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Pakistan Army at its Best- A must see Video from Swat

Read on the video at 2:40

"With all the destruction inflicted upon them [Pathans]. The Pakistani Army failed to stop them from Practicing Islam."

LMAO!!! :rofl::rofl: Makes no damn sense whatsoever.

Looks like some Afghan or Pashtun guys have gotten hold on too much hashish...:agree:

But on a serious note videos like these are quite popular in some circles of the Pashtun Afghan-Pak communities...
exactly its a very small minority because the rest of us are angry at the misery these people have been put through. I personally cant stand afghans talking about independant this and that pakhtoonistan. My question to them is why didnt u donate for ur pashtun brothers in swat instead u sent grim reapers u call mujahideen who bought misery to our people and our country
Precisely - sometimes I wonder what direction the mods and adm really wish to take. It seems some are willing to allow the forum to used as a mouthpiece of Talib propaganda, even as they "protest" that such propganda should be allowed - as if the state of Pakistan and the Talib or Al Qaida were morally equal -- one really has to wonder about the intellectual honesty of those who claim they do not support the Talib and then argue thatg we must allow extremist ideas on the forum -- is this not but a policy in which the objective of the Talib enemy is furthered and those who support these can simultaneously claim to oppose such ideas and propganda?

Some members of the admin should at least talk to mods about exercising good judgment.

No talib propaganda, No islamist extremist ideas on the forum - no exceptions ! Admin Mods, please consider.

Its called freedom of speech,and before you scream the "extremists don't allow it why should we"? Well this is where those who consider themselves part of the "free world" take the moral high ground and constantly remind everyone (Its a false claim by the way) how good they are by letting people speak freely.

The difference is Muslims never claim to let everyone say what they want when they want,and that's not to say free speech does not exist within Islamic teachings,it does, its just that certain subjects such that constitute blasphemy for example are out of bounds.

There is no such thing as absolute freedom -- and we have no obligation to promote talib propaganda.

Freedoms are conditioned on responsibilities --- It's curious that persons such as yourself should want to champion "free speech" whereas you have never known it or promoted it in your own circles.
This guy most likely is not a Pakistani. Anyways, it makes me really happy to say that the Pak Army pwned your Taliban *** in Swat. Take that you bloody Taliban supporter!!

I am really tempted to use some other language for you but I'll just leave and take some fresh air.

There is no such thing as absolute freedom -- and we have no obligation to promote talib propaganda.

Freedoms are conditioned on responsibilities --- It's curious that persons such as yourself should want to champion "free speech" whereas you have never known it or promoted it in your own circles.

I am not championing free speech and I understand the fact that there is no such thing as absolute free speech all to well,my point is that its your ilk(liberals modernists progressives westerners in general etc) that are the ones who boastfully proclaim this false notion every chance they get to score moral high ground points over others (Muslims in most cases).

I'm pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy of such false claims.

If you are confident that your on the right side then you should have nothing to fear and should be able to easily refute opposing views.

No one is making false claims - Freedoms are predicated on the exercise of responsibility.

We do not owe you or any such as you, anything. We certainly do not owe you to promote Talib propaganda.

Call us what you will, your guys are being dispatched to hell.
I am not championing free speech and I understand the fact that there is no such thing as absolute free speech all to well,my point is that its your ilk(liberals modernists progressives westerners in general etc) that are the ones who boastfully proclaim this false notion every chance they get to score moral high ground points over others (Muslims in most cases).

I'm pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy of such false claims.

If you are confident that your on the right side then you should have nothing to fear and should be able to easily refute opposing views.

Terms like "your ilk" are derogatory. Mind those. This goes for every one. Disagreement does not give one the right to start off on the path of putting down the other side personally. Talk about issues, not the one putting them forward.
This guy most likely is not a Pakistani.

I am a Muslim alhamdulillah and originate from Pakistan.

Anyways, it makes me really happy to say that the Pak Army pwned your Taliban *** in Swat. Take that you bloody Taliban supporter!!

