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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

back to the F-16's. Any news on the DRFM's..getting or not getting it???

if we r getting 500 amrams (largest single order), then whats a few DRFMs between friends - u bet we will get them.

sorry in advance

what is DRFMs please provide link for infoemation???
My neighbor can get the police to issue a warning to me on screwing his wife. They police can tell me that when I buy condoms they aren't going to be for my neighbors wife. And that I can do all the sluts in the world except my neighbors wife. They can take it from me in writing on paper. But ill damn make sure that when I buy the condoms they aren't full of holes. And when I am finally screwing my neighbors wife using those condoms the police cant do jack about it otherwise ill make the woman pregnant.
Hence;the police know Ive used condoms before and screwed my neighbors wife, They tell the neighbor it wont be allowed to happen but they sell me the condoms anyway with terms of use printed on the back and I make sure there are no holes. The neighbor still doesn't like me having condoms, he knows ill screw his wife and his wife alone and squeals to the police about it. But I paid for the condoms, the guy in the store will get fired if he doesn't sell them now since he bought them from the dealer anyway and they are only my size. SO...I get the condoms, I tell the police Ill only use em if a ho mounts me forcefully and in return he can issue me a warning on the back of the condom pack that says I don't do otherwise. And he assures the neighbor that I wont be allowed to use those condoms on his wife and everything is quiet, till I do the neighbors wife using those condoms since it wud be a damn shame if she got pregnant.
The neighbor will shoot me but he will have a bastard kid in his house.

You are really turning a Pak Saaf defence forum into a **** stuff:rofl:
anywayz i enjoyed your example i hope after reading nobody turned on:rofl:

Next time use decent examples lol
sorry in advance

what is DRFMs please provide link for infoemation???

DRFM or Digital Radio Frenquency Memory, is a method of digitally capture incoming radio frequency signals that could be reproduced later.

It is used as a technology in jammers to block out Radio frequency signals. If its jamming your fighter plane, you cannot have a lock-on on the enemy fighter with your radar/missiles

Read more- Digital radio frequency memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My neighbor can get the police to issue a warning to me on screwing his wife. They police can tell me that when I buy condoms they aren't going to be for my neighbors wife. And that I can do all the sluts in the world except my neighbors wife. They can take it from me in writing on paper. But ill damn make sure that when I buy the condoms they aren't full of holes. And when I am finally screwing my neighbors wife using those condoms the police cant do jack about it otherwise ill make the woman pregnant.
Hence;the police know Ive used condoms before and screwed my neighbors wife, They tell the neighbor it wont be allowed to happen but they sell me the condoms anyway with terms of use printed on the back and I make sure there are no holes. The neighbor still doesn't like me having condoms, he knows ill screw his wife and his wife alone and squeals to the police about it. But I paid for the condoms, the guy in the store will get fired if he doesn't sell them now since he bought them from the dealer anyway and they are only my size. SO...I get the condoms, I tell the police Ill only use em if a ho mounts me forcefully and in return he can issue me a warning on the back of the condom pack that says I don't do otherwise. And he assures the neighbor that I wont be allowed to use those condoms on his wife and everything is quiet, till I do the neighbors wife using those condoms since it wud be a damn shame if she got pregnant.
The neighbor will shoot me but he will have a bastard kid in his house.

but if u r being provided with the condoms that have hole in it than...
you should have to have the ability to remove those holes orrr
you need to manufacture your own condoms
pakistan is wasteing his money on f-16 if he buy on the condition not use again india. we are crazy who buy with this condition
and second thing is american will hole on f-16 and air base also its so fool. why we give access to airbase.

i thing f-16 will useless for pakistan. we should go for fc-20 or refeles or griffan or with this money participate in j-xx project.

onemore thing some people think the money of f-16 52blk will pay america. nooooooooooo its our fund which america give us in war of tarrorist. woh hum per ahsan nai kar raha. our alot of people and army person shaheed just for there willness
You are really turning a Pak Saaf defence forum into a **** stuff:rofl:
anywayz i enjoyed your example i hope after reading nobody turned on:rofl:

Next time use decent examples lol

Its gets the attention doesn't it, And I use the examples since they are humor that even a simple simon will laugh at. I could use more civil examples but some will still be scratching their heads. And anybody who did get turned on needs to get himself into a good healthy relationship with a nice sweet girl or a dirty slutty one which ever keeps his libido from overrevving all the time.;)

Fatman I need a little more info on the electronic fit, searched this place and did not find sufficient info on it. Remember a post by you having some on it..help!.
Its gets the attention doesn't it, And I use the examples since they are humor that even a simple simon will laugh at. I could use more civil examples but some will still be scratching their heads. And anybody who did get turned on needs to get himself into a good healthy relationship with a nice sweet girl or a dirty slutty one which ever keeps his libido from overrevving all the time.;)

Fatman I need a little more info on the electronic fit, searched this place and did not find sufficient info on it. Remember a post by you having some on it..help!.[/QUOTE]

what day or the date the new F-16s are arriving in pakistan please i need update on that
please and thank you
Now let me dwell more into AID part...You got additional F-16's due to your role in WOT...I confused it with AID however it was friendly gesture from US for your role....

