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Pakistan cleric says anti-Taliban fight 'un-Islamic'

I have a question to all pakistanis.... why this sect ( wahabi, deobandi) have produced so much extremists and terrorist. Why they have such extremist views? I am not saying that all of them are terrorist, just saying why each sympathizer of terrorists belong to this sect.
Irfan Baloch


Any sect that mixes government control with religion ultimately uses terror.

And thus pretty much all "major" strains of Islam in Pakistan have been committing acts of terrorism against us the silent forked up majority.
Its not just him
I mean hundreds of people say there Jummah prayers behind this guy..listen to his sermons hence giving him legitimacy
Those people are equally to blame

Hundreds of people will still offer Funeral prayers for the peshawar attackers if there was not so much outrage in Pakistan. There is no cure for stupidity, there will always exist a group in every country who does stupid things like this. Thing is that those who are given responsibility should at least not fall to these idiots level.
Hundreds of people will still offer Funeral prayers for the peshawar attackers if there was not so much outrage in Pakistan. There is no cure for stupidity, there will always exist a group in every country who does stupid things like this. Thing is that those who are given responsibility should at least not fall to these idiots level.
Agreed !
Lal Masjid is our test case whether we have what it takes to take on these monsters.
I have a question to all pakistanis.... why this sect ( wahabi, deobandi) have produced so much extremists and terrorist. Why they have such extremist views? I am not saying that all of them are terrorist, just saying why each sympathizer of terrorists belong to this sect.
Irfan Baloch

the source of wahabi dates back to 12th and 13th century, mongol invasion of Baghdad. Ibn Tehmiya used hardliners against mongols in the name of religion. And when Mongols converted themselves to Islam to counter such hardlines, There was a Fatwa sent by Ibn Tehmiya to Mongols, that they cannot be real Muslims.
It is more of Arab nationalism!

Deoband came in lime light to counter Arab nationalism and British policy of divide and rule. Deoband is more of Indian nationalism.
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