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Pakistan Catches Indian Spy, Indian Embassy Involved In Espionage



Thanks dude :cheers:

It definitely shows how reliable pakistani media can be. ;)
This ahmed quereishi guy sure has managed to capture the old, no more impressionable minds of already indoctrinated cannon fodder.

Awesome feat.

This guy is a known liar, but then...
Ofcourse India has spies in Pak and obviously Pak also has spies in India. Is this fact new to the TS?
I toh have got Kaspersky licensed version. World's best anti-virus.

Let'em come baby! :sniper:
It's not wise to reveal what security software you are using. Kaspersky is cool but not invincible. There are some vulnerabilities which can be easily exploited. Be watchful next time around.
India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the region..another nazi state in the making.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani security officials have foiled an attempt by the Indian intelligence to enact a fake encounter for implicating Pakistan in incidents of cross border terrorism, sources said on Monday.

The plan was unearthed when a suspect working for the Indian intelligence was apprehended in the Sialkot border area while attempting to cross over to India through the border security fence; an impregnable barbed wire obstacle whose entrance points are locked and controlled by the Indian BSF.

The suspect has confessed to working as an Indian spy who was tasked to recruit agents from Pakistan to work for Indian intelligence. The suspect, whose name has been withheld for security reasons, disclosed that his Indian handlers, Sharma and Amjad, had tasked him to recruit a Pakistani national by offering a large monetary reward, preferably carrying a weapon and send him across the border through the border barbed wire fence after liaison with the BSF troops.

Sharma had assured him that all the details of border crossing would be finalised by him and duly taken care off at his end. The suspect also disclosed that the Indian intelligence had planned a fake encounter to kill the border crosser and exploit the episode as proof of subversive elements launched by the ISI crossing over from Pakistan to commit acts of terrorism in India. He also said that he had held a few meetings with his Indian handlers in Islamabad as well.

According to observers, the arrest of the suspect has bared the presence of organised espionage networks, based in Pakistan and run by Indian undercover agents. While conducting acts of terrorism remains their top priority, current emphasis seems to have shifted to conducting fake encounters that should vitiate the environment for holding the Composite Dialogue Process that has lost all momentum in the wake of the Mumbai terror strike in Nov 2008.

With the possibility of a secretary level interaction emerging on the sidelines of a SAARC meeting in Thimpu Bhutan in first week of February, India should be interested in a few fake encounters depicting flow of terrorists from Pakistan, that would strengthen its position to format any future discussions centered on terrorism rather than finding ways to tackle the core issue of Kashmir.

The episode also points to the involvement of Indian undercover intelligence officers stationed at its Islamabad Embassy, engaging in espionage activities in grave violation of their diplomatic status, say observers.

Amjad sounds like a muslim name..thats what the ghattia class of indian muslims is..collaborating in terrorism against fellow muslims..

and what about killing the fake border crosser in staged encounter?? some worth that is for human life in the eyes of "democratic" and human rights loving india..huh..ghattia..absolutely ghattia class!

Exploitation of status or privilege is part of Indian mentality..they should always be treated as suspects.

Source: The Nation

Source: The News

Source: The Frontier Post
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India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the region..another nazi state in the making.

Amjad sounds like a muslim name..thats what the ghattia class of indian muslims is..collaborating in terrorism against fellow muslims..

and what about killing the fake border crosser in staged encounter?? some worth that is for human life in the eyes of "democratic" and human rights loving india..huh..ghattia..absolutely ghattia class!

Exploitation of status or privilege is part of Indian mentality..they should always be treated as suspects.

"Oh My God" look who is saying this......................... Nau Sau chuhe khake Billi .... ko Chali.
"Oh My God" look who is saying this......................... Nau Sau chuhe khake Billi Haj ko Chali.

Yes and what brave troll..need to hide behind second ID!
Try to come with solid facts instead of hooligian statement..I know sophisticated lying is part of Indian life style but that wont cover the truth for too long.
Yes and what brave troll..need to hide behind second ID!
Try to come with solid facts instead of hooligian statement..I know sophisticated lying is part of Indian life style but that wont cover the truth for too long.

What solid fact you want to know........... what is left to know? Ask yourself, do you really need facts to know? Wake up Dear Wake up.

I am not saying that we are innocent, but at least for "State sponsored Terrorism" part............. whole world knows it...... who is doing what. So pls dont act like a Cat (drinking milk with closed eyes, and thinking that no one is watching her).
spying is normal between two countries. if the guy has indulged in terror planning then show the proof to whole world if he is indian.
this is truly like u cowardly Indians, that guy should be hanged on public television.......along with U:bounce::sick:

Why what did we do either than chat with neighbors on an online forum? And you want to hang us? :lol:

Man pakistani pride has been coming out, Indians, Afghanis, Americans, Israelis and Persians are all on the list. :rolleyes:

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