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Pakistan 'blocking supplies to US base'

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so why are u not fighting against them ?? is that a mystery ??

I think we are there are many ways of fighting americans eg giving gwador to chinese. You know what come to think of it just look at americas track record and how they kill around the world and I dont count the likes of the al sauds or western puppets in muslim countries as muslims. Their actions speak volumes they are the true enemy of muslims whether Kashmiri or Palestinian muslims etc
I think we are there are many ways of fighting americans eg giving gwador to chinese. You know what come to think of it just look at americas track record and how they kill around the world and I dont count the likes of the al sauds or western puppets in muslim countries as muslims. Their actions speak volumes they are the true enemy of muslims whether Kashmiri or Palestinian muslims etc

what are u talking about?? china already refused to take over gawadar port because of severe geo political consequences... and by no means it is the lifeline of whole asia .. it is a small port and by the way how it will affect americans ?? u people do overestimate urself

rest of the thing u have written do not have any significance in real world... country doesnot decide their policies through the prism of religion
what are u talking about?? china already refused to take over gawadar port because of severe geo political consequences... and by no means it is the lifeline of whole asia .. it is a small port and by the way how it will affect americans ?? u people do overestimate urself

rest of the thing u have written do not have any significance in real world... country doesnot decide their policies through the prism of religion

We will see in due course if china takes gwador or not. Keep believing your wishfull thinking. As far as country does not decide their policies through the prism of religion that statement is certainly not true about Israel a country formed as a homeland for the jews. And in my opinions americas actions suggest that they follow israel to thir on detrimnt.
We will see in due course if china takes gwador or not. Keep believing your wishfull thinking. As far as country does not decide their policies through the prism of religion that statement is certainly not true about Israel a country formed as a homeland for the jews. And in my opinions americas actions suggest that they follow israel to thir on detrimnt.

sorry.. I rest my case... u do not have knowledge how the world politics work... even if china takes over the Gwador how it will affect US severely and why China would like to take over the Gwador which is a liability in true sense
what are u talking about?? china already refused to take over gawadar port because of severe geo political consequences... and by no means it is the lifeline of whole asia .. it is a small port and by the way how it will affect americans ?? u people do overestimate urself
rest of the thing u have written do not have any significance in real world... country doesnot decide their policies through the prism of religion

Read ur own lines.

Geo-strategic-political importance and no its not a small port.....
sorry.. I rest my case... u do not have knowledge how the world politics work... even if china takes over the Gwador how it will affect US severely and why China would like to take over the Gwador which is a liability in true sense

If you say so...

Whatever makes you happy oh majestic one
Pakistan 'blocking supplies to US base' - Telegraph

I do hope the above is true
. If it is I dont agree with their analysis. what do you think guys.

Here's the point to ponder:

Pakistan blocked the NATO supplies in November 2010.

In spite of heavy diplomatic efforts, the supplies were stalled for over 10 days...

Then followed the tumultuous months full of intensified drone strikes, Raymond Davis fiasco, OBL operation, Copter intrusions, even more intensified terrorist attacks...

Now that they are blocking the NATO supplies again... interesting times ahead!
Here's the point to ponder:

Pakistan blocked the NATO supplies in November 2010.

In spite of heavy diplomatic efforts, the supplies were stalled for over 10 days...
Then followed the tumultuous months full of intensified drone strikes, Raymond Davis fiasco, OBL operation, Copter intrusions, even more intensified terrorist attacks...

Now that they are blocking the NATO supplies again... interesting times ahead!

There are many nations which have defied the US etc and still exist with their heads held high. America only succeeds at the moment because we have thieves like Zardari who steal from pakistan and invest in the states. But in time 6 months maybe 6 years but in time we will get another salludin. I am sure the 100 years that the crusaders held on to Jerusalem they too thought they were invincible like the americans of today. But they did lose Jerusalem in time. (oh btw i think that should also be a reminder to the zionists that they havent even held Jerusalem for 70 years yet, I will now go to bed with the wife and try to add to my two sons and hope one turns out to be our Salludin. lol.
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