:hitwall: WE PAID for the f-16s not as a "goodwill gesture" or for our role in the WOT!!! you should get out of the indian media and listen to the world media! :wave:
Chill Guys,
they are providing us with AIM-120 C5 which are BVRs with more than 100km range and other missiles off course not to fight taliban air force, but to use against any adversary. These are diplomatic terms just to silence the indian and Israeli lobby. These conditions are for peace days that Pakistan will not use them as a first strike option, but if India attack us then the strings will wave off. The americans are present in the air base to train the air crew and also to make sure that chinese are not getting their hand on those toys. They will return within 2 years time. By the way the commander of the Shahbaz base is a Pakistani and a good one.:pakistan:
:hitwall: WE PAID for the f-16s not as a "goodwill gesture" or for our role in the WOT!!! you should get out of the indian media and listen to the world media! :wave:

May be you did not understood what i wrote...Yes you paid for F-16 but they were offered by US as a friendly gesture.....Now please enlighten me with world media where it says that these jets were offered to Pak irrespective of their role in wot....

Comon guys i have clarified so many times about AID part yet the jinx is still there.....:what: the F??
who many days on countdown yaar. i am sick now from last 4 years of wait. when the hell land fist block52 in pakistan.
May be you did not understood what i wrote...Yes you paid for F-16 but they were offered by US as a friendly gesture.....Now please enlighten me with world media where it says that these jets were offered to Pak irrespective of their role in wot....

Comon guys i have clarified so many times about AID part yet the jinx is still there.....:what: the F??

Lets try last time.

Put it in a way that it should be an unbiased analysis

The thing is US need us and we need them.They need us because the role we played during soviet era they want us to do the same thing but this time against talibans and we need them in order to get sophisticated technology which they possess in order to maintain a balance with India.

If u remember the 80's era u must know that at that time also US offered us their best technology including f-16's and f-18 coz they knew that we were important strategic ally for them and possibly the only ones to help them defeating the soviet union and this time they are playing same cards by offering us their technology

But you need to know that in 80's we bought f-16's with our money and same we are doing today buying these f-16's from our pockets

My friend you try to understand one thing without being biased that US never gave us anything new and sophisticated in aid .The aid they provide us always comprises of outdated stuff which has been used to hell by USAF and USN and they have to anyway retired it and break it down so instead of breaking it down they give that dumb to us and that too not free they give us the airframes free rest of the cost of refurbishing them and their related equipment is beard by Pakistan.The same is the case with Oliver Hazard class frigate the USN had to retire it so they better thought of given that to us in order to please us You can say "Eik teer se do nishanay"

Its because you are indian and news you hear saying that Pakistan is getting this and that free from US is not the case thats only the strategy to give an excuse to your people.I know its still hard for you to believe but i'll never force you because i know its something to do with the hate we have for each other.

And as far as the AID is concerned ,check out some neutral fact sheets you will find there.We have lost more than 40 billion dollar so far on this WOT which is way more than the AID provided by US.This 40 billion dollar is only the direct one excluding the precious lives of our soldiers and civilians we lost and the foreign investment taken out from Pakistan resulted in our economic collapse is as separate loss.

This was not our war in which they have thrown us because whoever they were Taliban or whatever they never harmed us prior to that WOT ,now they are doing so because we stood up against them coz of US.

Sir their are hundred more logics but this forum demands me to be bit precise .Just come out of this Enmity shell ,They day you will, you will see us in whole different situation

Contrary to the belief---a weapon is a weapon----new or outdated---if it brings you confidence---then it is worth it----if it is better than what you have in your inventory---then it is worth it---if it takes your abilities to the next level---it is absolutely worth it.

In order for pak to get better weapons system from the u s of a---the paks will have to change their attitude and approach---paks will have to recongnize the fact and make it understandable to the americans that it is not an equal relation and pak knows where the u s stands---.

If we didnot get what we wanted or needed---it is not americas fault---it is ours---we didnot play the americans and american media right.

After 9/11 we screwed up again---we knew first hand that not to lend or give money to the U S of A---like in the case of th F 16 in the 80's and sanctions-----.

After we gave the bases and right of way to the americans---we should have asked for expenses up front every year---a billion dollars into pak bank account every year up front and balance paidwithin 30 days with interest----here is pakistan---floating money to the u s for a whole year---thehn these bills are analyzed by the americans and then some paid and some held back----and then there is no interest paid on this one years expense----who is a bigger fool in this transaction.

Have we learnt anything here from our past experiences---not to give money to the U S up front---seems like not---seems like the mindset here is to forget the past and start all over again without remembering what happened---and when that same thing comes up again---we are in for the blame game.

Collin Powell is on record of stating to a pakistrani reporter---We have given everything that pak wanted---but the problem is that they have changed their mind many a times in the middle----when that happens---we have to go back to the congress and get another approval---it is like starting all over again.

Now as for the american aid----pakistan has been stuffed short on this war on terror---it is due to bad deal from the begining---. We are spending over a billion dollars a years out of our pockets to maintain the american war on terror---and that does not include the destruction of our national highways due to the heavy equipment traffic of the american equipment delivery trucks----the paks forgot to take that into accopunt when they struck the deal to let the stuff pass through.

It has basically been a horrible deal for pakistan---but then again pakistan is stuck between a rock and a hard place for the upteenth time----only if they had remembered and lernt from their past---then maybe maybe---?????
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