It seems you view the catastrophic situation in Pakistan as some kind of cricket mach

I am really tempted to use some other language for you but I'll just leave and take some fresh air.

Is that what secular humanism teaches?

Call us what you will, your guys are being dispatched to hell.

I'm glad to know that you actually do believe in a hell, I was beginning to think everyone here was agnostic or humanist or some other type of Kaafir.
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i will call this a propoganda video made by typical Pak haters who are coming up with these silly videos. Pak Army wont hurt own Pakistani men and women on this scale.

Its about these indvisuals who think their fantacies of their type of Islam will spread across Pak... this war is against them bunch of foriegnors who think they can challenge Pak's writ ... , the war is against the Taliban and the like minded indivisuals
Allright , lets discuss a true scenario , watch last night on TV. A pashtun kid who lives and study in Karachi and what he said about Taliban.

" While ago in his village few taliban blew up a bridge, that was made by British . Reason that bridge was made by British " farhangi" that's why we blew it. Next day they took out all the iron and sold in the market. Villagers noticed that action, when same people moved toward another bridge , a fire fight broke out among Taliban and locals. Locals killed one Taliban and rest runaway. A person who died was also local from next village. Next day story broke out, a body of Taliban has arrived in the village who died fighting against infidels in Afghanistan. "

Tell me what the hell it is ?
what a B.S propoganda video this guy is a freakin idiot probably doesn't even know about the numerous peace deals or conveniently ignoring them to push his pro-taliban agenda .:angry:
To answer this non sense video. Robber who rob bank is also our own countryman dose it give Pakistan government reason not to bring them to justice. After 9/11 many of Taliban cross into Pakistan and start operating in Afghanistan using Pakistan territory. Our own countryman support Taliban instated of supporting Pakistani government. Pakistan army was send only to send these Afghans back to their land but our idiot countryman fought against its own country army. Pakistan army responded only to their attacks and now will finish those terrorists once and for all.
exactly its a very small minority because the rest of us are angry at the misery these people have been put through. I personally cant stand afghans talking about independant this and that pakhtoonistan. My question to them is why didnt u donate for ur pashtun brothers in swat instead u sent grim reapers u call mujahideen who bought misery to our people and our country
Ehhh, I am sorry to say buddy but the numbers of Afghan Pashtuns I know who talk about independent Pashtunistan is nothing compared to the numbers of Pakistani Pashtuns. And looks like nor are you aware of Afghan (especially Pashtun) concern over Swat. I don't know if you watched Islamic Aid few months back, where they donated money for Swat victims? An Afghan man had called and sold his car in order to donate money for the victims and other Afghan woman sold her wedding jewellery to help the victims. An Afghan man even called all the way from Afghanistan to donate and my uncle and his son only donated hundreds of pounds because they used to visit Swat every summer and love the place and it's people. And like them, there were hundreds and maybe thousands of other Afghans who did the same.

Of course I am not saying anyone is doing anyone a favour because I think any country in urgent need should be helped as much as possible, but please don't think Afghans hate Pakistani nation because especially the Pashtuns of Afghanistan were as concerned for Swat as they were for the Southern part of Afghanistan.
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It seems like the newbies aren't welcomed in this forum.
Having seen the attitude and the choice of word what i could apprehend is that anyone who criticize army is a traitor. Lets not forget, Its the freedom of speech which gives birth to healthy discussions. Calling taliban the infidels wouldn't justify the heinuous wisdom of General zia (Sorry for using an army rank) whose homogenious policies being an ally of america resulted in these warriors who today are a manace to the whole country. What happened then is not a hidden story. US after succeeding the war against Russia blocked the $600 Million per year aid to Pakistan.
Let alone the previous mistakes of Zia regime, what about the astute leader General Musharraf? Being engaged in a proxy war, army lost its confidence in the common masses.
Coming toward the topic, Its encouraging that today IDP's are returning toward their homes which are now declared as the safe zone. Call it the billigerant situation or bad luck of the people living in swat but its a fact that people suffered due to the operation and it is undeniable that some of the innocent were killed along terrorist, either due to the heavy shelling or the demonish drone attacks.

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