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Pakistan Foreign Secretary did not submit any dossier on RAW to US: US official

LOL he is not internet warrior like u kid... no body in the world unlike india make asshole as a defence ministry... there is massive check n balance while appoint such top level post. He got briefing from the pentagon not Indian defence ministry about the involvement of ABCD or EFGH LOL

I don't know if you have comprehensions skills ..... this time read slowly .

Chuck Hagel was not the defence secretary when he made those comments .

So it has zero validity .
LOL he is not internet warrior like u kid... no body in the world unlike india make asshole as a defence ministry... there is massive check n balance while appoint such top level post. He got briefing from the pentagon or military establishment before get on to the seat about the involvement of India not ABCD or EFGH lol
Atleast we have an asshole as defence minister whose is concern for safety of india and goes for it..no like your buffoon defence minister who allways keep crying and blames Raw for voilence/crime in karachi instead for of taking any actions.
LOL he is not internet warrior like u kid... no body in the world unlike india make asshole as a defence ministry... there is massive check n balance while appoint such top level post. He got briefing from the pentagon or military establishment before get on to the seat about the involvement of India not ABCD or EFGH lol

Briefing in 2011? As a private individual? That's a joke...the U.S. agencies are not stupid. Like someone will give him a briefing in 2011 when he became Secretary of Defense in Feb 2013
LOL @ your linking news.... NP news and charges about RAW both are completely out of the way BIG LOL... man provide NYC, Washington, Guardian news source not kutab ila asshole news paper like Economic times... Times of India LOL etc etc n etc

Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's new defence secretary said India was using assistance to Afghanistan as a "second front" in its long-running conflict with Pakistan.

Chuck Hagel's speech about India’s meddling in Pakistan came hours before the Senate Tuesday approved his nomination for Defense secretary.

Terming as "outlandish and bizarre" the statement of Chuck Hagel, the new US Defence Secretary, that India has financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan
Looks like Mr. Hagel was paid by Pakistan to say that, before he became the Defense secretary or may be he wanted something from the Pakistanis and said what would please them. If he truly believed what he said, what did he do about it when he was actually the defense secretary of the US?
There is no specific evidence provided by Mr. Hagel to back his claims, even when he was defense secretary when he had all the intelligence and military resources available at his disposal.
Before anything happen to Pakistan we make sure we throw even the last bullet to india that we made so dont be so happy.

Pakista was not there to complaint againt india we were there to tell them now they will come to u with books of complaint...
One incidence and i wanna see indian reaction and specially media..
Feels so good when india anchor shout in desperation.
what is the benefit of dossers ? india give us 10 dossers nothing happen
Before anything happen to Pakistan we make sure we throw even the last bullet to india that we made so dont be so happy.

Pakista was not there to complaint againt india we were there to tell them now they will come to u with books of complaint...
One incidence and i wanna see indian reaction and specially media..
Feels so good when india anchor shout in desperation.

If so why barking for the past decade that 'we have proof of Indian involvement' but chickening out when proof is asked .
Before anything happen to Pakistan we make sure we throw even the last bullet to india that we made so dont be so happy.

Pakista was not there to complaint againt india we were there to tell them now they will come to u with books of complaint...
One incidence and i wanna see indian reaction and specially media..
Feels so good when india anchor shout in desperation.
Read this and eat your words: Pakistan to share with US ‘evidence’ of India’s role in ‘stoking terrorism’

Your leadership created Hype..but failed due to lack of evidence...and not they have nowhere to hide.
If so why barking for the past decade that 'we have proof of Indian involvement' but chickening out when proof is asked .
Its ur way of bark we dont complaint..
Humbatain kam or kaam ziyada kertay hain.
Ur nation have become AURAT. Or if u like me to say nation who like to bark... if u really wanna solve issues solve ur poverty injustice ur cast system education buld toilets.. avoiding all this and baraking against Pak..
We not sending anyone to Kashmir allow u to build bar on border. But habbit still remains the same as dogs tail.
I wanna hear barking india after one incidence happens... Kashmir punjab and assam maybe a good hint to u..
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