.

Indian Express: United Nations data reveal that delivery of the M-109 A5 self-propelled artillery guns took place last year. The guns were transferred under the US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programme that was granted to Pakistan for the fight against militant groups on its border with Afghanistan. Experts say these M-109 A5 155 mm howitzers give Pakistan a definite conventional edge over the Indian Army that is years away from induction of similar systems. Full news

Existing howitzers are enough for the western borders..it is the eastern front that needs rapid modernization.

2. UAVs
The game changers in the ****** war are the future of any credible Air Force. But PSU infighting delayed India's plan for 4 years. Recent articles on 8ak noted that Pakistan has started drone production with Selex Galileo.

UAV namely..?? A link would help.

3. Fighter Jets
While our military aircraft crash at a rate of 1.5 a month means a constant grounding of fleets (the Sea Harrier fleet is grounded after last weeks crash), Pakistan is upgrading their F-16s to the latest Block C/D with a little help from Turkey. Russia has also given the go ahead to China to give Pakistan the engines for the JF series fighter aircraft.

This just shows the ignorance about both IAF andPAF ,whoever the writer of this is.

IAF is rapidly modernising with MKIs,Mig 29s being upgraded to the latest configuration with Russian and Israeli components (deal already signed and I think first Fulcrum ahd already lef for it),Mirage 2000sare also being heavily upgraded),Migs upgraded to Bison config and even the Jaguars are upgraded.

In PAF can you show mw except for the 18 Blk 52s which deal has been signed for the upgradation of the remaining Falcons.?

4. Motivation
The Pakistani people are united, not by their nationality, but by their religion and their constantly-re-inforced-by-the-mullahs/government view on Kashmir. Add to this the combat experience they are gaining in the ****** war and one can see that they would be a formidable force.

Ahhh..the same old martial races crap and 1 Pakistani = 10 Indians.

Mate we ve been there..done that.:wave:

5. Funds
While India's budget is larger thanks to a better economy, Pakistan gets billions in equipment and training from the U.S., China and Islamic sympathisers like Saudi Arabia.

Pak's mil budget is about 5 billion at the latest.The budget we have allocated for MMRCAalone is about 12 billion.Go figure.

The list could go on to include helicopters, missiles, nuclear weapons. But at least India has the Arihant submarine. Well not exactly. Strategy Page article says that the Arihant was launched without a working reactor to scam the public in to believing that the government has something to show after sinking billions in to those projects.

Helis..?We have recently flown our indigenous attack heli and are going to buy either the Apache Longbow or the Mi-28 (both beasts in their own way).Now beat that.

In short your analysis was just crap..in case you had written it.
IF someone else had written this..then its their crap.
Pakistan is gaining in the sense, that despite any and all setbacks, India is still nowhere near mounting a capability of invading Pakistan and Pakistan's military strategy revolves around defence and not offence.

Not to forget that the military doctrine however states that if war is imposed we will take the fight on enemy soil.

A very important factor most people forget when opening such fanboy threads is the ability and resources of a country to sustain war......

Compared to India, Pakistan cannot sustain a war for more than a week at max in its current scenario unless things change drastically for Pak.....

Factors such as fuel reserves, ability of the navy to resist a blockade etc are game changers that can make or break the situation no matter how potent your offence or defence....

How will those F-16s fly without fuel?

At this point, the PA maybe at par in capabilities to IA, however, until the PAF and PN can close in this gap, one cannot be confident that Pak will be able to sustain this battle.
I dont know about millitary war but sure there is war of threads going on PDF. There is a thread and counter thread to and against everything.
Pakistan got better ballistic missiles,more sub, howitzer..
but overall we still are better and its just a matter of time in those concerned areas.
The moment Zardari disappear, govt. of Pakistan will become responsive and this may definitely heat up matters and could lead to any conflict within no time.
Specially, water conflict and irregularities in agreed terms.
Considering, growing hate in Indian populace towards Pakistan and all the threating tone of nuking Pakistan may very well force new Pakistani leadership to re-consider its strategies.
In 2012 we'll have elections and new govt. is destined to be formed so be prepared for dramatic changes.

Its not an issue of Intent. Its the issue of capability. Pakistan neither has the military nor economic base to attack India. India on the other hand, while has military superiority, its not large enough to win a quick decisive war. On top of that India has much more to lose economically in case of a war so no joy...

And dont forget NATO in Afghanistan and the Nuclear overhang..

Hence forget a full scale war.
A myopic article at best. The biggest issue was not factored in.INTELLIGENCE. Pak is way ahead in intelligence gathering. The RAW armchair babus of India are on dope. Indian army is a rusty war machine at best. 100+ soldiers dying during operation parakram in 2002 while planting faulty mines is a wild indicator of things to come if there is a war. While on paper Pak does not come close to the IA/IAF/IN yet I wont be surprised if a few screws fall near you when a sukhoi is flying overhead.
Moreover Pakistan does not need to worry about war as the politicos here are without balls and you can always count on your patrons viz. US china and Saudi Arabia. As for nukes , I have grave doubts if they at all work. Arihant without a reactor is also quite possible especially after realizing how far the skunk politicians can go in duping the country.:frown:
Pakistan got better ballistic missiles,more sub, howitzer..
but overall we still are better and its just a matter of time in those concerned areas.

Subs and howitzer can be better..But ballistic missiles..?:what:

Any missile that delivers a warhead into Pakistan is better and have loads of them.....Agni-I,Agni-II,Prithvi,Brahmos.(All tested adequately,inducted and operationlised)

So believing in this my ballistic missile is better ,urs is not good is crap at best.
I think where india needs to invest massively is BMD. If we are able to shoot down 90&#37; incoming missiles value of enemy nuks will become less.
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