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Pakistan befitted response "India Is World Largest Hypocrisy And Mother of Terrorism"

Befitting? More like cheesy!! These comments are rich coming from a country...which was essentially a guest house of Osama and is home for are all top rated terrorist organizations in the world...average Pakistan should feel so proud...lol
This insignificant speech will be remembered in history books only for one reason:

Pakistan's shameful lie at UN: Ambassador Lodhi tries to pass off Palestinian as pellet gun victim from Kashmir
Befitting? More like cheesy!! These comments are rich coming from a country...which was essentially a guest house of Osama and is home for are all top rated terrorist organizations in the world...average Pakistan should feel so proud...lol
Not as cheesy as 4 feet tall 75 years old lady did a day ago.
@The Eagle @waz

This Bharti is trolling with same nonsense in every thread,

At least, she should have checked what photo she was showing at UNGA. Utter carelessness from such a senior diplomat. If in other country, she should have lost her job.
Really,,,,, ever heard of.....skeletons in the cupboards.....

Indian foreign minister gives wrong speech to the UN


Now you are comparing a mistake to a blunder. Yes, Krishna might have spoken the speech of Portuguese foreign minister...but here in your case you are giving 'proof' of Indian 'atrocities' in Kashmir and the proof is photo of Palestinian victim.

And moreover, you cannot compare a politician to a diplomat. Politician can 'afford' to make mistakes while 'diplomat' cannot.
Befitting? More like cheesy!! These comments are rich coming from a country...which was essentially a guest house of Osama and is home for are all top rated terrorist organizations in the world...average Pakistan should feel so proud...lol
Look who is talking. we never made a black listed terrorist our PM like your country.

Now you are comparing a mistake to a blunder. Yes, Krishna might have spoken the speech of Portuguese foreign minister...but here in your case you are giving 'proof' of Indian 'atrocities' in Kashmir and the proof is photo of Palestinian victim.

And moreover, you cannot compare a politician to a diplomat. Politician can 'afford' to make mistakes while 'diplomat' cannot.

India used Pallet guns and all the world knows it very well. wrong photo does not give you an escape. I wonder where does your shame go when you try to neglect the core issue and use hanky phanky tricks to get rid of realities.

This insignificant speech will be remembered in history books only for one reason:

Pakistan's shameful lie at UN: Ambassador Lodhi tries to pass off Palestinian as pellet gun victim from Kashmir
It can not give you an escape looser. Entire world knows it that india used pellet guns.
there would be mistake while getting picture from internet just like your government showed our JF 17 thunder picture as her fighter.
Did the world listen to her or did she have her 2 min of time at at the mic? India does not need to provide any trumped up evidence unlike pakistan. World media has already seen masood azhar or hafiz saeed involvement in 26/11 or IA plane hijacking.

India got red alert notice on terrorists but pakistan has only got useless self serving speeches. Shows who the world is listening to.
Now you are comparing a mistake to a blunder. Yes, Krishna might have spoken the speech of Portuguese foreign minister...but here in your case you are giving 'proof' of Indian 'atrocities' in Kashmir and the proof is photo of Palestinian victim.

And moreover, you cannot compare a politician to a diplomat. Politician can 'afford' to make mistakes while 'diplomat' cannot.

Are you mentally stable? the photo was for illustration of her statement, the UNGA is not a court and a single photo is not submissible evidence.

The fact that you people refuse or are unable to refute her main argument, and instead jump on the source of a photo tells us everything we need to know about how desperate you people are.
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