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Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons | ISIS

we need to make lots and sell them to all muslim countries just to pixx off americans and israelis. Who are these murderes to say muslim countries cant defend themselves.
who needs indian nukes to destroy pakistan....
our very own zardari is doing his best to crumble the country and he is being succesful.

on topic .... nuclear stockpile is same as banks keeping reserve gold....They will never spend the gold but its an assurity for their currency.
likewise..nuclear stockpiles are just an assurity for a country's integrity.
☪☪☪☪;1901683 said:
Israel isn't the enemy - Stop your stupid obsession with Israel - India IS the enemy.

Israel may not be a direct enemy today. But, fairly obviously, both these adjectives afford no permanence. Our militray posture should not be based on them tactically but at strategic level, an eye on them is imperative. All of us know who was rehearsing Kahuta in 80s...
we need to make lots and sell them to all muslim countries just to pixx off americans and israelis. Who are these murderes to say muslim countries cant defend themselves.

Hold on mate. Islam is here to stay, no power can reverse that history.

Having said that, I wish & pray but Muslim unity stays a pipe dream, today. I do hope that the Ummah unites on the lines of EU, someday but till then, our first pirority is to pull Pakistan out of this mess.

We can & We will, InshaAllah...
we need to make lots and sell them to all muslim countries just to pixx off americans and israelis. Who are these murderes to say muslim countries cant defend themselves.

Sorry that is absurd. We wouldn't do that. Their safety and transfer of technology is the reason.
Remember what Gaddafi did with Nuclear reactor? US got to know the technology we use.
And wonder if we had given them nukes, who would be holding them today? USA.

This kind of behavior with our WMD is NOT ACCEPTABLE and no one can be trusted. No one is as responsible as we are.
Everybody want to know why Pakistan increasing..its nuclear plants.....despite the fact that we are facing energy crises and we need energy..............they just need news that .......ahh....Pakistan putted another Plant............why why................and they don't care If Americans, British, Europe or Israel...............they are increasing the number of plants........that is fine and that is ok.......coz the got ...............Might is Right.
We need more plant but not more and more nuke bombs.Every nuclear country fixed their stckpiles to some required limit.Pakistan should keep them in few hundreds max to 300-400 but carry on working with modern tech.While more plant can help overcome energy crisis and R&D in various areas of development of country.
We need more plant but not more and more nuke bombs.Every nuclear country fixed their stckpiles to some required limit.Pakistan should keep them in few hundreds max to 300-400 but carry on working with modern tech.While more plant can help overcome energy crisis and R&D in various areas of development of country.
Yes! absolutely right plus the 300-400 shold include at least 100-H2 Nukes with intercontinental cruise missiles, hypersonics ....:smokin:
I think, Pakistan is negotiating 1 giga watt nuclear plant for karachi and developing two more unit 5th and 6th for khoshab chashma Plant.:cool:
After you reach a natural treshhold to tackle your enemies it is pointless to continue. The trillions the Soviet spent over 5 decades led to nothing except drive them to ruin. Nuking India 10 major population centers doesn't require so many does it? Or is Pakistan deluded enough into thinking that it came make enough of its tin pot nukes to deter the Americans?
We need more plant but not more and more nuke bombs.Every nuclear country fixed their stckpiles to some required limit.Pakistan should keep them in few hundreds max to 300-400 but carry on working with modern tech.While more plant can help overcome energy crisis and R&D in various areas of development of country.

Yeah, no more than 400, but at least making half of these intercontinental, since you guys all know who is your biggest threat.
Yeah, no more than 400, but at least making half of these intercontinental, since you guys all know who is your biggest threat.
U absolutely right Sir! Right now everybody came to know that who is the biggest threat not just to us but to the whole humanity.We need to counter that threat at all costs...:)
Pakistan just needs enough nukes to wipe out India, anything more is ridiculous.

The entire nuclear arsenal on this planet has the capability to wipe out only 2% of the earth's landmass , India as a geographic land mass is 2.7 % of earth's crust. So all the best for Pakistan.
No one destroy mass, as mass cant be destroyed but changes in to other form.Nuke is used to destry assets on earth.
U absolutely right Sir! Right now everybody came to know that who is the biggest threat not just to us but to the whole humanity.We need to counter that threat at all costs...:)

Make sure that their eastern coast is within your range...

BTW, this is the best way to defend yourself against their aggression. :coffee:

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